I concur the US has added to the misery and suffering of Muslims in some countries but the same can be said about Moderate Muslims in free democratic countries. Their failure to even attempt to become responsible citizens and their constant demands for their adopted countries to Muslimfy or else they riot and burn with hatred and violence. Islam and it's followers feel as if they are intitled to what ever they demand and they are finding out that Europe and Canada as well that we aren't taking their abuse anymore. The Liberal or Socialist will allow Islam what ever it wants to ensure they get elected repeatedly. They've distroyed European Culture and now they are taking away civil rights in the name of keeping the peace between non-Muslims and Muslims. The only violence that takes place is Muslims rioting in the name of Allah. Europe accepted Muslims unmasse and they have been rewarded with fanatical Islam on their doorstep. Instead of becoming members of all communities they set up Islamic enclaves that even the police are afraid to enter. Image a Muslim women comes to Europe expecting to live a peaceful Islamic life only to find out her arranged husband has no intention of letting her leave the house let alone embrace our freedoms. It's heart breaking really, if we intervene we are racist multicultral haters but all anyone has ever asked from Muslim Immigrants is integration and to enrich our culture with theirs. Instead of enriching Canada we've had to deal with honour killings, plural marrages, arranged marrages of female children, an increase in rapes (In Norway nine out of ten rapes are by Muslim Men) Sharia Law being enforced in the home and Muslim Communities, Imams that preach the global caliphate of Islam when they aren't preaching hatred towards Jews and us Infidels. Can you image how angry we get when we support them, give them free medical and dental benifits only to find out they hate us? Islam and it's followers are proving to be ungrateful and dangerous to Christian Democratic countries, first it's our culture than our religion and then what?
So in conculsion Islam is getting it's revenge on those of us who did it no harm, we allow them to emigrate to our countries and we are rewarded with hate, violence and we get to pay for it because they don't feel the need to work with our generous social welfare programs. A time will come when we have to decide is Islam dangerous and compatable in free and democratic societies. So far Islam is the only winner under socialist governments, the people who accepted them into their countries sure don't feel very lucky these days. Islam has no one to blame but it's followers for the anger that is is growing globally. It's refusal to accept the fact that it's the author of it's own misery shall be it's undoing.
As a female Islam is my natural enemy, I could never live as a second class citizen. I am not worth half of a man I'm worth twice as much as a man.
Link regarding Islam and women:
American Thinker: Top ten rules in the Quran that oppress women