Is seems to me we must think BIG concerning the energy problem - and face the fact that we currently use more energy than is healthy.
Oil - it will just run out, when we burn it all. It will be simply converted heat, CO2 in atmosphere and other waste byproducts.
Natural gas - same problem.
Renewable sources : Wind, water(rivers&sea), biomass, etc. are ok as long as you don't take too much. Burn too much biomass and you'll kill more than it grows; make too many river dams and you'll turn land into lakes. IMHO, we might already use more energy than is readily available from renewable sources..
Basically, all these sources use solar energy indirectly - plants are really a form of 'solar power plants' - storing energy in carbonates. Wind is caused by heating differences - which take energy from the Sun. I must admit that tidal energy is different - that one draws from the Moon orbiting Earth and slows it down slowly - but this is natural and hard to make worse.
Direct Solar energy - looks great at first, but when you think about it more it doesn't seem very practical - you need large areas of solar cells/mirrors which not only deteriorate fast, they warm up&destroy environment. Earth reflects a lot of solar energy back to space and if we cover large areas with solar panels we will heat up the land too much. And our solar cells aren't as good as leaves of trees..
I think solar power is only viable when you build your stations in orbit around the Earth - or better yet on the Moon or nearer the Sun.. Only we currently lack technology to put such large structures in space, and maintain them. We can hardly maintain the little ISS...
We will of course deplete the easy Nuclear sources (Uranium) relatively soon, and along the way create a pile of radioactive dirt - which can be maybe buried near where the Earth's crust is coming together and sinking down.. maybe.
Then there is fusion nuclear power - we can burn our Deuterium reserves from water once we master the fusion (see ITER/tokamak). This one should last pretty long, before it runs out. But this is still in the (modestly far) future.
There is another source of energy for the fusion reactions, which is much better than Deuterium, and the technology for making power plants almost there. It is called He3 - a special form of Helium. No radioactive waste, clean, no meltdowns- to good to be true. Of course there is a catch : it is very rare on earth - only several tons are thought to exist - but guess what , it is plentiful on the Moon. The recent Bush plan for return to the Moon may have more in common with War in Iraq than it seems..
The major problem with all sources of energy is that the more we use (renewable or not), the more heat is produced. It is very simple - almost all energy we use is turned into heat in the end. Now, if we use some energy that is going to turn into heat anyway (wind power, rivers, tide...) that's ok, any other source (oil, nuclear, direct solar...) just ADDS the heat. It is interesting to note that cooling devices have become the major source of heat, and major counsumers of power. We are heating the Earth all the time, furnaces during Winter, air-conditioners during the summer. Florida is a warmer place because of extensive air-conditioning
We don't know exactly how much additional heat the Earth can take, but we'll see.
Long-term, my guess would be some form of nuclear power - either Hydrogen or He3 fusion, plus smaller sources (renewable, direct solar,...).
IF we can reach that .. before Oil runs out
Just my 2 cents, all only IMHO.