Fri 18 May, 2007 07:51 pm
My name is Ryan.
Silverchild introduced me to this site a few weeks ago, and I finally gave it a try a few days ago. (i'm lazy)
I am glad I did. I love to argue politics and Religon.
I love to make fun of people for their ignorance and I especially love to be proven wrong on my own beliefs. If I am proven wrong that means I learned something, and I am completely addicted to learning.
Just to get a few basic beliefs out of the way...
1.) Religion, I have no specific foloowing I take from all and apply to me so as I believe I am leading a good life and I am happy.
I take from Judeo Chritianity and I also take from The satanic following (No not he devil worshippers)
From Chritianity I take the Help others that need help when you are able to help. From the satanic bible I take, "there should be nothing more powerful to you than YOU" But sometimes you need someone to point you in the right direction.
I love oposing views.... ooops Conflicting views. I like seeing things from someone elses point of view. (I tried to see things from biblepartyusa's point of view but realized if I agreed with them We would both be wrong) Sorry about the personal attack Silverchild said thats a no no LOL.
Finally I am 26 In houston Texas by way of Lebanon oregon. hmmm someone else is from there who is that Oh yeah SIVLERCHILD LOL we went to highschool together (It is because of me that he hooked up with his first girl HAHA yes IF not for me Cameron and Michelle may never have been hahahaha)
Oh yeah back to me, are you still reading this?
I take gravity as a peronal challenge. IF there isnt a risk its probably not worth doing.
If you have read nothing else read this next part it will answer alot about me as by the way I talk.
I explain things in away so as a 5 year old would understand them, not because I think I am better than you, but because I earse the possibility that you can misunderstand what I am saying.
I also use metaphors in most of my explanations LOL
Ummm I am out of things to say right now. Make lots of posts on this thread so I can talk about myself more.
Could have been a lot longer. I just had to take a piss so I stopped typing.
Hi. I'm Pinochet. I overthrew Communist-Slut Allende in 1973, and killed thousands of his followers. Cool.
Thousands of followers not bad.
I used to buy souls in highschool
welcome and welcome to houston!!
Have been here for about 3 years but belated welcomes are cool too.
From where did you come to Houston?
rugonnacry;16824 wrote:Have been here for about 3 years but belated welcomes are cool too.
Join date is May 07. I must assume you visited as a guest?
No No, Trapped By Parties... said welcome to Houston. I have been here in Houston for 3 years.
PINOCHET: By Way Of Columbus Ohio By Way Of Lebanon Oregon By Way of Tacoma Washington.
Quick Ryan Timeline
0-7 years Tacoma Washington
7-18 years Lebanon Oregon
18-24 years Columbus Ohio
24-Current years Houston Texas
Welcome from Texas, and welcome to Texas!
I am from Alvin, just south of Houston, and work in Pasadena.
I am in Alvin at least once a week, we have 3 oil leases out there (well friendswood, but close enough)
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Lawrence, KS
Posts: 13
Dude did you lose your way for awhile
Yeah, thought I'd come back and see how the site was going... looks like its growing nicely
Welcome. Give me an example of your realism. I'm curious by nature.