@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;44339 wrote:My responses are marked in red above ^
According to the Bible, the Jews would return to Israel after a world wide exile. Once this happend, the prophecy clock would began to tick. The Bible states that their return would create anger among the nations. And the Bible points out this is why God allowed them to return in the first place. There actually may be some prophecies in the Psalms that speak of the holocaust, yet I am not going to dwell on that right now. I was speaking of the Jews returning to Israel, and I mentioned the holocaust because those who stated that the Jews would return someday, did not know why they would return. The holocaust was the instrument that helped to fulfill the prophecy. It was John of Revelation who saw the largest army ever assembled, and they numbered 200 million. Now when John wrote this, there may not of been 200 million people on the entire earth, let alone an army of that size. And when this army enters the middle east, they will be an assembled army, not just the general population. As a side note to this, Chairman Mao boasted in the 1960's that his country alone could raise up an army of 200 million. Not sure if he was an active reader of the Bible, but he used the same number given in the Scriptures. The prophecies that speak of Jerusalem being fought over at the end of days were written before Jerusalem was the (center of the worlds religions). Now today we see Jerusalem as important, but when the prophecies were written, that arguement was not valid. Now if there are prophecies that have not been fulfilled, I have no doubt the Bible itself would mention them. If you have such a prophecies feel free to show me some. But please don't list all 205, pick out a few of your best.