We all have fallen for Scooby's gambit. My assessment of him is as follows - presented for my amusement and your enjoyment. He is a rather mysterious guy so it is fun for me to conjure up notions of those we know online but will likely never meet personally. For all we know, he may not even be a man, or live in Scotland or hate GW. He could actually be MissDixy under another name...
...strictly my opinions and may be completely off base, but I do not think so...
He tells us virtually nothing about himself but cleverly probes personal information out of us - i.e. the gun question. His answers are always terse and badly punctuated, yet, his thoughts are complete and direct. His writing style says that the message is what's important, not the style. I see him living alone without wife or kids (not that there is anything wrong with that) in a smallish flat with dirty dishes in the sink and an unmade bed. He probably lives within 5 miles of where he was born and still visit his parents frequently - a good thing - it keeps him grounded. He has a regular job and enjoys a routine lifestyle. He is a voracious reader of international politics and not easily swayed in his opinions by his peers, with whom, he spends his evenings in the pub discussing politics and beating up George Bush. Still, he is an adept debater and presents cogent arguments, however misplaced, in my view.
Any other opinions on our friend and adversary, Scooby Doo?