Christians upset over Golden Compass

Reply Thu 13 Dec, 2007 07:01 am
Sabz5150;48449 wrote:
You got it backwards... somehow. I even bolded it. The land mass that once made up Everest was under water. Everest, the mountain was never under water.

That we can show. We can also show that the shells were deposited in an order. They had to have lived on or around that piece of land for that to occur. Otherwise they'd be scattered everywhere, randomly.

So, if underwater life lived on that piece of land, and that piece of land is currently in the form of a mountain, which would be impossible to cover with water (you and I agree on this), then you come to the conclusion that the mountain formed out of a land mass that was under water over a long period of time.

Your hypothesis says that massive flood waters deposited these shells AND made this mountain. Well, firstly, floods to not make mountains. They'd erode the hell out one, I guarantee that. As I already mentioned, the shell deposit would be random and would include species that REALLY shouldn't belong in that area, even when it was underwater.

Proof the universe is ending. Links please. NOBODY knows that. There's no way we can tell you that the universe is ending. Put away the picket signs.

You misuse science again. The whole Law thing. Laws are basic boundaries for which science must work within. Laws may in fact be disproven, but that takes a LOT of hard facts and evidence. LOTS.

Just because something is a theory, does not mean we don't have evidence for it. Moreso, a theory thrives on evidence. A theory is something that can still take on some change, but theories must still abide by those laws.

Relativity. We pretty much know that this one's right. We sometimes hope like hell it isn't, but it hits the nail on the head. Still a theory. Nobody disagrees with this.

Gravity. Drop a book, gravity pulls it to the ground. How? We know what it does, we know it exists. We don't know exactly what it is. Theory. Nobody disagrees with gravity. Those that do eventually wind up in pain.

Evolution. Here we go. In science, evolution ITSELF is not debated. The concept that all life has a common ancestor can be seen in genetics, observed in real life, both your microevolution (change within species... color for example) and your macroevolution (change above the species level... new species, speciation... we've observed this happening), and predicted through DNA and natural selection. Science as a whole agrees on this basic concept.

Exponentially expanding population + finite space and resources = competition

Mutation + reproduction (passing down genes) = variation

Variation + competition = Natural selection (The best variations survive)

Natural selection + time = Evolution

We have observed, both in nature and in lab, this simple process.

Where the debate comes in, is where exactly do these fossils we find fit within this concept. It's like a puzzle. We have the box top which shows us what the picture looks like, and a pile of pieces in front of us. We've put a whole lot of it together, but some small bits are still missing. Some people say certain pieces shouldn't fit in certain areas.

But what the puzzle should look like, nobody disagrees on.

The evidence for evolution is all over the place. Again, we've observed both "micro" and "macro" evolution (I defined these, I gave examples of these). You asked for transitionals, and I showed them to you. They show evidence of the changes that eventually gave rise to new species.

Tiktaalik shows us the line where water creatures start trying to move onto land. It shows us where life started to split between fish and tetrapods. It shows that fish and tetrapods shared a common ancestor (the definition of Evolution).

Archaeopteryx shows the line where birds split off from reptiles. It shows that reptiles and birds once shared a common ancestor.

The problem here is your lack of understanding of exactly what evolution is, makes you throw away all shown evidence. If you sit, research, and see what evolution ACTUALLY says, it will make a whole lot more sense.

But first get some basic science happening. You're lacking a lot in that particular area.

For me that was a very well put together post and there's not much you can argue there.

However Gents this is a topic about fluffy Polar Bears turning little Christian children into Satan worshiping killers, please stay on topic Very Happy
Reply Thu 13 Dec, 2007 07:26 am
Numpty;48450 wrote:
For me that was a very well put together post and there's not much you can argue there.

However Gents this is a topic about fluffy Polar Bears turning little Christian children into Satan worshiping killers, please stay on topic Very Happy

Sorry. Very Happy

You can see this is a rather hot topic here.

I've said my twopence about Golden Compass. Good movie, doesn't satanize kids.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Dec, 2007 09:18 am
RED DEVIL;48393 wrote:
Wow there are parts of the world where no rain, snow, dew, or condensation occur? I challenge anyone to provide the "empirical" proof, that there is just "one" place on this earth were it has not been under water. Empirical proof, not "caulk board" theories that are only located between the ears of some that choose to live their live in theory instead of the real world. It will be hard to prove, especially sense "sea shells" have been found atop Mt. Everest, some 5 miles above sea level.

The Himalayas - Geology - Visual Evidences of Himalayan Formation

The Bible tells that during the time of the flood the earth was reshaped. RD

You do realize even if this God reshaped the earth, then all the land was underwater, and the rock and land that later protruded upwards to from everest... would have BEEN UNDERWATER.

The bible says god reshaped the earth, it does NOT say they he created new rocks and ground, he used pre existing materials...

So unless the land was floating above the water during the massive flood, then the land would have had to been underwater.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Dec, 2007 09:22 am
Holy Crap Numpty...
Reply Thu 13 Dec, 2007 04:39 pm
rugonnacry;48453 wrote:
Holy Crap Numpty...

Explain please.
Reply Fri 14 Dec, 2007 10:13 am
Numpty;48474 wrote:
Explain please.

It was a compliment.
Reply Fri 14 Dec, 2007 12:51 pm
The Golden Compass Vs. The Holy Bible!

Reply Fri 14 Dec, 2007 01:11 pm
Emiliana;48529 wrote:
The Golden Compass Vs. The Holy Bible!


It's safe to say they hated the movie.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Dec, 2007 01:41 pm
Sabz5150;48449 wrote:
You got it backwards... somehow. I even bolded it. The land mass that once made up Everest was under water. Everest, the mountain was never under water.

That we can show. We can also show that the shells were deposited in an order. They had to have lived on or around that piece of land for that to occur. Otherwise they'd be scattered everywhere, randomly.

So, if underwater life lived on that piece of land, and that piece of land is currently in the form of a mountain, which would be impossible to cover with water (you and I agree on this), then you come to the conclusion that the mountain formed out of a land mass that was under water over a long period of time.

Your hypothesis says that massive flood waters deposited these shells AND made this mountain. Well, firstly, floods to not make mountains. They'd erode the hell out one, I guarantee that. As I already mentioned, the shell deposit would be random and would include species that REALLY shouldn't belong in that area, even when it was underwater.

Proof the universe is ending. Links please. NOBODY knows that. There's no way we can tell you that the universe is ending. Put away the picket signs.

You misuse science again. The whole Law thing. Laws are basic boundaries for which science must work within. Laws may in fact be disproven, but that takes a LOT of hard facts and evidence. LOTS.

Just because something is a theory, does not mean we don't have evidence for it. Moreso, a theory thrives on evidence. A theory is something that can still take on some change, but theories must still abide by those laws.

Relativity. We pretty much know that this one's right. We sometimes hope like hell it isn't, but it hits the nail on the head. Still a theory. Nobody disagrees with this.

Gravity. Drop a book, gravity pulls it to the ground. How? We know what it does, we know it exists. We don't know exactly what it is. Theory. Nobody disagrees with gravity. Those that do eventually wind up in pain.

Evolution. Here we go. In science, evolution ITSELF is not debated. The concept that all life has a common ancestor can be seen in genetics, observed in real life, both your microevolution (change within species... color for example) and your macroevolution (change above the species level... new species, speciation... we've observed this happening), and predicted through DNA and natural selection. Science as a whole agrees on this basic concept.

Exponentially expanding population + finite space and resources = competition

Mutation + reproduction (passing down genes) = variation

Variation + competition = Natural selection (The best variations survive)

Natural selection + time = Evolution

We have observed, both in nature and in lab, this simple process.

Where the debate comes in, is where exactly do these fossils we find fit within this concept. It's like a puzzle. We have the box top which shows us what the picture looks like, and a pile of pieces in front of us. We've put a whole lot of it together, but some small bits are still missing. Some people say certain pieces shouldn't fit in certain areas.

But what the puzzle should look like, nobody disagrees on.

The evidence for evolution is all over the place. Again, we've observed both "micro" and "macro" evolution (I defined these, I gave examples of these). You asked for transitionals, and I showed them to you. They show evidence of the changes that eventually gave rise to new species.

Tiktaalik shows us the line where water creatures start trying to move onto land. It shows us where life started to split between fish and tetrapods. It shows that fish and tetrapods shared a common ancestor (the definition of Evolution).

Archaeopteryx shows the line where birds split off from reptiles. It shows that reptiles and birds once shared a common ancestor.

The problem here is your lack of understanding of exactly what evolution is, makes you throw away all shown evidence. If you sit, research, and see what evolution ACTUALLY says, it will make a whole lot more sense.

But first get some basic science happening. You're lacking a lot in that particular area.

What a bunch of "brainwashed" garbage. So now evolution is proved because someone thinks that we a common ancestor, yet there is no proof of the commonality of species? As I said, a hypothesis does not a fact make. Yet you are trying to force feed this diet of bull crap down everyones throat, and tell us that it is "truth lite"? Get real, come back when you have found "physical" empirical prove that ANY animal has been shown to jump across the species barrier of biogenesis. The Darwinian cultist have tried every trick in the book to make people believe they have real evidence when there is absolutely no proof other than offered by some caulk board idiot that, submits a rework of a 150 year old idea, buried and hidden behind biogenesis, and claiming such proves macroevolution. At last count we had 60 or more theories as to why, the dinosaurs became extinct, over 100 theories that try to explain the iceage, as it remains one of the hardest projects for pseudo science to explain, at last count, we now have 30 ice ages in the so called eons of earth's age. According to some of them the entire earth was covered with ice, for 5 million years, but this happens to be right in middle of where life was supposed to be evolving exponentially. When anyone just uses common sense, instead of eating this steady diet of horse crap, there are so many holes in these idiots theories, I do not see how any intelligent person could buy this crap. It does not matter how well a piece of crap comes dressed to a party it still looks and smells like crap. RD
Reply Fri 14 Dec, 2007 04:19 pm
rugonnacry;48506 wrote:
It was a compliment.

Ahhhh,...why thank you.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Dec, 2007 05:46 pm
RED DEVIL;48564 wrote:
What a bunch of "brainwashed" garbage. So now evolution is proved because someone thinks that we a common ancestor, yet there is no proof of the commonality of species? As I said, a hypothesis does not a fact make. Yet you are trying to force feed this diet of bull crap down everyones throat, and tell us that it is "truth lite"? Get real, come back when you have found "physical" empirical prove that ANY animal has been shown to jump across the species barrier of biogenesis. The Darwinian cultist have tried every trick in the book to make people believe they have real evidence when there is absolutely no proof other than offered by some caulk board idiot that, submits a rework of a 150 year old idea, buried and hidden behind biogenesis, and claiming such proves macroevolution. At last count we had 60 or more theories as to why, the dinosaurs became extinct, over 100 theories that try to explain the iceage, as it remains one of the hardest projects for pseudo science to explain, at last count, we now have 30 ice ages in the so called eons of earth's age. According to some of them the entire earth was covered with ice, for 5 million years, but this happens to be right in middle of where life was supposed to be evolving exponentially. When anyone just uses common sense, instead of eating this steady diet of horse crap, there are so many holes in these idiots theories, I do not see how any intelligent person could buy this crap. It does not matter how well a piece of crap comes dressed to a party it still looks and smells like crap. RD

The bible is the only scientific source in the universe that does not have to have any proof for its theories YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply Fri 14 Dec, 2007 07:59 pm
rugonnacry;48591 wrote:
The bible is the only scientific source in the universe that does not have to have any proof for its theories YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WoooooooooHooooooooooo!! at last, no proof needed Very Happy
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 14 Dec, 2007 10:19 pm
RED DEVIL;48564 wrote:
What a bunch of "brainwashed" garbage. So now evolution is proved because someone thinks that we a common ancestor, yet there is no proof of the commonality of species? As I said, a hypothesis does not a fact make. Yet you are trying to force feed this diet of bull crap down everyones throat, and tell us that it is "truth lite"? Get real, come back when you have found "physical" empirical prove that ANY animal has been shown to jump across the species barrier of biogenesis. The Darwinian cultist have tried every trick in the book to make people believe they have real evidence when there is absolutely no proof other than offered by some caulk board idiot that, submits a rework of a 150 year old idea, buried and hidden behind biogenesis, and claiming such proves macroevolution. At last count we had 60 or more theories as to why, the dinosaurs became extinct, over 100 theories that try to explain the iceage, as it remains one of the hardest projects for pseudo science to explain, at last count, we now have 30 ice ages in the so called eons of earth's age. According to some of them the entire earth was covered with ice, for 5 million years, but this happens to be right in middle of where life was supposed to be evolving exponentially. When anyone just uses common sense, instead of eating this steady diet of horse crap, there are so many holes in these idiots theories, I do not see how any intelligent person could buy this crap. It does not matter how well a piece of crap comes dressed to a party it still looks and smells like crap. RD

please don't be ridiculous, evolution doesn't stop just becuase it's a little cold outside, if anything an iceage would actually speed-up evolution!
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 14 Dec, 2007 10:48 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
it's funny that campbell and red devil will deny evolution to the tooth and nail, yet the evidence for it is so balrringly obvious.

not only are simpler fossils found deeper within earth but dating techniques with agree that the simpler fossils are generally much older, but are we to believe this is just sheer coincidence?? Why exactly are simpler animals older if creationism is true?? Fossils of certain animals are found and similar animal species are found one after the other in chronological order and the appearance of vestigal structures suggest that these fossils are related, bacterial evolution has been observed and recorded hundreds if not thousands of times and micro-evolution is the driving force of macro-evolution, not only that but the process that causes evolution to occur (natural selection) is a known fact and has also been observed in many different species, there is no explanaition from the creationists as to why natural selection cannot result in new species! And all this information is available to you even if your're not a scientist.

YouTube - Definitive Proof of Evolution
Reply Sat 15 Dec, 2007 09:29 am
RED DEVIL;48564 wrote:
What a bunch of "brainwashed" garbage. So now evolution is proved because someone thinks that we a common ancestor, yet there is no proof of the commonality of species? As I said, a hypothesis does not a fact make. Yet you are trying to force feed this diet of bull crap down everyones throat, and tell us that it is "truth lite"? Get real, come back when you have found "physical" empirical prove that ANY animal has been shown to jump across the species barrier of biogenesis.

"The species barrier of biogenesis." Are we watching this folks?

Because I am gonna make an idiot of this guy. Again.

Biogenesis is the process of lifeforms producing other lifeforms. There is no "species" barrier. Biogenesis says life must come from life, abiogenesis says life can come from inorganic materials. Ignorance in science makes your absurd assumption.

Physical empirical proof? Such as speciation? Speciation that we have observed happening many times?

Once again, you misuse the word biogenesis (like a typical creationist), you misinterpret theories (like a typical creationist) and you get blown away by evidence (like a typical creationist).

Speciation has been observed. It is the evidence of a new species, MACROevolution as you like to coin it. The proof is there. No amount of bible banging will stop that.

The Darwinian cultist have tried every trick in the book to make people believe they have real evidence when there is absolutely no proof other than offered by some caulk board idiot that, submits a rework of a 150 year old idea, buried and hidden behind biogenesis, and claiming such proves macroevolution.

Speciation = MACROevolution. Per their definition and observation.

At last count we had 60 or more theories as to why, the dinosaurs became extinct, over 100 theories that try to explain the iceage, as it remains one of the hardest projects for pseudo science to explain, at last count, we now have 30 ice ages in the so called eons of earth's age. According to some of them the entire earth was covered with ice, for 5 million years, but this happens to be right in middle of where life was supposed to be evolving exponentially. When anyone just uses common sense, instead of eating this steady diet of horse crap, there are so many holes in these idiots theories, I do not see how any intelligent person could buy this crap. It does not matter how well a piece of crap comes dressed to a party it still looks and smells like crap. RD

Hmmm. Try reading up on the ice ages. No, the cartoon does not count. NO the animals DID NOT talk! I know you believe in talking animals, but this is just a movie!

We have TWO stories of creationism. We have creationists who believe comets brought about the flood. We have creationists that say the grand canyon was formed in five minutes by said flood. We have creationists saying fire breathing dragons existed.


AGAIN you misuse science. How can you argue what you don't know about? Explain that to me. You know NOTHING about science whatsoever and live in a world of dinosaurs and dragons, talking snakes and cherubs, ghosts and rising from the dead.

How can you believe in these? HOW? You twist science and try to make it fit into your bible, a book made by... nobody knows, and come out with something that we all laugh at, something that simply does not work. Your "theories" do not work, they can be proven wrong by a middle school kid with a basic grasp on what science is, and just completely ripped to shreds in a fit of laughter by someone who has spent most of their life studying science.

And still... you provide no evidence of your beliefs. I'd love to see this. Hell, make it a challenge. I challenge you to show irrefutable and empirical evidence of God.

If you cannot show evidence of God, then every single one of your ideas goes down with it.

No God, no creation.
No God, no flood.
No God, no burning bush.

So, I need not ask you to show evidence of these three things, just evidence for God, since they are the CONSTANT in your equations.

Put up. Shut up. Choose one. Time to finish this.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 03:29 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;48620 wrote:
it's funny that campbell and red devil will deny evolution to the tooth and nail, yet the evidence for it is so balrringly obvious.

not only are simpler fossils found deeper within earth but dating techniques with agree that the simpler fossils are generally much older, but are we to believe this is just sheer coincidence?? Why exactly are simpler animals older if creationism is true?? Fossils of certain animals are found and similar animal species are found one after the other in chronological order and the appearance of vestigal structures suggest that these fossils are related, bacterial evolution has been observed and recorded hundreds if not thousands of times and micro-evolution is the driving force of macro-evolution, not only that but the process that causes evolution to occur (natural selection) is a known fact and has also been observed in many different species, there is no explanaition from the creationists as to why natural selection cannot result in new species! And all this information is available to you even if your're not a scientist.

YouTube - Definitive Proof of Evolution

Im sorry, but it is a mistake to believe that fossils are always being found in chronological order. While rocks are found in layers, the concept of the geologic column ASSUMES that certain fossils are found only in certain layers. These fossils which are used to identify particular layers of the geological column are known as index fossils. UNFORTUNATELY, it is assumed that indext fossils represent an absolue pattern, and this concept so permeates the classification of strata that it makes it difficult to determine if the geological column is based on a real global trend. Information about fossils that can help check the reality of the trend is often lacking; such as absolute depth; since in the geologic column model that information is irrelevant.

Another problem is that all available soruces claiming that fossils are found as shown in the geologic column ASSUME that they do, yet none of them give any actual evidence that fossils are found as claimed. The use of these geologic ages is so pervasive that it makes an independent determination of fossil distribution and back checking the validity of the geologic column practically impossible. This gives the appearance that it has been proven.

The fact is that the geologic column is not found complete at any place on Earth, except in books and on web sites.

Geological column - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 06:09 am
Campbell34;48988 wrote:
Im sorry, but it is a mistake to believe that fossils are always being found in chronological order. While rocks are found in layers, the concept of the geologic column ASSUMES that certain fossils are found only in certain layers. These fossils which are used to identify particular layers of the geological column are known as index fossils. UNFORTUNATELY, it is assumed that indext fossils represent an absolue pattern, and this concept so permeates the classification of strata that it makes it difficult to determine if the geological column is based on a real global trend. Information about fossils that can help check the reality of the trend is often lacking; such as absolute depth; since in the geologic column model that information is irrelevant.

Another problem is that all available soruces claiming that fossils are found as shown in the geologic column ASSUME that they do, yet none of them give any actual evidence that fossils are found as claimed. The use of these geologic ages is so pervasive that it makes an independent determination of fossil distribution and back checking the validity of the geologic column practically impossible. This gives the appearance that it has been proven.

The fact is that the geologic column is not found complete at any place on Earth, except in books and on web sites.

Geological column - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science

The geological column, including the ages of the strata and fossils within various strata, was determined before the theory of evolution.

Go to Williston basin. Go to the Boneparte basin. There you will find two complete columns. Strata from all eras together.

Evidence and tests show that the index fossil concept works.

And why are you fighting this idea? It was the idea of a creationist. Faunal selection (what drives the column) was determined a long time before evolution. The man who coined the cambrian era laughed at evolution.

Who's laughing now?
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 10:44 am
Sabz5150;48992 wrote:
The geological column, including the ages of the strata and fossils within various strata, was determined before the theory of evolution.

Go to Williston basin. Go to the Boneparte basin. There you will find two complete columns. Strata from all eras together.

Evidence and tests show that the index fossil concept works.

And why are you fighting this idea? It was the idea of a creationist. Faunal selection (what drives the column) was determined a long time before evolution. The man who coined the cambrian era laughed at evolution.

Who's laughing now?

Even at locations where all ten systems are superposed, the column as represented by sedimentary thickness, is mostly missing. In fact, the thickest local accumulation of rock is only a tiny fraction of the inferred 600-million year's worth of depositions. The global 'stack' of index fossils exist nowhere on earth, and most index fossils do not usually overlie each other at the same locality. So, even in those places where all phanerozoic systems have been assigned. The column is still hypothetical. Locally, many of the systems have not been assigned by the index fossils contained in the strata but by indirect methods that take the column for granted-clearly circular reasoning.

It would not matter to me if the person who invented the column was a Baptist minister. The column as some believe is hypothetical. And another problem the believers in Evolution are having with it, are those darn fossil over laps.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 02:33 pm
Campbell34;48988 wrote:
Im sorry, but it is a mistake to believe that fossils are always being found in chronological order. While rocks are found in layers, the concept of the geologic column ASSUMES that certain fossils are found only in certain layers. These fossils which are used to identify particular layers of the geological column are known as index fossils. UNFORTUNATELY, it is assumed that indext fossils represent an absolue pattern, and this concept so permeates the classification of strata that it makes it difficult to determine if the geological column is based on a real global trend. Information about fossils that can help check the reality of the trend is often lacking; such as absolute depth; since in the geologic column model that information is irrelevant.

Another problem is that all available soruces claiming that fossils are found as shown in the geologic column ASSUME that they do, yet none of them give any actual evidence that fossils are found as claimed. The use of these geologic ages is so pervasive that it makes an independent determination of fossil distribution and back checking the validity of the geologic column practically impossible. This gives the appearance that it has been proven.

The fact is that the geologic column is not found complete at any place on Earth, except in books and on web sites.

Geological column - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science

If your gonna give me a Bullshit answer atleast back it up with with a credible source. creation Wiki? Are you ******* serious!? There is only one truth, so why would we need two sites for Wiki? Why isn't it that what is presented within creation-wiki fit within the regular wikipedia? Perhaps the contents of creation-wiki's contents don't meet the standard of evidence that the regular wikipedia requires....this is seen when there is need for a whole new wiki. Creation-wiki obviously has an agenda to push (creationism).

also such a term as "transitionals" and "geologic columns" are false terms used to misinform the public. Wiki, regular wikipedia that is, doesn't use the term "geologic columns" but rather geologic timeline, which the accuratcy of such isn't questioned by any geologist.
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 03:13 pm
Campbell34;49007 wrote:
Even at locations where all ten systems are superposed, the column as represented by sedimentary thickness, is mostly missing. In fact, the thickest local accumulation of rock is only a tiny fraction of the inferred 600-million year's worth of depositions. The global 'stack' of index fossils exist nowhere on earth, and most index fossils do not usually overlie each other at the same locality. So, even in those places where all phanerozoic systems have been assigned. The column is still hypothetical. Locally, many of the systems have not been assigned by the index fossils contained in the strata but by indirect methods that take the column for granted-clearly circular reasoning.

It would not matter to me if the person who invented the column was a Baptist minister. The column as some believe is hypothetical. And another problem the believers in Evolution are having with it, are those darn fossil over laps.

This link ought to tear everything up:

How Good are those Young-Earth Arguments: Geologic Column

This "column" exists. It doesn't matter if it's all in one place or not. Line the pieces up and it works. "Overlaps" are clearly explained, and with quite a bit of evidence.

Of course this "column" provides plenty of problems for ol Noah and his flood, so the quickest answer is that it doesn't exist, right? How exactly does a flood deposit everything so evenly and so orderly? Has ANY flood done this? There's more evidence for a geologic timeline than there is for a global flood. We've known about this timeline for roughly 200 years now, and all of a sudden it's wrong just because you throw a bible at it?

Takes much more than that to debunk science.

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