Carico;66108 wrote:My posts are substantiated by the bible and the hadith.
The bible is a book of poetry. It is a book of fables, parables, and myth. It is a book of philosophy.
It however is not a book of science, of history, or of social justice.
And as I said before the bible only applies to Christians, so why should non-Christians agree to your premise?
Your beliefs are substantied by;:dunno: Nothing, absolutely nothing.
My stance is supposed by reason. Your stance is supported by archaic dogma.
Quote: In the Hadith, and any other history book about Islam, Mohammed explains his meeting with the "angel." He was shrouded in darkness and in such anguish that he thought he was going insane to the point that he wanted to commit suicide. It was his wife who told him he had just met God.
Um....no. The angel was Gabriel, like it says.
Quote: :rollinglaugh: Now how she knew who he saw is anyone's guess because she wasn't even present. But only Satan represents darkness, God represents light as the bible explains.

So Islam weas founded on insanity (as Mohammed admitted) and darkness whih their behavior demonstrates to the world.
It does not say insanity. You lie.
Quote:Mohammed also admitted in the hadith that he was a murderer and pedophile. One of his wives, 'a'isha was 6 years old. :what: So Mohammed also dsplayed the "fruit" of Satan and so do his follwers because they advocate murdering people who disagree with Islam.
And your god is the biggest murderer of them all.
Quote:So you need to do your research of the history of the Jews and the Middle east so you can speak from knowledge, rather than ignorance. :rolleyes:
You have no idea. You still have not addressed anything i have said.
Care to address the fact that most jews are not Semitic? I have brought this point 3 times and you have ignored it each time.
Nor have you addressed the fact that another group of people have been living in Palestine/Israel for the past thousand years.
All you have said to support you position so far is "the bible said so".