God is our example. Genocide is good?

Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 08:10 am
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 2,281 • Replies: 36
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mako cv
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 09:46 am
@Greatest I am cv,
I agree with you 100% on this.
God could have just as easily snapped His fingers to adjust mankind.

Or as I have posted before, he could have tailored a "human-specific" virus that was 100% fatal and then tinkered with Noah and his family's genes to make them the only immune humans on the planet...no muss, no fuss, and no mass death of the ecology! :patriot:
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 11:14 am
@mako cv,
mako;40081 wrote:
I agree with you 100% on this.

Or as I have posted before, he could have tailored a "human-specific" virus that was 100% fatal and then tinkered with Noah and his family's genes to make them the only immune humans on the planet...no muss, no fuss, and no mass death of the ecology! :patriot:

Or no FREE WILL OF CHOICE which is what it is all about. I to agree with Greatest I Am, but use other locations in the Bible to support the idea.

But never will I suggest that God, made a mistake. When your in the dark about something in the Bible pray and wait. Or ask many of those who study the Bible. And watch their reaction for unsaid clues!
mako cv
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 12:05 pm
no FREE WILL OF CHOICE which is what it is all about
When your in the dark about something in the Bible pray and wait.
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 01:11 pm
@mako cv,
I never said my way or the highway. Nor did I imply that mako. So I will refrain form this discussion. Your wasting my time.
mako cv
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 01:28 pm
whatever...but the Christian free will of choice is basically you do as your god orders or you go to hell...that is called "My way or the highway"..and it is not really freewill, it is coercion. I agree, you are wasting my time with your nonsense. :patriot:
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 07:56 pm
@mako cv,
mako;40127 wrote:
whatever...but the Christian free will of choice is basically you do as your god orders or you go to hell...that is called "My way or the highway"..and it is not really freewill, it is coercion. I agree, you are wasting my time with your nonsense. :patriot:

Man you lack total understanding of Free will of choice. And forget He, forgives if asked. Just what do you believe in?
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 09:00 pm
Christ came to give us a new way. And none of the teachings of Christ have anything to do with killing . Its just that plain and simple.
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 10:08 pm
wvpeach;40178 wrote:
Christ came to give us a new way. And none of the teachings of Christ have anything to do with killing . Its just that plain and simple.

And yet Christ did say in Matthew 24:43, Be sure of this: if the master of the house had known the hour of night when the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and not let his house be broken into. Jesus confirms that a man has a right to defend what is his. Now trying to protect ones property sometimes might result in someone being hurt or killed, yet Christ did not tell the defender here he should turn the other cheek. And where Christ did tell us to turn the other cheek, that was not an example of how we should live. And if it was, then his statement here in Matthew 24 would be a counterdiction.
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 11:47 pm
Ah a parable campbell, the New Testament is full of them.

thanks for posting that.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 07:43 am
Strange that you more fundamentalist types are not supporting your God.

Is your wrong literal reading that easily put asside?

Say it isn't so or this debate will end here.

If you do not support God here then you also have to judge Him wrong at all the other places in the Bible where He calls for or kills men Himself.

Is your faith in the literal Bible so weak that I can move you with such little ease?

Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 08:00 am
@Greatest I am cv,
I believe that God quite literally did wipe all but the family of Noah off the planet at one time. Just like he took the dinosaurs off the planet. I also believe that God sent Israel to kill entire groups of people.

[SIZE="6"] But more importantly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE="6"] I believe christ came under the direction of God to give us a new way, and that way was love and that his followers should if at all possible kill no human.[/SIZE]

Do I understand it all? Not all of it to be sure. But I do understand most of it and I have faith that the plan of our God is perfect. So whatever happened in the past is part of the perfect plan of God.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 08:08 am
wvpeach;40213 wrote:
I believe that God quite literally did wipe all but the family of Noah off the planet at one time. Just like he took the dinosaurs off the planet. I also believe that God sent Israel to kill entire groups of people.

[SIZE="6"] But more importantly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE="6"] I believe christ came under the direction of God to give us a new way, and that way was love and that his followers should if at all possible kill no human.[/SIZE]

Do I understand it all? Not all of it to be sure. But I do understand most of it and I have faith that the plan of our God is perfect. So whatever happened in the past is part of the perfect plan of God.

How can the Perfect plan of God possibly include making Him look like He failled to start the world in a proper fashion.

God creates all souls Perfect.
How could only 8 out of billions be worth saving. Is Hell to be that much larger than Heaven?

Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 08:39 am
@Greatest I am cv,
God does not create all souls perfect. In fact some are made for evil. Now I believe God will recreate the heart and mind in the souls he created for evil and give them a chance like the rest of us to become perfect one day. Because God is perfect and fair. He will not condemn those he made imperfect without giving them a chance to be made able to be perfect like the rest of us.

But for now in the perfect plan of God , yes God does make imperfect people and God does it on purpose.

Your problem is that you cannot understand that while God is perfect he does use the imperfect on purpose to carry out his plans. Your problem is you look at the world and see all the imperfect like babies starving and insist that is perfect. [SIZE="3"]It is not perfect for a baby to starve to death.[/SIZE] . God knew this would happen. He allowed creation to evolve into the imperfect mess we are now and he will one day return all of creation back to the perfection we are promised.

Greatest I am;40214 wrote:
How can the Perfect plan of God possibly include making Him look like He failled to start the world in a proper fashion.

God creates all souls Perfect.
How could only 8 out of billions be worth saving. Is Hell to be that much larger than Heaven?

mako cv
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 01:04 pm
Man you lack total understanding of Free will of choice. And forget He, forgives if asked. Just what do you believe in?

I sure don't believe in a Bronze Age Tyrant that changes his mind from chapter to chapter of his "holy" book. Nor do I believe in a "Savior" that has no evidence of having ever existed, copies "Savior Gods" of much older religions, has biographies that not only disagree with each other but also disagrees with recorded history. I believe in an Creator that gave us a wonderful universe, gave us the sense of right and wrong and then left his creation with true free will, none of that "free will" encumbered with Bronze Age dogma. You seem to have little understanding of the world, the Creator, or Free Will...May the you recieve true enlightenment :patriot:
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Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 07:58 am
wvpeach;40222 wrote:
God does not create all souls perfect. In fact some are made for evil. Now I believe God will recreate the heart and mind in the souls he created for evil and give them a chance like the rest of us to become perfect one day. Because God is perfect and fair. He will not condemn those he made imperfect without giving them a chance to be made able to be perfect like the rest of us.

But for now in the perfect plan of God , yes God does make imperfect people and God does it on purpose.

Your problem is that you cannot understand that while God is perfect he does use the imperfect on purpose to carry out his plans. Your problem is you look at the world and see all the imperfect like babies starving and insist that is perfect. [SIZE="3"]It is not perfect for a baby to starve to death.[/SIZE] . God knew this would happen. He allowed creation to evolve into the imperfect mess we are now and he will one day return all of creation back to the perfection we are promised.

You show a God back sliding from a Perfect state to an imperfect state, even as scripture says that God's works are Perfect.

God cannot back slide and He cannot create imperfection. You read the Bible. Check it out.

The starving baby you see as imperfect I see as Perfect to accomplish the will of God. Perhaps he starves to show his parents a lesson. God knows, I don't.

Show a little more faith in the power of God.
You sell Him short.

Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 08:07 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Well greatest let me ask you something you have never answered even though I asked you this same question many times.

:dunno: I would like a answer this time please. :dunno:

Can you explain to me how you see perfection in a child being born to starve to death before it's 2 yrs old ?

[SIZE="4"] I'll wait on your answer before I comment further.[/SIZE]

Greatest I am;40334 wrote:
You show a God back sliding from a Perfect state to an imperfect state, even as scripture says that God's works are Perfect.

God cannot back slide and He cannot create imperfection. You read the Bible. Check it out.

The starving baby you see as imperfect I see as Perfect to accomplish the will of God. Perhaps he starves to show his parents a lesson. God knows, I don't.

Show a little more faith in the power of God.
You sell Him short.

Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 08:46 am
wvpeach;40337 wrote:
Well greatest let me ask you something you have never answered even though I asked you this same question many times.

:dunno: I would like a answer this time please. :dunno:

Can you explain to me how you see perfection in a child being born to starve to death before it's 2 yrs old ?

[SIZE="4"] I'll wait on your answer before I comment further.[/SIZE]

You are asking why there is evil in the world.

It has been around forever.
This has to mean that God wants it.
The only reason possible is to teach us of good and evil.

This is required for us to know God. See genesis.

Without it we are robots following with no clue as to why we follow. Not what a God would want. Right?

Scripture indicates that God knew of the tree before His statement that all was good. If God did not want us to have evil here then He could get rid of it. Right?
Since He does not then we can conclude that it's value is greater than whatever evil we have here at any given time.

God even tells us in scripture to ignore the wars and rumors of war etc.

Do not worry about the starving child. God knows what He is doing.
Unless of course your faith is so shallow that you think God is wrong to create starving children. He does after all create all does He not?

Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 09:00 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Well I must say greatest you just almost word for word quoted what I have been trying to tell you . I wrote you almost these same words a few weeks ago.

So we have a problem here , we are obviously not on the same page you and I. You repeat over and over again that creation is perfect I agree. But do you not understand that to the average person you are coming off as a nut with what you say. You need to learn to say it different.

Just like this thread you started about God and genocide. What exactly is the purpose of the thread? You obviously believe in a powerful all knowing God. And you have come up with this very good post stating reasons God might allow evil in the world .

But then you go right back to talking like your over medicated in some nut house. ( I do not say that to insult you , its true) . when those who do not know God come across your posts I am sure they are confused. If they read 4-5 of your posts I am sure they think, he's a nut. Is that what you want? I hope you receive this post in the spirit I meant it in my brother. I am trying to help you be more clear. Because most of the time its not clear at all what you are trying to say and that is bad.

Greatest I am;40347 wrote:
You are asking why there is evil in the world.

It has been around forever.
This has to mean that God wants it.
The only reason possible is to teach us of good and evil.

This is required for us to know God. See genesis.

Without it we are robots following with no clue as to why we follow. Not what a God would want. Right?

Scripture indicates that God knew of the tree before His statement that all was good. If God did not want us to have evil here then He could get rid of it. Right?
Since He does not then we can conclude that it's value is greater than whatever evil we have here at any given time.

God even tells us in scripture to ignore the wars and rumors of war etc.

Do not worry about the starving child. God knows what He is doing.
Unless of course your faith is so shallow that you think God is wrong to create starving children. He does after all create all does He not?

Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 09:59 am
wvpeach;40348 wrote:
Well I must say greatest you just almost word for word quoted what I have been trying to tell you . I wrote you almost these same words a few weeks ago.

So we have a problem here , we are obviously not on the same page you and I. You repeat over and over again that creation is perfect I agree. But do you not understand that to the average person you are coming off as a nut with what you say. You need to learn to say it different.

Just like this thread you started about God and genocide. What exactly is the purpose of the thread? You obviously believe in a powerful all knowing God. And you have come up with this very good post stating reasons God might allow evil in the world .

But then you go right back to talking like your over medicated in some nut house. ( I do not say that to insult you , its true) . when those who do not know God come across your posts I am sure they are confused. If they read 4-5 of your posts I am sure they think, he's a nut. Is that what you want? I hope you receive this post in the spirit I meant it in my brother. I am trying to help you be more clear. Because most of the time its not clear at all what you are trying to say and that is bad.

Eventually all who are interested get my point.
I do recognize my literary faults and am a work in progress.
God knows these and still asks me to write. I do.

I get both compliments and derision for the same post so I can only hope it is the right people that take the message I want to give.

Readers do have to read carefully what i write because of my ass backwards style of presentation.
Perhaps this a good initial way of weeding out those who do not pay enough attention.

Perhaps it is the reverse psychology that I use. Who can tell for sure.

The purpose of the thread is to show that God would not create a Flood and that the Bible is not to be read literally.


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