Vick and his dogs

Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 09:37 am
Curmudgeon;37905 wrote:
Aaronssongs says-

Another example of why we don't have real discussions here. Why, in a discussion of the reprehensible actions of a Mega-star like Vick, do you have to equate it to Iraq??

Because everything is related, whether you care to see it or not.

And- why play the race card?

I'm playing the race card??????
Someone made a "blanket indictment" of black people and black culture, as a whole, based on the actions of one stupid and spoiled jock, and no one but me pointed out that a "race card" was being played...yet, when I bring it to your collective attention, "I'm playing the race card"......hypocrisy, denial, bait and switch....take your pick. So much "do as I say, not as I do, going on, it's hilarious.
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Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 09:21 pm
I didn't see ANY indictment of black people or culture in any of the posts in this thread, nor even a mention of skin color. You saw what you wanted to see so you could throw race into the discussion.
There was also no mention of Iraq, until you threw it in the mix.

Race card--- Yes you did.

If "polarization in Atlanta" is what you are referring to, then you should realize that it has been going on for a long time, even before Vick was a toddler. The indictment is of idiots who think fighting dogs is sport and a worthwhile pursuit, and I am sure many white people are engaged in it as well. How about cockfighting? If I say it is bad and reprehensible, am I indicting Hispanics?
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 10:50 pm
Curmudgeon;38073 wrote:
I didn't see ANY indictment of black people or culture in any of the posts in this thread, nor even a mention of skin color. You saw what you wanted to see so you could throw race into the discussion.
There was also no mention of Iraq, until you threw it in the mix.

See there, by what you have said, you have, in essence, called me "a liar".....which, sir, I am not. Evidently, you didn't go back through the thread, thoroughly enough....and I'm not about to do it for you..
You have made up your mind which side you're on..and that is perfectly "fine".
Does not affect me one iota.
People, here on this board, seem to want it both ways...they can bandy about
"slurs" and epithets, aimed toward people they have contempt for...mostly minorities, and "the left"....and when they get so riled up, they let loose innuendo, and often "in your face" commentary about "race", "sexual orientation", or "one's character"...call them on it...and they go right into disclaimers and denial, and accusations of "you" playing the race card.....problem is "black folk' and hispanics and asians, and most everybody else ain't in positions of power and authority....that would be "white folk"...sad , but true...And if you're in the driver's seat...you get to call the shots...and everyone don't play by the rules...given that, we usually get the short end of the stick...we just recently have had our fill, and we are starting to voice our discontent....and because the guilty are feeling guilty...they don't want to be reminded that they haven't been on the "up and up"...and are starting to feel a little warm under the collar....good. Because what's right is right, and what's wrong is wrong....and you know God ain't that fond of "pretty", but He sho' don't like "ugly"...and what went around is starting to come back around...adjust your seat belts, cuz it's going to be a "bumpy ride".

Race card--- Yes you did.
No I didn't ....I answered the race card being played....with " a trump ".

If "polarization in Atlanta" is what you are referring to, then you should realize that it has been going on for a long time, even before Vick was a toddler. The indictment is of idiots who think fighting dogs is sport and a worthwhile pursuit, and I am sure many white people are engaged in it as well. How about cockfighting? If i say it is bad and reprehensible, am I indicting Hispanics?

Polarization??? In Atlanta? Sir, the whole country is polarized, in case you hadn't noticed...and not only over race (relations).
As if indicting Vick, is going to make dog fighting go away...to think so, is naive. Yes, it's idiotic. Yes, it's cruel treatment of animals. Yes, it's reprehensible. Yes, violators should be punished to the fullest extent of the law....where is the divide?
Why did you feel it necessary to qualify your argument by bringing up Hispanics? Don't you see, in essence, you have been cavalier, in playing yet another "race card"...to merely strengthen your position?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 10:55 pm
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 10:58 pm
Curmudgeon;38095 wrote:

I see you chose not to answer my allegation...so I say, "whatever"!
Put up or shut up...guess you did.
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Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 11:02 pm
My answer was clear and to the point. I played no race card. If I say Chinese in a sentence, you will insist it is another race card, Huh?
This is pointless, except that it agaiin proves my original point and that I am as guilty as others in going off on tangents, something I seldom do.
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 12:22 am
Curmudgeon;38099 wrote:
My answer was clear and to the point. I played no race card. If I say Chinese in a sentence, you will insist it is another race card, Huh?
This is pointless, except that it agaiin proves my original point and that I am as guilty as others in going off on tangents, something I seldom do.

Depends...if you say the Chinese are going to have to get their act together concerning product safety for the American consumer...then you have not played "a race card'...but if you say the Chinese cannot be trusted because they don't have American interest at heart...then you have played a "race card"...depends on the context.
But for someone to make race an issue, and for another to point out that "they have made an issue of race (intent or no), and then for the initiator to start "foaming at the mouth", and accusing the other of playing "the race card", is disingenuous, to say the least.....almost as outrageous as whites wondering why they cannot, "in close company", use the "n" word, while blacks use it profusely, in an attempt to defuse its' inflammatory historic meaning....as one observer put it...'you had the word for 300 or so years, now, it's our turn." I digress.
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Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 12:11 pm
Note to Brian -
This character aaronsongs is a race-baiter and hate monger that moves from one insult to another. IMO he should be permanently banned.
Thank you.
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 01:15 pm
socalgolfguy;38147 wrote:
Note to Brian -
This character aaronsongs is a race-baiter and hate monger that moves from one insult to another. IMO he should be permanently banned.
Thank you.

Another case of pots calling kettles black...you seek to silence those who would hold you accountable. I accept whatever happens(not that I have done what I'm accused of), knowing that,I, at the very least, have been true to my convictions and my beliefs.....which is more than can be said for some.
Perhaps, I was misguided in my belief that this was an honest and open forum, and that all POV's were welcome. Maybe the banner should read...believe like us, or think like us, or don't bother to come in.
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 01:48 pm

as to the nature of pit bulls if left to their own they will fight other dogs.

I know I have six puppies , and two adult pit bulls in my yard and house.

Along with the love of my life my 13 year old golden retriever .

We work hard to teach our dogs not to fight, but they cannot be left alone to meet a strange dog or the fight is on. They even fight pretty viciously among themselves if I don't keep a handle on them pretty tight and let them know I am the boss.

I will be on a rafting trip this weekend and they will have to be separated , all on their own box , on a log chain with a padlock on their collar so they don't get loose they are also like Houdini . i normally keep them in kennels and in the house at night , but can't even trust covered kennels if I will be away over 24 hours . The brats get bored and tunnel or chew their way out of anything.

But with people they are the most lovable and intelligent dogs you will ever hope to own. But I keep telling my husband its not fair to other dogs who might just wonder by and not know any better than to come in their territory .


This was a unintentional litter
If anybody wants a good pup free and lives close enough to me to pick one up just give me a pm . They are excellent little pups well behaved great with people including kids. House broken with all shots . Free to good homes only . I have turned several people away because I was sure they would not give them good homes . These pups to go to good homes only.
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 05:42 pm
How ironic...in my travels, yesterday...I found a month old, pit bull/ lab mix puppy...the color of sand with blue eyes...the most gorgeous puppy I've ever seen. I brought it home, and my partner and I named it Miro (short for Miroslav), and we intend to make him a part of our family. He has already "christened" the apt., numerous times. LOL
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 07:14 pm
You need a indoor kennel

I am a believer in kennel training . With a smart dog it may only take a week to potty train them. But you should still kennel them when you are away from home for the first year . Its better for the pup that way they do not get into trouble and feel bad when you are upset with them. After about a year you can evaluate whether they are ready to be left free when you are not home.

Also lots of chew toys and raw hides will save the furniture.
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Red cv
Reply Fri 21 Sep, 2007 06:40 pm
socalgolfguy;38147 wrote:
Note to Brian -
This character aaronsongs is a race-baiter and hate monger that moves from one insult to another. IMO he should be permanently banned.
Thank you.

I concur Socal, he adds nothing to this forum but hatred and insults. I have had enough of this poser. I've got better things to do (like sew or some other gag gag female thing to do) than read his tripe hatefilled posts. :thumbdown:
Reply Fri 21 Sep, 2007 07:04 pm
@Red cv,
Red;38542 wrote:
I concur Socal, he adds nothing to this forum but hatred and insults. I have had enough of this poser. I've got better things to do (like sew or some other gag gag female thing to do) than read his tripe hatefilled posts. :thumbdown:

Look at yourselves, before you point fingers at me...
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 07:50 pm
Just think, Aaron.....if you chase everybody away, this website might crash. That would be your ultimate revenge. Gotta hand it to ya.........you might in fact be working some sort of grand strategy deserving of respect. Props......you got my props.
Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 08:02 pm
Pinochet73;42853 wrote:
Just think, Aaron.....if you chase everybody away, this website might crash. That would be your ultimate revenge. Gotta hand it to ya.........you might in fact be working some sort of grand strategy deserving of respect. Props......you got my props.

Oh, Pino...you got me all wrong....all I did was come to the site and express my humble POV, and what did I get but a "firestorm" of hate, innuendo, insults, "banning", and outrage that I had the audacity to express myself...demonstrating a unique perspective, based on who I am , and where I came from...but, instead of that being welcomed and celebrated, I was attacked, by you, and many here, who have since been reprimanded, banned, and others that simply "caved in", and "gave up the ghost". Who would have thought that I, would wield such power, or that that was my intention. Instead of being a "real" forum, open to many ideas, it was a back-slapping out post for conservatives, repubs, and right wingers, who were not about to let some upstart black gay man voice dissent or opinion, without a fight...so, blame yourselves, before you blame me..."when in Rome, ......", I always say.
Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 09:29 pm
aaronssongs;42855 wrote:
Oh, Pino...you got me all wrong....all I did was come to the site and express my humble POV, and what did I get but a "firestorm" of hate, innuendo, insults, "banning", and outrage that I had the audacity to express myself...demonstrating a unique perspective, based on who I am , and where I came from...but, instead of that being welcomed and celebrated, I was attacked, by you, and many here, who have since been reprimanded, banned, and others that simply "caved in", and "gave up the ghost". Who would have thought that I, would wield such power, or that that was my intention. Instead of being a "real" forum, open to many ideas, it was a back-slapping out post for conservatives, repubs, and right wingers, who were not about to let some upstart black gay man voice dissent or opinion, without a fight...so, blame yourselves, before you blame me..."when in Rome, ......", I always say.

Funny thing. On an internet forum, nobody could know your race or sexual preference unless you gave up that information (since we can't see your skin color or leather chaps). Seems to me we dislike you for your condescending attitude and generally hateful patterns of speech, not your race or preferences.
Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 10:04 pm
Freeman15;42861 wrote:
Funny thing. On an internet forum, nobody could know your race or sexual preference unless you gave up that information (since we can't see your skin color or leather chaps). Seems to me we dislike you for your condescending attitude and generally hateful patterns of speech, not your race or preferences.

Funny thing...I was referring to my "worthy" opponents, not some "whippersnapper", "new on the scene, still "wet behind the ears". There is no "we", as far as you're concerned. I, "knowingly" gave up information concerning myself, as I have absolutely nothing to hide, nor be ashamed of...and I don't appreciate your condescending rhetoric, as I wouldn't know the first thing about "leather chaps".
And it matters not that "you" or anyone else, for that matter, "dislikes me"...I am not here for liking, approval, or anything as vapid or as proletariat as "pandering". And you would be "the likely one" to speak of hateful patterns of speech. What you mistake for a condescending attitude is an air of righteous indignation.
I hope we have an understanding.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2007 12:51 pm
Freeman15;42861 wrote:
Funny thing. On an internet forum, nobody could know your race or sexual preference unless you gave up that information (since we can't see your skin color or leather chaps). Seems to me we dislike you for your condescending attitude and generally hateful patterns of speech, not your race or preferences.

Look out Freeman, you're gonna get bitch slapped - and this character's one hellova bitch.
Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2007 06:04 pm
socalgolfguy;44013 wrote:
Look out Freeman, you're gonna get *** slapped - and this character's one hellova ***.

I see you haven't forgotten. Tell him to ask somebody.
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