Campbell34;71756 wrote:I believe the real crazies are the ones who continue to ignore the evidence, and imbrace myths that have no evidence at all.
Delk Track
Investigating the "Delk track"
There are a number of things I find suspicious about this:
1. The human Big-Toe is far too deep and juts off at a very strange angle.
2. The print was found in location where known hoaxes have been produced in the past
3. The print wasn't revealed until 8 YEARS after it's discovery
4. Alvis at the time was selling his personal possessions at the time to pay for medical bills.
5. It was found in proximity to a creation museum
6. The print was not released to the general scientific community
7. If the dinosaur making the print was several thousand pounds heavier than the human shouldn't the dino print be many times deeper?
8. The "staircase" between two of the dino toes clearly shows several different layers, if the print was created in a single action we would not see this.
9. the human toes are abnormally long.
Please refer to page two for a fuller examination.