mimidamnit;66687 wrote:there are other 'gods' with histories similar to your 'jesus'.. is this not odd.. considering these other 'gods' were being worshipped prior to 'jesus'?
for someone other than CARICO... what would be the reasoning behind taking bits and pieces from the history of pagan gods.. and twist them for the benefit of "judaism" and "christianity"
it is my opinion that much like these other 'gods', the god of the jews was created to be partial to the jews.. much like many national gods were partial to the nation that worshipped them? or so they liked to believe.. such as in times of war.
Sorry but statues made of wood and stone cannot speak, nor do they have life in them.

So they didn't tell us how they created the world since they're the product of human hands.
Psalms 115:5, "They have mouths but cannot speak, eyes but they cannot see, ears but they cannot hear, noses but they cannot smell, they have hands but cannot feel, feet but they cannot walk, nor can they utter a sound from their throats.
Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them."
So you need to differentiate between live things and dead things to know what a god is or isn't.

The "gods" of history are nothing but statues of people or animals. that's who they think that gods are. :rollinglaugh: