We don't have to become them to fight them. We just have to be smart. It might not sound cool or powerful or manly but all wars, cold, hot, indifferent have to be fought with intelligence and skill as well as courage and the nations has to be behind it which this one is not.
I have heard all this doomsaying retread cold war BS before, since before first grade. They said it about communism and you know what we defeated it, in spite of everything.
Even if it is possible to fight and win world war you this nation is not ready for one. I defy you to prove we are.
Our government would did not commit totally to a broader middle eastern war and occupation because it knew the nation was not ready for total war. If it had believed that we would have had conscription and rationing and fat old SOBs like me manning stateside posts so the younger ones, all of them could go and fight but look what we got instead.
Someone asked our president what the people can do to help in this war and he said go shopping. That's your born again leader talking, the Christian warrior of the Hill Country..go freaking shopping....
Yes we have to be careful about who we let into the US and yes we have to take military action sometimes and sometimes we have to be cold hearted and yes iplomacy must be accompanied with strength to be effective but all this loud mouth belicosity will get us is at best more unwinnable brush wars
At worse it will start a major war and maybe a world war that will likely do more damage to this nation, physically, politically and morally than it does to our enemies. Iraq turned a defeated and nearly broken Al Queda into the Phoenix of the Middle East. We failed to follow through in Afghanistan like always, despite Iranian help, yes that's right Iranian help blew a real chance to run them to ground.
If you really want to fight Iran and Suadi Arabia and Egypt, and their allies, in other words the world have at it babe. Go find some crazy billionaire and rally yor troops and have at it. Me I'll take the president at his word and go shopping....