Any other gardeners out there? Hello?

Red cv
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 09:17 am
@Red cv,
Wowza that is an amazing court yard Socal, did you do all the stone/mason work? It sorta makes my little rock pile look pityful. I turned my pond into a fireplace yesterday and the fence is finally finished. Freedom for the dog Harley Davidson.

Dr, are you behaving yourself by eating healthy? No trans fats for ya lad.

Skye how is the move going.

Here's my new fire pit and I've also installed solar LCD lights amongst the gardens.
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 09:47 am
@Red cv,
You have a great yard, Red - lots of room, lots of grass. My yard is completely different. I live in one of those tacky master planned gated communities that rules your construction with an iron fist. If Skye drives the 15, she has probably driven past it.
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Red cv
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 09:52 am
@Red cv,
Socal my subdivision also has restrictive covenants but most of the time I ignore the neighbours if they stick their nose into my business. We will be building a workshop next month and I have to go to each of my neighbours with the plans for the workshop and, gag, get their approval. @@#$@!2ing drives me nuts. The only bad part of having a large yard is the MOWING, I hate no loathe it. I feel like bawling like a baby when I have to mow, well I do cry. I'm off to install the rest of the solar lightinggggggggggggggg.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 10:02 am
@Red cv,
Red - get a gardener. If once a week is too much for you, have them come every other week. Your time is worth more than the few bucks you'll shell out...like posting on this forum!
0 Replies
Skye cv
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 06:47 am
@Red cv,

Thanks for asking about the move.

My new day began in the dark (no clock to tell me where I was or why?)...
and out of sheer stupidity started my stumbling down an unknown hall into a stack of boxes. Ouch. Still haven't memorized light switch locations.

I am now lying on the floor looking up at all the cables and wires wondering if I'll blow up my new office if I plug yet one more thing into the wall!

Move was tiring, irritating and a comedy of errors. More coffee!

I may get a book out of it haha.

Re a gardner - interview extensively - the ones with tight jeans are a joy to behold even if they are only passable lawn cutters.... lighten your life girl!
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 03:08 pm
@Red cv,
Re a gardner - interview extensively - the ones with tight jeans are a joy to behold even if they are only passable lawn cutters.... lighten your life girl!

Careful, lest you be accused of sexism...
I made an offhand comment about a New England woman missing a meal or two and Red scolded me...
Skye cv
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 04:53 pm
socalgolfguy;22999 wrote:
Careful, lest you be accused of sexism...
I made an offhand comment about a New England woman missing a meal or two and Red scolded me...

SoCal I thought I was being quite restrained ... :p

Jeans are the epitome of a well dressed gardner - I could have offered the usual alternatives....hehe

Red doesn't scold - she is passionate about many things. People are rarely passionate these days and do not recognize for what it is - unabashed attention, interest and reaction....
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 04:58 pm
@Red cv,
unabashed attention, interest and reaction....

You little minx...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 05:02 pm
@Red cv,
Skye... Short miniskirt on hand and knees gardening > jeans and gardening
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 05:05 pm
@Red cv,
I knew this was gonna be a great thread.
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Skye cv
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 06:36 pm
@Red cv,
Ah the deep sleep of the newly moved in who now knows where her shoes are located and almost all of her chairs!!!

Ahem the gardeners are fetching too - even at 8 am....

And that little Red is standing back watching me hang myself.... hahaha
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Red cv
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 06:45 pm
@Skye cv,
Skye;22811 wrote:

Thanks for asking about the move.

My new day began in the dark (no clock to tell me where I was or why?)...
and out of sheer stupidity started my stumbling down an unknown hall into a stack of boxes. Ouch. Still haven't memorized light switch locations.

I am now lying on the floor looking up at all the cables and wires wondering if I'll blow up my new office if I plug yet one more thing into the wall!

Move was tiring, irritating and a comedy of errors. More coffee!

I may get a book out of it haha.

Re a gardner - interview extensively - the ones with tight jeans are a joy to behold even if they are only passable lawn cutters.... lighten your life girl!

LOL Skye, hooking up wires well that's man's work dear. Be carefull, It took me a week to learn the difference between the closet and the washroom. No one in their right mind would let me plug anything other than a curling iron in. Bad things happen, baby sister kills appliances. Every house she enters the water heater goes plunk and dies, she only lasted three hours at my house before she killed another one. I haven't invited her back. I have a tankless water/heater boiler now.

Socal, I tried finding a second husband last summer to do the yard work but that ended in badly. The only taker was a fella at Tim Hortons who offered me his grass eating horse for the summer. I politely declined his offer, I would of needed a rather large shovel. My lawn mover is a lawn boy and that's the only "Lawn Maintanance Worker" that works for free.

Rugon I often do yard work in a sundress, and red rubber boots. Safty is important, I don't want to slip and fall with out a panic button. The neighbours think I'm a cast off the sixties. I was only a twinkle in Pop's eyes then. Rubber boots are a girl's best friend.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 06:47 pm
@Red cv,
Rubber boots are a girl's best friend.

Oh, it' boots now is it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Jun, 2007 11:36 am
@Skye cv,
Skye;22285 wrote:

Water features..... ah the balm of the hot southern summer..... nice pix....


Sorry about your health issue - relax and enjoy what you have worked so hard for. Many people would love to be sole owners of their homes.
No need for sorrow. I was conscience of what i was doing to myself and did it anyway. I kinda tend to be self abusive. Product of my enviro i guess. Oh i could tell you storys of my last five years, the heart attack was one small part. Like the say what don't kill you makes you stronger, stronger i am! Probably the best physical shape i've ever been in.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Jun, 2007 11:38 am
@Red cv,
Red;22497 wrote:
Wowza that is an amazing court yard Socal, did you do all the stone/mason work? It sorta makes my little rock pile look pityful. I turned my pond into a fireplace yesterday and the fence is finally finished. Freedom for the dog Harley Davidson.

Dr, are you behaving yourself by eating healthy? No trans fats for ya lad.

Skye how is the move going.

Here's my new fire pit and I've also installed solar LCD lights amongst the gardens.
Dr, are you behaving yourself by eating healthy? No trans fats for ya lad.
Lots of chicken and salads, LOL. Not much for fish although i love to catch them.
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Red cv
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2007 07:28 pm
@Red cv,
Dr, try pork the other white meat. I recommend pork steak, cheap but so yummyyyyyyyyyy.

Where'd Skye go, do you think she blew herself uppppppppppppppp.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2007 08:58 pm
@Red cv,
Not much for pork either, but i do like porkchops with ketchup. I saw Skye this mornin, haven't seen here this evening.
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Red cv
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 03:32 pm
@Red cv,
Dang she's a fast one. Pork tender loin is very lean, no fat if properly trimmed Dr.

We've had thunder storms rolling through for a week now, I can cut the humidity with a knife it's unbearable.

Socal, I've been dragging my red rubber boots across Canada for nye on 18 years. There is so much paint on them I can have them scanned as paint samples. Really, I love those boots. Sniff sniff.
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Skye cv
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 04:24 pm
@Red cv,
Hi folks

About two more days and I think I'll be back to abnormal.

I am having trouble with AT&T so my computer time is limited because I have only one phone line - I transferred two from my old house and paid dearly for the move.... but they cancelled it at the other place two days early and claim there isn't a second line available to my house here....it also affects my office as the two phones are connected there as well...

At the new house there are three lines but nobody has ever used two of them... (huh?)

AT&T are having a fun day on me.... or a fun week I guess.

The one phone I have has a buzz on it and people sound like they are calling from the Alps.....

I miss my phone... my puter....and life..... right now life is a box!

But thanks for askin....
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 06:01 pm
@Red cv,
About two more days and I think I'll be back to abnormal.

Right behind you...uh...ahead of you...uh...whatever....
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