"Yes you can take that attitude, but not towards other human beings, or else you are no better than the ones you so heatedly speak against."
Not really. You're speaking the language of a competing religion -- liberalism. I don't subscribe to TWO religions. I am a Western ecumenical Christian. I don't subscribe to liberalism, or any other religion besides Christianity. So, your ideals, beliefs and values aren't compatible with mine. This idea of someone claiming to be Christian, but at the same time a staunch believer in liberal civic religion, is modern, erroneous and dangerous. Liberals just assume everyone believes thus, which they shouldn't. No, I will NOT fight for the right of anti-Christians to speak their mind. I will fight to throw them out of my society, for the common good. Christianity comes first, last and always. I'm not claiming to be 'better' than my Muslim enemies. I simply insist I am RIGHT, while they are WRONG, and HISTORY provides the evidence.