xexon;64036 wrote:I need to clarify something for you.
You've said that Gnosis is polluted by mysticism.
The very nature of gnosis is a mystical experience. It can be no other way. Realization of self on a waking level is what transforms you, not study of scripture based on other people's experiences with it.
You need to have your own experiences. You won't enter the kingdom until you do.
You can't pick the lock on this gate by thinking. You must be able to FEEL. Compassion is the key to the kingdom.
Culture that. Find God.
When I say that present day Gnosticism is corrupted by mysticism. I am talking about all the teachings for OBE, astral projection and such other strange phenomena that is being taught.
"Realization of self on a waking level is what transforms you"
Exactly, not dream states, OBE or others states.
Dreams can give information but only to a mind that is awake to evaluate it.
As to the kingdom of God, we all get there.