I am not easily offended Fed up, so don't sweat it.
Just as your post was meant to promote thought and discussion, so was mine to you.
Most people are easily offended, not easy going as me.
Certainly ,
most of the pastor said it, so it must be true crowd. get up in arms at the drop of a hat. They get so upset its laughable. we're christians and we're so mad veins are popping out of our head and we're about to explode. .... Give me a break! Fine christian example all that vein popping red faced pouting is!:eek:
The way you are going about this in my opinion will get you no where.
You get more flys with sugar than vinegar that kind of thing.
And .... a big and , got news for you
God is real, and he reveals himself to
those who really seek him. I can assure you its so.
So insulting a entire group of believers , because some act like radical nuts , and those in my view probablly do not really know what the bible or God has to say about the way they act is .......... Not cool.
In fact its like the way they act towards the muslims, very unchristian like in my opinion to want to kill all muslims or think they all want to kill all of us.
As I said the
"pastor said it so it must be true" crowd know not what they do. By condemning them, we do what they do with no intelligent thought involved. I'm a old country gal and it never helps to reform a hog by getting down in the mud and wallering around with them. ....
It just gets you dirty too!
I don't know you, but I bet you can do better than that. And hey bud, you just met a woman that can quote scripture and verse to show them the error of their ways.
But get prepared when you speak the truth to people who really have the spirit of the world in them and claim to be following Christ the devil sure does get stirred up and they do then act a little phyco. But I believe in the truth, In fact lies compound in a soul and soon lies is all they know.
For me the truth will set you free. Thus our conversations will continue. At least till I am certain you understand fed up that real christians , real followers of the Lord do not act the way these war monger condemning souls who holler war, and are anti civil rights do.
God did not make the US, or me for that matter policeman or king of the world. he certainly did not make the republican party, nor the likes of most so called christian pastors I know in charge of telling us all how to think and behave.
But hey we will talk more!