Only atheists deny miracles

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2009 05:59 am
Grouch;65857 wrote:
Though its funny that in one post you say it has nothing to do with our senses and in the next it is our senses.


This is lost on you....
Reply Fri 10 Jul, 2009 01:13 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;65875 wrote:

This is lost on you....

Excellent in your own misunderstanding of the OP you fail again. Huda thunk it.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 10 Jul, 2009 01:24 am
Grouch;65891 wrote:
Excellent in your own misunderstanding of the OP you fail again. Huda thunk it.

No, you do not understand what I say.

I never said it had to do with sense, I said we can sense it, but it is faulty technique that prevents us from knowing.

I don't see why you have such a problem understanding this.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Jul, 2009 01:33 am
@dattaswami cv,
No, your backtracking, you made two contradictory statements and now your trying to pass them off as the same thing.

First Statement

The mere existence of an electron is beyond our senses regardless of whether electrons move or not. What the uncertainty principal establishes is that the exact position of an electron is beyond our ability to known using current techniques.

It has nothing to do with our senses.

Second Statement.

Current science does not exclude our senses, it extends it.

So in the first statement you state that the existence of an electron is beyond our senses (that include all entire extent of our scientific abilities)

Then in the next you say that science extends the senses.

Well which on is it?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 10 Jul, 2009 01:43 am
Grouch;65895 wrote:
No, your backtracking, you made two contradictory statements and now your trying to pass them off as the same thing.

First Statement

The mere existence of an electron is beyond our senses regardless of whether electrons move or not. What the uncertainty principal establishes is that the exact position of an electron is beyond our ability to known using current techniques.

It has nothing to do with our senses.

Second Statement.

Current science does not exclude our senses, it extends it.

So in the first statement you state that the existence of an electron is beyond our senses (that include all entire extent of our scientific abilities)

Then in the next you say that science extends the senses.

Well which on is it?

Ah, yes.

when i said it was beyond our sense the first time i was excluding the use of tools and the second time I said we could sense it with the use of tools. If I did not make that clear it is my fault.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Jul, 2009 02:02 am
@dattaswami cv,
yeah it was.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 10 Jul, 2009 02:06 am
But my initial point still stands.
Reply Fri 10 Jul, 2009 02:11 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;65904 wrote:
But my initial point still stands.

Really? What was that again? Your arguments are so convoluted and often wrong its confusing.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 01:13 am
Grouch;65905 wrote:
Really? What was that again? Your arguments are so convoluted and often wrong its confusing.

That we can't know the position of an electron because of faulty techniques.

not sure whats so confusing about that. :dunno:
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2009 12:56 am
@dattaswami cv,
"Only atheists deny miracles"

I agree completely. Here's a website that furthers our cause, considerably. Check it out:

Center for Western Christian Culture - Home
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2009 02:10 am
Pinochet73;66090 wrote:
"Only atheists deny miracles"

I agree completely. Here's a website that furthers our cause, considerably. Check it out:

Center for Western Christian Culture - Home

You can agree but you're still wrong.

Desists, agnostics, some Buddhists, and some Wiccans also disbelieve miracles.

Miracles= "I don't know how this happened so i'm gonna assume it was magic"
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2009 03:06 am
@dattaswami cv,
dattaswami;63932 wrote:
Only atheists deny miracles

The majority denies miracles because today majority of the people knows science. Therefore, you cannot deny our side by showing the majority as the minority.


You are correc that atheists deny miracles. They keep asking Christians for proof of God's existence, but the very reason they deny the bible is because of the miracles in the bible. :eek: But proof of God is in His miracles. So atheists really don't want proof of God; they just ask us for proof so they can mock us. :rolleyes: That leads them nowhere except everlasting death.

But it is incorrect that atheists are in the minority. It's born again Christians who are in the minority as Jesus tells us. Jesus divided the world into those who believe Jesus and those who don't. Those who don't include; atheists, agnostics, pagan religions and wolves in sheep's clothing. That makes true Christians in the overwhelming minority. Unbelievers are simply convicted by Jesus as he said they would be.

So they feel that Christ is forcing his beliefs down their throats when he is not since we are in the minority. The unbelieving world simply knows that Jesus is right in their unconscious minds. That's why they want Christianity to disappear, not other religions, not even Islam, which demonstrates that it is the most violent religion in the world. But Mohammed actually followed satan. So Islam is on the side of unbelievers (Satan) as well. So it's no surpirse that most atheists side with Muslims over Jews and Christians because satan knows who his only enemy is; Christ. Wink
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2009 03:17 am
Carico;66103 wrote:
You are correc that atheists deny miracles. They keep asking Christians for proof of God's existence, but the very reason they deny the bible is because of the miracles in the bible. :eek: But proof of God is in His miracles. So atheists really don't want proof of God; they just ask us for proof so they can mock us. :rolleyes: That leads them nowhere except everlasting death.

But it is incorrect that atheists are in the minority. It's born again Christians who are in the minority as Jesus tells us. Jesus divided the world into those who believe Jesus and those who don't. Those who don't include; atheists, agnostics, pagan religions and wolves in sheep's clothing. That makes true Christians in the overwhelming minority. Unbelievers are simply convicted by Jesus as he said they would be.

So they feel that Christ is forcing his beliefs down their throats when he is not since we are in the minority. The unbelieving world simply knows that Jesus is right in their unconscious minds. That's why they want Christianity to disappear, not other religions, not even Islam, which demonstrates that it is the most violent religion in the world. But Mohammed actually followed satan. So Islam is on the side of unbelievers (Satan) as well. So it's no surpirse that most atheists side with Muslims over Jews and Christians because satan knows who his enemy is; Christ. Wink

I do enjoy reading your posts, I get a kick out of the unsubstantiated opinions and conjecture.

this one was my favorite:

But Mohammed actually followed satan. So Islam is on the side of unbelievers (Satan) as well.

Not sure where in the bible it says this, but it is funny nonetheless. Always trying to demonize those who with you disagree and attempting to make your side look like the victim and a minority although statistics tends to disagree.

The whole US vs THEM mentality is really a sign of brooding anti-intellectualism and fosters fanaticism. It ignores the complexities and simplifies things to the point of distorting reality.

To assume there even is such a thing as miracles begs the question.
Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2009 03:31 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;66105 wrote:
I do enjoy reading your posts, I get a kick out of the unsubstantiated opinions and conjecture.

this one was my favorite:

Not sure where in the bible it says this, but it is funny nonetheless. Always trying to demonize those who with you disagree and attempting to make your side look like the victim and a minority although statistics tends to disagree.

The whole US vs THEM mentality is really a sign of brooding anti-intellectualism and fosters fanaticism. It ignores the complexities and simplifies things to the point of distorting reality.

To assume there even is such a thing as miracles begs the question.

My posts are substantiated by the bible and the hadith. Your beliefs are substantied by;:dunno: Nothing, absolutely nothing. In the Hadith, and any other history book about Islam, Mohammed explains his meeting with the "angel." He was shrouded in darkness and in such anguish that he thought he was going insane to the point that he wanted to commit suicide. It was his wife who told him he had just met God. :rollinglaugh: Now how she knew who he saw is anyone's guess because she wasn't even present. But only Satan represents darkness, God represents light as the bible explains. Wink So Islam weas founded on insanity (as Mohammed admitted) and darkness whih their behavior demonstrates to the world.

Mohammed also admitted in the hadith that he was a murderer and pedophile. One of his wives, 'a'isha was 6 years old. :what: So Mohammed also dsplayed the "fruit" of Satan and so do his follwers because they advocate murdering people who disagree with Islam.

So you need to do your research of the history of the Jews and the Middle east so you can speak from knowledge, rather than ignorance. :rolleyes:
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2009 04:10 am
Carico;66108 wrote:
My posts are substantiated by the bible and the hadith.

The bible is a book of poetry. It is a book of fables, parables, and myth. It is a book of philosophy.

It however is not a book of science, of history, or of social justice.

And as I said before the bible only applies to Christians, so why should non-Christians agree to your premise?


Your beliefs are substantied by;:dunno: Nothing, absolutely nothing.

My stance is supposed by reason. Your stance is supported by archaic dogma.

In the Hadith, and any other history book about Islam, Mohammed explains his meeting with the "angel." He was shrouded in darkness and in such anguish that he thought he was going insane to the point that he wanted to commit suicide. It was his wife who told him he had just met God.

Um....no. The angel was Gabriel, like it says.

:rollinglaugh: Now how she knew who he saw is anyone's guess because she wasn't even present. But only Satan represents darkness, God represents light as the bible explains. Wink So Islam weas founded on insanity (as Mohammed admitted) and darkness whih their behavior demonstrates to the world.

It does not say insanity. You lie.

Mohammed also admitted in the hadith that he was a murderer and pedophile. One of his wives, 'a'isha was 6 years old. :what: So Mohammed also dsplayed the "fruit" of Satan and so do his follwers because they advocate murdering people who disagree with Islam.

And your god is the biggest murderer of them all.

So you need to do your research of the history of the Jews and the Middle east so you can speak from knowledge, rather than ignorance. :rolleyes:


You have no idea. You still have not addressed anything i have said.

Care to address the fact that most jews are not Semitic? I have brought this point 3 times and you have ignored it each time.

Nor have you addressed the fact that another group of people have been living in Palestine/Israel for the past thousand years.

All you have said to support you position so far is "the bible said so".
Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2009 11:33 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;66112 wrote:
The bible is a book of poetry. It is a book of fables, parables, and myth. It is a book of philosophy.

It however is not a book of science, of history, or of social justice.

And as I said before the bible only applies to Christians, so why should non-Christians agree to your premise?

My stance is supposed by reason. Your stance is supported by archaic dogma.

Um....no. The angel was Gabriel, like it says.

It does not say insanity. You lie.

And your god is the biggest murderer of them all.


You have no idea. You still have not addressed anything i have said.

Care to address the fact that most jews are not Semitic? I have brought this point 3 times and you have ignored it each time.

Nor have you addressed the fact that another group of people have been living in Palestine/Israel for the past thousand years.

All you have said to support you position so far is "the bible said so".

I got news for you; everyone thinks he's reasonable, including Hitler. Wink So by your "reasoning" claims that can't be substantiated in history are considered reasonable and claims that can be substantiated by history are considered unreasonable. Very Happy No wonder you live in your imagination and make up your own history. :rollinglaugh:

Sorry, but since I live in reality, then you and I can never agree. Wink
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 20 Jul, 2009 05:04 am
Carico;66127 wrote:
I got news for you; everyone thinks he's reasonable, including Hitler. Wink So by your "reasoning" claims that can't be substantiated in history are considered reasonable and claims that can be substantiated by history are considered unreasonable. Very Happy No wonder you live in your imagination and make up your own history. :rollinglaugh:

Sorry, but since I live in reality, then you and I can never agree. Wink

Simply saying I'm wrong, does not make it so.....but it is a very convincing argument let me tell you!


You still have not addressed anything i have said. This is like the 4th or 5th time i've brought this up....and still you've not even acknowledged it:

Respond to these points and if you refuse then you have lost this argument:

* Most Jews are not Semitic.

* Another group of people have been living in Palestine/Israel for the past thousand years.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jul, 2009 06:00 am
Carico;66103 wrote:
You are correc that atheists deny miracles. They keep asking Christians for proof of God's existence, but the very reason they deny the bible is because of the miracles in the bible. :eek: But proof of God is in His miracles. So atheists really don't want proof of God; they just ask us for proof so they can mock us. :rolleyes: That leads them nowhere except everlasting death.

But it is incorrect that atheists are in the minority. It's born again Christians who are in the minority as Jesus tells us. Jesus divided the world into those who believe Jesus and those who don't. Those who don't include; atheists, agnostics, pagan religions and wolves in sheep's clothing. That makes true Christians in the overwhelming minority. Unbelievers are simply convicted by Jesus as he said they would be.

So they feel that Christ is forcing his beliefs down their throats when he is not since we are in the minority. The unbelieving world simply knows that Jesus is right in their unconscious minds. That's why they want Christianity to disappear, not other religions, not even Islam, which demonstrates that it is the most violent religion in the world. But Mohammed actually followed satan. So Islam is on the side of unbelievers (Satan) as well. So it's no surpirse that most atheists side with Muslims over Jews and Christians because satan knows who his only enemy is; Christ. Wink

You are wrong about all of this Carrio. The story of creation in the Bible is no different from the story of "Alice In Wounderland" or "Peter Rabbit". All are fairy tales. Snakes do not talk. God didn't have to devide mankind into thousands od languages to prevent us from building a tower to heaven. The air gets pretty thin at 10,000 feet. Therefore, a tower could not be built any higher than that and I could go on and on about these things. What you have yet to find out is that the Bible contains many contridictions All four of the Gospels and the book of Acts give different accounts of both the Resurrection and the Ascension. This is one of many. Also, you say that Atheists love Muslims. Wrong again. I love Moderate and liberal Christians and even some fundalmentalists. I have never shot a gun in my life. But if I could have shot that Muslim that I saw whipping that woman on t.v. I would have gladly have done so. We are modenist and are not trying to live in acient and mideval times Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2009 10:51 am
thomascrosthwaite;66138 wrote:
You are wrong about all of this Carrio. The story of creation in the Bible is no different from the story of "Alice In Wounderland" or "Peter Rabbit". All are fairy tales. Snakes do not talk. God didn't have to devide mankind into thousands od languages to prevent us from building a tower to heaven. The air gets pretty thin at 10,000 feet. Therefore, a tower could not be built any higher than that and I could go on and on about these things. What you have yet to find out is that the Bible contains many contridictions All four of the Gospels and the book of Acts give different accounts of both the Resurrection and the Ascension. This is one of many. Also, you say that Atheists love Muslims. Wrong again. I love Moderate and liberal Christians and even some fundalmentalists. I have never shot a gun in my life. But if I could have shot that Muslim that I saw whipping that woman on t.v. I would have gladly have done so. We are modenist and are not trying to live in acient and mideval times Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author

Oh really? So do you go to forums to debate "Alice in Wonderland"? :rollinglaugh: Or how about cursing the "Big Bad Wolf" like people curse Christ?:rollinglaugh: I'll bet you'd be shaking in your boots if people told you that the Flying Spaghetti Monster condemned you to hell. :rollinglaugh: You seem to take Christianity seriously enough to debate it. So how do you explain your contradictions?:eek:
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2009 01:09 pm
Carico;66194 wrote:
Oh really? So do you go to forums to debate "Alice in Wonderland"? :rollinglaugh: Or how about cursing the "Big Bad Wolf" like people curse Christ?:rollinglaugh: I'll bet you'd be shaking in your boots if people told you that the Flying Spaghetti Monster condemned you to hell. :rollinglaugh: You seem to take Christianity seriously enough to debate it. So how do you explain your contradictions?:eek:

because it's not alice in wonderland that makes claims to hold the key to "heaven" as that seems to be one of two destinations when we die. it is mankind that has put so much stock into this book and it's teachings.. and only because that is what we have been conditioned to do.. take into account the many generations that this lie has been spread. you said to me that my day of judgement will not be very nice.. i can say the same to you.. i can say to you that when u pass on.. you will be left standing there .. with no angels to guide you to your jesus.. or your golden roads filled with many mansions. i can say to you that when u die.. u will see no pearly gates. and i can say it with as much conviction as you can tell me that im going to hell.
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