In order to attribute some sort of prophecy or divinity to a person you first need to show their existence outside of their afformentioned religous books.
I will even cite religous sites who try to prove there was a jesus.
So What About Jesus? So What about the historical Proof?
Evidence for Jesus: Historical Proof for the Man Behind Christianity
Both of these sites are as pro Jesus as you can get, randomly picked from the thousands available. Yet neither one is able to draw an eye witness account of jesus, not a singles person has written anything of jesus outside of the Bible, that can be considered first hand historical evidence
Does this not completely astound you? The single greatest occurance of our time, the Son of the God that created the universe, the sun and the earth, the creatures that swim and walk upon this planet, the everything we are today and there is not ONE single eyewitness account.
This man walked, with his 12 desciples across the known world of the time, think of that as well, a few millions in South and North America have no historical evidence of the gods son, nowhere does it state in Aztec, Inca or any of the north American tribes that there was one all powerful god.
He did all manner of great things, healed leppers, cured the blind, enabled the cripled to walk, yet nowhere is this documented outside of the bible. Would you not agree that it should be at least recorded somewhere, one sentance, one little piece of manuscript that indicates an eyewitness account?
Before you consider if Jesus was lower than angels you must first consider if he ever existed.