Well, y'all did it now . . .
Last night, i dreamt about dreaming. I dreamt about the meaning of dreaming, and about this thread.
It's all your fault, all of y'all . . . an i'll git ya fer it . . .
heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee . . .
You folks with the stifling-stuff-in-the-mouth dreams (nimh and sweet-c, was it?) -- you don't have sleep apnea, do you? Not to be all literalist or anything, but I used to know somebody who had it -- would sometimes stop breathing in her sleep, wake up terrified and feeling smothered and start breathing again.
I've been know to dream the impossible dream and it's not a pretty sight by any stretch of the imagination......................
Mrs Oak claims that I have conversations with people when I'm asleep but she'll never tell me what they are about.
Ofcourse I dream - but most of the time with my eyes open. When I sleep - I pass out, no dreams then
Nope, no sleep apnea. But I have lots of dreams that involve anxiety in one form or another.
Do you mean at night while asleep or do I have dreams of a future life?
Rarely do I remember dreams while sleeping. And the ones I remember are usually very strange aned sometimes frightening.
Do you mean at night while asleep or do I have dreams of a future life?
Rarely do I remember dreams while sleeping. And the ones I remember are usually very strange aned sometimes frightening.
My wife talks in her dreams too, but much of it is mumbled, so it's difficult to understand what she's saying.

I only visit A2K off & on.
I am sorry to have missed the beginning of this most interesting topic. But ...at least I did trip over it.
Without getting into how many years I have been dreaming (living), (asleep and awake), I would like to offer this:
Since as long as I can remember from infancy (until last night) ....this is how I approach going to bed:
For those of you who have been on roller coasters, you know that the beginning of the ride always starts with the initial "slow climb" to the top.
And then the "nightmare" begins.
My nights have been like that from as back far as I can remember. Falling asleep is the climb, getting to sleep is the beginning of that ride.
Not always a nightmare....but something else again.
Every night of my dreams are remembered, and they are not something that that could be easily described. At least to people I know and meet.
I would love to run into someone in a bar somewhere, on the other side of the world, and tell her/him my dreams, and then walk away knowing that "ships in the night "....are just that.
That's another dream of mine.
Yikes KYN every night is a roller coaster - are you tired yet.
Ah....if only you, were that "ship".
Always a kind word.
I was going to post here about these three dreams I had the other night, but I went with
another, (slightly) newer thread instead...