Thu 28 Jun, 2007 12:37 am
People who deny religion deny its principles based on faith without logic but in all instances every human being has faith in the most obvious of things. We all have faith that the other person we talk to or associate with or love has self awareness. There is no way on this earth that any one person can prove to anyone else they have self awareness. It is simply impossible. It is as impossible as proving that a machine capable of learning from its past attempts at a given task, has self awareness, or that an animal has self awareness, or a bacterium. Some cultures believed everything had self awareness and spirits, such as the Native Americans. Some religious beliefs today deny that anything but humans have souls (the essence of Self Awareness).
To believe the person you care about is as self aware of themselves as you are of yourself is purely based on faith, because self awareness has nothing to do with intelligence, or emotion, or senses (to a large degree). No one knows truly with what it has to do.
@The Last Cathedral,
:thumbup: You're really in the Vatican?
@The Last Cathedral,
I meant The Last Cathedral.
@The Last Cathedral,
Yes i know, as per his IP address.
@The Last Cathedral,
Oh, so you checked out his IP address?
Tsk, tsk, TLC.
EDIT: I missed your last post.
@The Last Cathedral,
USA all the way. I missed yours as well. Didn't see it till today.
@The Last Cathedral,
I know what kind of 'faith' Osama Bin Laden has, and I don't think much of it. As to his 'self-awareness' -- I'd like to completely eliminate it for him.
@The Last Cathedral,
Reason + Faith = Natural Law (Aristotle)
Nature (Reason) + Grace (Faith) = Spiritual Wholeness (Aquinas)