My name is Aaron. I'm a staunch, liberal Democrat, originally from Chicago, Ill., but a resident of Houston, Tx, since '68. I'm a musician, writer, and producer, along with my partner, we have a production company, 2osos (
2osos Productions - Artists Comunity)
I am sick and appalled, with and at, the current administration, who I think should be impeached and tried for high crimes and treason, actually.
I am totally against the war, which in my estimation was lost, before it was begun. I am grateful and proud of our military, who have, for the most part, done an outstanding and courageous job, but have been placed, unnecessarily, in harm's way....I think they should be deployed, elsewhere, where they can effectively protect our interests, abroad.
I'm a bit jaded by both parties...but I cannot find anything to support in the GOP, except a strong defense, and measures to ensure our safety. I'm fiscally conservative, but socially liberal. I feel government has a responsibility to improve the lives of its constituents, to aid those less fortunate, and to guarantee opportunity and the prospect of prosperity for all.
I believe in a woman's right to choose, gay rights( including the right to marry), socialized medicine, healthcare and insurance for all, and the right to die a dignified death. I support the death penalty for heinous crimes, acknowledging that the criminal justice system is broken, needs overhauling, and is unfairly biased against people of color.