"Guess it is the exterior of the person that causes so much saddness. Where hate is taught by any group there is sooner or later action that follows this hate. No compassion, just evil springs forth. No understanding or talk just the evil that the hate taught becomes action. And no place like where one religion is based in many countries. Now all religions have some hate towards others but only one wants to overcome all the others. Maybe two now that the Pope declared the only true Christian is a catholic. But they don't say kill or convert."--mlurp
That's an interesting observation...but you know l personally don't believe in evil. I believe in ignorance, and l think that people follow what they know, and what they have grown up with to know, and act in only the path they have been programmed to think exists. Ignorance of other ways of peace and understanding.
In this, humans are innocent, and in not being connected to the one-ness of our life, they don't realize that their negative behaviour is in fact hurting themselves.
So, both the catholic idealogoy that they are the only chosen , and the muslim idealolagy that they are the only chosen is equally ignorant, the only element or degree of difference, as you pointed out, is that one murders in thought and word by excommunication and condemnation, and the other murders in violent physicality. Both are not bringing about peace, and it is by it's absence that we are in a world war.