
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 01:08 pm
People who are saved and know alot about the Bible shouldnt have any problem with scripture being quoted. ..

...It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart..
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 01:56 pm
yeah, I like the scripture quotings, and I'm an atheist but I take wisdom from
wherever I can get it, and that is an incredible source of it.

I do get depressed over some of the ways I hear people interpreting it,
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 02:27 pm
oleo;7846 wrote:
yeah, I like the scripture quotings, and I'm an atheist but I take wisdom from
wherever I can get it, and that is an incredible source of it.

I do get depressed over some of the ways I hear people interpreting it,

I will agree with you there, I am a born again Christian myself, and it bothers me to no end when a person or a group pervert and twist the bible to fit their agenda/lifestyle or whatever.
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 03:06 pm
Kinda like the Westboro Baptist Church who protest the funerals of soldiers and gay people.. those people make me sick.
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 03:29 pm
GoodBoy;7853 wrote:
Kinda like the Westboro Baptist Church who protest the funerals of soldiers and gay people.. those people make me sick.

That is exactly what I was thinking about when I posted that. I don't know if y'all heard about the Lee High School Bus accident, but that happened not 10 min. from me, and those idiots at that church came to protest those kids' funerals. Ridiculous.
Tulip cv
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 05:23 pm
Rats, you guys and gals are just too darn sensible are there not any nit-wits to argue with????
Tulip cv
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 07:08 pm
@Tulip cv,
Here is something a little more interesting, a look at the law of ISLAM in action, and what women have to deal with...the origin of the law of Islam is from Muhammad whose opinion of women were that they are half the value of men, can be easily replaced, and are to be just taken as a man pleases...

*I Am a Moslem Woman - Parvin Darabi *"They differed with me over what
times we are living in. It is not a democracy when a man can talk about
politics without anyone threatening him. Democracy is when a woman can
talk of her lover without anyone killing her." - Dr. Sauad M. Al-Sabah

I_ am a Moslem woman. I have no face. I have no identity. At age 9,
based on lunar year (a lunar year is ten days shorter) I am considered an
adult. Being an adult means that I have to adhere with Islamic laws as
stated below. _
I have to pray five times a day, fast one month out of the year and
cover myself from head to toe in yards of black fabric. I am eligible to
be married and can be punished for any wrong doing. I can be
incarcerated and, if needed, executed for my crimes, even political ones.
Islam's law - that Allah sent down to his messenger Muhammad - came to
announce that women (exactly like men) are full human beings. Women
(like men) are therefore required to follow the way appointed by Allah.
"A woman (like a man) is therefore obligated with all three degrees of
this religion: Islam (outward submission to Allah), iman (inward faith
in Allah), and ihsan (perfection of worship of Allah)".
"Women have such honorable rights as obligations, but men have a
(single) degree above them". The Koran 2:228
*"Men are the managers of the affairs of women because Allah has
preferred men over women and women were expended of their Rights". The Koran
4:34 *
*Islam believes and promotes only one relationship between male and
female and that is the relation of lust. *
*"If a man and a woman are alone in one place, the third person present
is the devil". Prophet Mohammed *
I am not allowed to swim, ski, ride a bike, dance, learn to play
musical instruments, practice gymnastics, or any other sport. I am not even
permitted to watch men play sports, either in the stadium and/or on
I am not permitted to participate in Olympic games.
From age 7, I am segregated from all males in and out of my extended
My father, grandfather, uncles, brothers or my male cousins are not
allowed to be present at any ceremonies for my accomplishments. They will
not be allowed to participate in my birthday parties.
I have to study under female teachers and professors. However, since
women of prior generations were not allowed to go to school, there are
not that many qualified women teachers and professors. Male professors
must teach me from behind a wall.
I am to be treated by female doctors. Go to female dentists. And if
there are none, then I have to go without or I must be examined through
some sort of divider.
I am not allowed to practice birth control or have abortions, even if
carrying or having a child means I have to die.
My worth is based on the Islamic Laws of Retribution, 24th edition,
December 1982, as half of a man. It doesn't matter who I am, how educated
I am, and what earning potential I may have in my life. My worth is
half of a man, any man.
According to clauses 33 and 91 of the law in respect, Qasas (The
Islamic Retribution Bill) and its boundaries, the value of woman is
considered only half as much as the value of a man.
Article 1: dieh or blood money paid to the victim or next of kin for as
compensation for bodily injury or murder of a relative.
The Islamic Law of Retribution
In the old Islamic laws, recently placed into practice by the Islamic
Republic of Iran, the worth of a man's life is equal to the market value
of 100 camels or 200 cows and that of a woman is equal to half of the
man's, 50 camels or 100 cows.
The clause number 6 regarding the dieh (cash value of the fine) states
that the cash fine for murdering a woman intentionally or
unintentionally is half as much as for a man. The same clause adds that if a man
intentionally murders a woman and the guardian of the woman himself is not
able to pay half of the Dieh (the value of 50 camels or 100 cows, the
difference between the value of a man to that of a woman's life) to the
murderer, the murderer will be exempted from retribution.
New Legal Standing: Pursuant to article 85 of the constitution, the
Islamic penal code article 300, blood money or dieh, a sum paid to the
next of kin as compensation for the murder of a relative, is twice as much
in the case of a murdered man as in the case of a woman. The number of
witnesses required to prove a crime is higher if the witnesses are
female. For example, article 237 of the penal code states that first degree
murder must be proven by testimony of two just men and evidence for
second-degree murder or manslaughter requires the testimony of two just
men, or one just man and two just women, or of one just man and the
My testimony in a court of law is equal to half of that of a man. In
most countries I don't vote and I don't get elected to office. And if I
do, it does not mean much. I inherit only half as much as my male
I cannot get custody of my children. Even if their father dies. In the
case of divorce or death I have to surrender my children to their
father and/or his family.
I cannot travel, work, go to college, join organizations, even visit my
friends and relatives without my father or husband's permission.
I must live where my husband desires.
I am banned from studies such as engineering, agriculture, archaeology,
restoration of the historic monuments and handicrafts, and many other
fields. I am not allowed to become a judge.
Under the terms of Koranic law, any judge fulfilling the seven
requirements (that he have reached puberty, be a believer, know the Koranic
laws perfectly, be just, and not be affected by amnesia, or be a bastard,
or be of the female sex) is qualified to dispense justice in any type
of case.
I have no right to choose the clothing I wear in public. This is done
by the Office of the Islamic Guidance which sets the color, the style,
and the accessories for women and girls as young as 6 years of age.
I will get arrested, beaten, and sometimes even executed if I wear
make-up, nylons, bright colors and specifically the color of red.
I cannot choose my mate and am not permitted to divorce him if things
did not work out.
According to Khomeini, the Iranian Islamic Imam, "The most suitable
time for a girl to get married is the time when the girl can have her
first menstrual period in her husband's house rather than her father's".
I have to meet all my husband's desires including the sexual ones. And
if I refuse he has the right to deny me food, shelter, and all of
life's necessities. I have to say yes every time he wants to have sex.
According to Hojatoleslam Imani, Religious Leader in Iran. "A woman
should endure any violence or torture imposed on her by her husband for
she is fully at his disposal. Without his permission she may not leave
her house even for a good action (such as charitable work). Otherwise her
prayers and devotions will not be accepted by God and curses of heaven
and earth will fall upon her".
My husband can divorce me without my knowledge and by the Islamic law
he is required to support me for only 100 days. And if he dies, I am
entitled to 1/8 of his Estate.
I can only ask for divorce if my husband is impotent, if he does not
have sex with me at least one night in every forty nights, and if he
refuses to provide me with a minimum standard of living.
My husband can have four permanent wives and if he is from Shi'i sect,
he can have as many temporary wives as he wants.
Koran says that "Men your wives are your tillage. Go into your tillage
anyway you want". This means that a man is allowed to sodomise his wife
and she cannot complain.
In some countries they even mutilate, cut and sew my female sexual
parts in order to control and regulate my sexual desire.
According to the Islamic Laws, I am supposed to be seen outside of my
home three times in my life. When I am born, when I get married and when
I die.
I have no explanation on why God denied me everything and made men in
charge of me, if there is a God. I don't believe there ever was one.
In Islam, the age of majority for a girl is 9 years and for a boy is 15
years. This means that a 9 year old girl and a 15 year old boy are
considered to have the same level of maturity. *_Now, if girls reach
maturity six years earlier than boys, then why did God place men in charge of
women? Was there something wrong with God's Judgment?_*
In some Islamic countries such as Iran, if I am arrested for wearing
make-up, the guards will force me to clean my face with cotton balls
rubbed in pieces of glass. This cuts my face. The barbaric revolutionary
guard, while watching the blood run out of my flesh, will tell me, "next
time you think about this and will not wear it".
As a political prisoner I will be used as a concubine for the
revolutionary guards. In case I am condemned to death I will not undergo the
sentence as long as I am a virgin. _Thus I will be systematically raped
before the sentence is executed. Mullahs believe that virgin girls who
die go to heaven but politically inclined girls are ungodly creatures and
they do not deserve to go to heaven, therefore they are raped so that
the Mullah's can be sure that they indeed will be sent to hell._
_In Islam, if a 6 or 7 year old girl is raped by an adult man, she will
be the one that gets punished. It is her fault because she provoked it.
The parents then will burn or kill her because she has dishonored the
family. _
It has been said that the Moslem Prophet got very upset one day
noticing his wives flirting with men who visited him and ordered women to stay
behind a dividing curtain when speaking with men. The idea of hijab,
the covering up of women, became a law in Islamic countries from that
In 1991, the Prosecutor-General of Iran, declared that "anyone who
rejects the principle of hijab is an apostate and the punishment for an
apostate under Islamic law is death."
Polygamy is legal in Islam. A man may marry "four Permanent" and as
many "Provisional" or temporary wives as he desires.
"Marry such women as seem good to you, two, three, four; but if you
fear you will not be equitable, then only one, or what your right hands
own; so it is likelier you will not be partial". The Koran 4:3 "Most
Europeans have mistresses. Why should we suppress human instincts? A
rooster satisfies several hens, an stallion several mares. A woman is
unavailable during certain periods where as a man is always active....",
Ayatollah Ghomi, LE MONDE, January 20, 1979.
Parvin Darabi

how's that for the origin of hatred in action....
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 09:04 pm
@Tulip cv,
Tulip;7835 wrote:
And this is a debate forum not a tea party so l have commented on his comment. Go thump a bible and preach to the Muslims!!!! Save your breath on me, l know the bible very well...

And this is a debate forum not a tea party so l have commented on his comment.

He didn't comment, he quoted the bible.
Go thump a bible and preach to the Muslims!!!!

Lets not and say we did.
Save your breath on me, l know the bible very well.

When it is addressed to you then you have a point.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 09:08 pm
NaterG;7849 wrote:
I will agree with you there, I am a born again Christian myself, and it bothers me to no end when a person or a group pervert and twist the bible to fit their agenda/lifestyle or whatever.
I agree with both of you.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 09:13 pm
NaterG;7854 wrote:
That is exactly what I was thinking about when I posted that. I don't know if y'all heard about the Lee High School Bus accident, but that happened not 10 min. from me, and those idiots at that church came to protest those kids' funerals. Ridiculous.
That's why the Patriot Guard Riders -->Home was formed. Of which i'm a member/ride captain. There just looking for a lawsuit from confrontations.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 09:14 pm
"Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
Have faith "God" is with them.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 09:15 pm
@Tulip cv,
Tulip;7857 wrote:
Rats, you guys and gals are just too darn sensible are there not any nit-wits to argue with????
Na, they don't hang around too long, i have a nasty habit of running them off, LOL.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 09:18 pm
Lol.But you give them their money's worth while they're here.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 09:26 pm
LOL, yes i do. I try and be civil. But i can also talk trash with the best of them. And i don't mind stuping to any level.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 09:39 pm

My brother is an Army Major in Afghanistan.. if something happens to him over there.. your group will be contacted.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 09:42 pm
We would be honored to be present.
Tulip cv
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 07:54 am
I can see why people leave there is no one to argue with...ciao
tumbleweed cv
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 10:38 am
@Tulip cv,
Tulip;7877 wrote:
I can see why people leave there is no one to argue with...ciao

"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead." Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 01:19 pm
That one didnt take long to weed out.
tumbleweed cv
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 01:33 pm
GoodBoy;7879 wrote:
That one didnt take long to weed out.

0 Replies

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