I would suggest treating it as the entertainment format in which it exists. One cannot control the content of something that is beyond their control to do, but one can and should control the "moral" character of their offspring. This process starts at home, with home education. If this is properly done and the child is presented with the facts on any subject they will respond with the content of their heart, and any information contained in any movie formated attempt at subverting their moral character will be of non effect. I suggest telling them truth, and when they are old enough to comprehend and make decisions on their own all one can do is trust on the foundation of truth that has been lain. I have told my children when viewing any entertainment based subject to treat it as just that...make believe not founded in truth but fantasy, they are intelligent enough to know the difference. For example, I found my youngest watching the discovery channel and "laughing" at the presentation. When asked what was so funny, he pointed out that they were presenting "their idea" of ancient earth history as "fact", when he actually knew that it was based on theory. One will be surprised how intelligent these children are, if given the opportunity of trust.
In fact I would find it an "insult" to my parenting skills for anyone to suggest that a 90 minute movie should have the ability to undermine the entirety of my parenting responsibility, after all we as parents are in control these young minds for 2/3 of least their first 18 years of life.....if they fall short, it is not the responsibility of the "village" of assume BLAME, but ours as parents. I suggest we all do a better job, and indeed this starts at home, not on the turf that has been pre-selected by simple minded people. RD