@Fatal Freedoms,
You do realize that both Mathew and John (the guys that wrote the gospels) were Jesus' apostles, dont you? How could they have been his apostles without ever actually meeting him?
And what about Luke? He never actually met Jesus, but he was writing his gospel for a freind and gathered the story from eye witnesses, why would he write a metaphor for a freind, and go around asking eye witnesses? Luke was one of the most educated authors of the New testiment, do you really think he would be dumb enough to take a metaphore literally, and go around asking people if they saw it happen?
Also, the Bible is considered by most historians to be the most accurate historical account in existance, are you just choosing to believe that when it says that hundreds of people saw Jesus alive after his crucifixian, that they just lied about that part but not the rest? I can understan if you don't believe the supernatural claims of the bible, but what kind of idiot would claim that hundreds of people saw the same thing as him, if he had no witnesses to back him up?
And yes, I do see a few similarites, but I also see a few similarites between a kitten and an elephent. Both are mammels, both breath air, both eat food, both start out small then gow larger, in fact, I am willing to bet that there are kittens and elephents that were born at the exact same time, does that meen kittens are just a rip off from elephents? No. It just means that there are some similarites...who cares.
And the first account of Jesus' life was written by his apostle Mathew, between 37-68 AD...GEEZ!! Do some research!