@Greatest I am cv,
God is only limited as He has chosen to limit Himself - for instance God cannot lie is one way He limits Himself.
The creation from the universe through mankind is perfect - exactly as God planned - Truly all powerful. What would make you think that His purpose, His plan is any different. His purpose is behind the creation of all we see and for some there is uncertainty, even a questioning of God and looking for answers is fine but consider God has made no mistakes. Even in these little on-line debates the plan of God is being played out - you make choices and they will effect your eternity. God is looking for certain people and some of those characteristics include humility, truth seeking, forgiving among others. Those who seek God will find Him and those who are for instance proud will never come close. We do not like how God does things, we do not like the rules we see in the bible, we do not like the confusion we see in religion. In the latter case God abhors the religion of men I think especially what men refer to as Christianity when it is not consistent with what God revealed.
You might get some help from this website in terms of understanding God as he has revealed Himself.
Heaven Coach