Allah akbar

Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 09:54 am
well I hope they didn't actually leave the book in front of that door, that would be kinda offensive, but other then that I give that video I freaking A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 02:27 am
Drnaline;32001 wrote:
Good to hear that and know you have a sense of humor.

ofcourse i do, all you need to have one is to know your self clearly and so you will not be afraid of misunderstanding insult to be humour or vice versa Very Happy .
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 08:53 am
Well your the first one i've seen of your kind, i must say we do need more or you around. I've never conversed with what i consider a true moderate muslim.
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 05:19 am
Drnaline;32163 wrote:
Well your the first one i've seen of your kind, i must say we do need more or you around. I've never conversed with what i consider a true moderate muslim.

imagine that 90% or more of muslims actually are like me? , its just how massmedia works and is controled, imagine what can be achieved if massmedia on both sides worked towards making the otherside better understood, nothing can stand in the path of humanity then (christian , jewish, muslim or any other ).
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 09:20 am
I wouldn't go as far as saying 90% but it's above 50%. What ever the percentage is, sucks that they make the rest of you look so bad.
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Red cv
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 06:52 pm
We don't have many Muslims in my town but those that we have are very much like PC. Gentle, with a great sense of humour. One hails from Pakistan and the others from Africa. They also don't pray five times aday and their wives don't wear a head scarf. In their own words, we arn't Muslim enough to live in our Mother Countries. How's that for sad. Great Immigrants and decent people, what more can one ask for?
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 07:55 pm
@Red cv,
Red;32463 wrote:
We don't have many Muslims in my town but those that we have are very much like PC. Gentle, with a great sense of humour. One hails from Pakistan and the others from Africa. They also don't pray five times aday and their wives don't wear a head scarf. In their own words, we arn't Muslim enough to live in our Mother Countries. How's that for sad. Great Immigrants and decent people, what more can one ask for?

Are you a farmer, Red?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 11:31 am
politically-wrong;32374 wrote:
imagine that 90% or more of muslims actually are like me? , its just how massmedia works and is controled, imagine what can be achieved if massmedia on both sides worked towards making the otherside better understood, nothing can stand in the path of humanity then (christian , jewish, muslim or any other ).

PW, I agree somewhat, but the problem, as I see it, is that the Muslims we see on TV have no interest in learning anything about us while Muslim moderates like you ask for our understanding. In my view, until you decide to stand up against the radical element within your community nothing, including opinions on this side, will change. They have vowed to kill all of us, you need to rise up and squelch them for once and for all in order for any changes to follow.

Thank you.
Red cv
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 05:11 pm
There is also the very large vocal group of Muslims that demand we alter our environment and social system and our public institutions to accomadate them. Yet they have made no attempt to assimilate into our countries, if they can't do a job because they must pray then don't take the job it's not the employers responsibility to Islamify their business to accomade Islam. The same for our government and other grey areas. Can you image how cold hearted that Somali Cab Driver was to leave a blind women on the side of the road after dark because Allah say dogs are dirty. This is the nonsense the left has forced down our throats as they Islamify the west while crushing our Christian Culture.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 05:50 pm
Red;32601 wrote:
There is also the very large vocal group of Muslims that demand we alter our environment and social system and our public institutions to accomadate them. Yet they have made no attempt to assimilate into our countries, if they can't do a job because they must pray then don't take the job it's not the employers responsibility to Islamify their business to accomade Islam. The same for our government and other grey areas. Can you image how cold hearted that Somali Cab Driver was to leave a blind women on the side of the road after dark because Allah say dogs are dirty. This is the nonsense the left has forced down our throats as they Islamify the west while crushing our Christian Culture.

If we don't fight back, we'll lose our culture and sense of identity. In essence, we'll perish. We must fight back, and compromise platitudinous ideals, if necessary. That's the bottom line. Sorry. Besides, they can always move to Scotland, where Scooby and his buddies will accommodate them, at any cost.:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Aug, 2007 03:04 am
socalgolfguy;32544 wrote:
PW, I agree somewhat, but the problem, as I see it, is that the Muslims we see on TV have no interest in learning anything about us while Muslim moderates like you ask for our understanding. In my view, until you decide to stand up against the radical element within your community nothing, including opinions on this side, will change. They have vowed to kill all of us, you need to rise up and squelch them for once and for all in order for any changes to follow.

Thank you.

until you decide to stand up against the radical element within your community nothing, including opinions on this side, will change

one of the reasons we can not do this (although God knows how i want to) is because of all the regimes in the muslim world, dictatorships where ever you go, Guess who supports these governments and their reasoning is so our countries will not fall into extremists hands?, am not trying to make it look like its all your fault no, but the US is a party of the problem, the only way i could ever think of to get out of this delimma , the way that will insure for the US that these governments will not fall into extremists hands while allowing them to have democracies and not interfere is for the US to support not the secular parties (which will never have the public's support) but the moderate muslim parties that can deal in democratic way's and be responsible in the eye's of the international community (unlike Iran right now) and still manage to generate wide spread support from the public and its citizens,
this will solve i suppose all our problems

1- the US will not be worried that extremists will control a whole contry's resources to support their extremism.
2- these countries can enjoy democracies which will lead to economic stability which will result in growth and better living conditions which will reduce extremism as a solution tremendously amongst the new generations which will be good news for the US.

tell me what do you think ?
Red cv
Reply Sat 25 Aug, 2007 12:20 pm
While the US is guilty of proping up puppet governments to benifit the US so are the Muslim countries like Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia. They are funding hard core terrorist to further their agenda and they don't seem to care how many innocents Muslims get killed as they spread Wahhabi Islam. Why should the west stop meddling if Muslim countries continue to fuel violence. PW you keep blaming the west or the US for the awful conditions Muslim's live in globally and frankly they have no one to blame but themselves. They don't hesitate to rise up and kill innocents but why do they lie dormant when their countries are taken over by violent dictators? Muslims need to grow up and stop blaming the west for their problems, their cry baby routine is getting old and has been debunked in Mosques where hatred of us is part of their daily prayers. Islam needs to change from the inside out, the West will not stop meddling globally until Islam goes into a reformation and becomes a non-violent religion or cult.

There will come a time when democratics countries will form a new alliance and shun the UN for it's clear the UN has an Islamic agenda.
Reply Sun 26 Aug, 2007 01:02 am
@Red cv,
Red;32775 wrote:
While the US is guilty of proping up puppet governments to benifit the US so are the Muslim countries like Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia. They are funding hard core terrorist to further their agenda and they don't seem to care how many innocents Muslims get killed as they spread Wahhabi Islam. Why should the west stop meddling if Muslim countries continue to fuel violence. PW you keep blaming the west or the US for the awful conditions Muslim's live in globally and frankly they have no one to blame but themselves. They don't hesitate to rise up and kill innocents but why do they lie dormant when their countries are taken over by violent dictators? Muslims need to grow up and stop blaming the west for their problems, their cry baby routine is getting old and has been debunked in Mosques where hatred of us is part of their daily prayers. Islam needs to change from the inside out, the West will not stop meddling globally until Islam goes into a reformation and becomes a non-violent religion or cult.

There will come a time when democratics countries will form a new alliance and shun the UN for it's clear the UN has an Islamic agenda.

what am saying Red(and you keep missing) is its very very difficult for the moderate element within the muslim world to have any positive effect on the relationships between the middle east and the west because its living under dictatorships which are very very suspicious of these elements because of their democratic nature which is against their own dictatorish nature, what am saying is the west generaly and the US specially should be careful(actually supportive too) about the steady growth of democratic moderate Islam ( factors: constantly increasing educated middle class, slowly developing economic growth, new world order fears and pressures, 911 ) the class is increasing its significance in the society year by year , they dont treat people as muslims and nun-muslims, they are here to eleminate the need for the current clash of civilization against ideology, mark my words I DONT BLAME THE US FOR THE MUSLIM WORLD TROUBLES AND CONDITIONS , but they have contributed to it.
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Sun 26 Aug, 2007 11:58 am
I concur the US has added to the misery and suffering of Muslims in some countries but the same can be said about Moderate Muslims in free democratic countries. Their failure to even attempt to become responsible citizens and their constant demands for their adopted countries to Muslimfy or else they riot and burn with hatred and violence. Islam and it's followers feel as if they are intitled to what ever they demand and they are finding out that Europe and Canada as well that we aren't taking their abuse anymore. The Liberal or Socialist will allow Islam what ever it wants to ensure they get elected repeatedly. They've distroyed European Culture and now they are taking away civil rights in the name of keeping the peace between non-Muslims and Muslims. The only violence that takes place is Muslims rioting in the name of Allah. Europe accepted Muslims unmasse and they have been rewarded with fanatical Islam on their doorstep. Instead of becoming members of all communities they set up Islamic enclaves that even the police are afraid to enter. Image a Muslim women comes to Europe expecting to live a peaceful Islamic life only to find out her arranged husband has no intention of letting her leave the house let alone embrace our freedoms. It's heart breaking really, if we intervene we are racist multicultral haters but all anyone has ever asked from Muslim Immigrants is integration and to enrich our culture with theirs. Instead of enriching Canada we've had to deal with honour killings, plural marrages, arranged marrages of female children, an increase in rapes (In Norway nine out of ten rapes are by Muslim Men) Sharia Law being enforced in the home and Muslim Communities, Imams that preach the global caliphate of Islam when they aren't preaching hatred towards Jews and us Infidels. Can you image how angry we get when we support them, give them free medical and dental benifits only to find out they hate us? Islam and it's followers are proving to be ungrateful and dangerous to Christian Democratic countries, first it's our culture than our religion and then what?

So in conculsion Islam is getting it's revenge on those of us who did it no harm, we allow them to emigrate to our countries and we are rewarded with hate, violence and we get to pay for it because they don't feel the need to work with our generous social welfare programs. A time will come when we have to decide is Islam dangerous and compatable in free and democratic societies. So far Islam is the only winner under socialist governments, the people who accepted them into their countries sure don't feel very lucky these days. Islam has no one to blame but it's followers for the anger that is is growing globally. It's refusal to accept the fact that it's the author of it's own misery shall be it's undoing.

As a female Islam is my natural enemy, I could never live as a second class citizen. I am not worth half of a man I'm worth twice as much as a man.

Link regarding Islam and women: American Thinker: Top ten rules in the Quran that oppress women
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Aug, 2007 12:02 pm
politically-wrong;32732 wrote:
one of the reasons we can not do this (although God knows how i want to) is because of all the regimes in the muslim world, dictatorships where ever you go, Guess who supports these governments and their reasoning is so our countries will not fall into extremists hands?, am not trying to make it look like its all your fault no, but the US is a party of the problem, the only way i could ever think of to get out of this delimma , the way that will insure for the US that these governments will not fall into extremists hands while allowing them to have democracies and not interfere is for the US to support not the secular parties (which will never have the public's support) but the moderate muslim parties that can deal in democratic way's and be responsible in the eye's of the international community (unlike Iran right now) and still manage to generate wide spread support from the public and its citizens,
this will solve i suppose all our problems

1- the US will not be worried that extremists will control a whole contry's resources to support their extremism.
2- these countries can enjoy democracies which will lead to economic stability which will result in growth and better living conditions which will reduce extremism as a solution tremendously amongst the new generations which will be good news for the US.

tell me what do you think ?

Thank you for your thoughtful answer.

the way that will insure for the US that these governments will not fall into extremists hands is for the US to support not the secular parties (which will never have the public's support)

How is the US support of non-secular parties going to help with no public support?

Are you saying that because there is no public support for a moderate position, that for your and other moderates to stand up is futile?

Reply Sun 26 Aug, 2007 02:35 pm
The Jewish media has succeeded in making me almost totally hate Islam. I watch feature stories about it on the Boob Tube, and simply want to sprinkle the big sandbox over there with handheld nukes. Muslim theology is utterly repulsive to me. Everything about it, IMO, is revolting to the extreme. It offers neither the individual nor the community anything good. It's purely evil.
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Sun 26 Aug, 2007 03:20 pm
RedOct;32922 wrote:
What's next? Married to Jesus video? MilkandCookies - Married with Jesus

If you come into religion and philosophy at least be civil, or get out and start another tin foil thread on how the Jews are taking over the world or some such nonsense.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Aug, 2007 03:30 pm
As if this thread is civilized to begin with. Anyway, your wish is granted: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 02:57 am
socalgolfguy;32901 wrote:
Thank you for your thoughtful answer.

How is the US support of non-secular parties going to help with no public support?

Are you saying that because there is no public support for a moderate position, that for your and other moderates to stand up is futile?


the way that will insure for the US that these governments will not fall into extremists hands while allowing them to have democracies and not interfere is for the US to support not the secular parties (which will never have the public's support) but the moderate muslim parties that can deal in democratic way's and be responsible in the eye's of the international community (unlike Iran right now) and still manage to generate wide spread support from the public and its citizens,

you misunderstood my statement

1- the US is supporting secular regimes and parties in the middle east and the muslim world generaly.
2- these regimes can never generate public support due to their secularism which is totally unacceptable to muslims .
3- the US should start supporting moderate parties in the middle east, these parties are against extremism (totaly) , and they are democratic in nature , and are considered an Islamic westminister ideology , these can generate poblic support within the country , while having credibility in the eye's of world opinion (specifically the US ) , as they support human rights , and are supporters of co-existence for Israel and the palistians .
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 04:58 am
Why do Muslim clerics never speak of the virtues of love, peace, fraternity, forgiveness? Their message always centers on obedience, destruction of the West, the eradication of liberal democracy, the oppression of women, and the return of 'Super Imam'. We never hear anything but a protracted war-cry and death threat. Is there anything else to Islam?

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