rugonnacry;23081 wrote:John Paul the II couldnt stand up PERIOD. You can not blame him for lack of action during the sex scandals.. Pope John Paul the Second was a great man
Uh, which is it....he couldn't stand up period, or he was a great man...somehow, the two don't mix.
And, oh, but I do blame him. All of this sex scandal stuff, has actually been going on for a long, long time...it's the church's big dark secret...the vows of celibacy by the clergy have been "hollow" and a farce, and big fat lies. (My lifetime has seen 4 popes)....because of bureaucracy, and perhaps agendi, the proliferation of these crimes and sins against the church and its' people/children, have gone on unnoticed, unpunished and tolerated, lo, these many years...and to say that the pope knew nothing of these incidents, and was "out of the loop" is akin to Cheney and Bush knowing nothing about what was going on at the DOJ....it just ain't true.
In any event, he( the pope) should have realized the potential "fallout", were the crimes to come to light, which they did, and the church, image and all, are worse for the wear, with perhaps, irreparable damage done.