Do You Dream?

Reply Sun 1 Dec, 2002 06:45 pm
I just found out today that my best friend died Wednesday night :-( The strange thing is that I had a dream about her that night.
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Reply Sun 1 Dec, 2002 07:49 pm
gezzy, I don't find that strange at all.
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Reply Sun 1 Dec, 2002 08:24 pm
gezzy ~ I am so, so sorry.

Maybe the dream was your friend's way of saying good-bye to you.
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Reply Sun 1 Dec, 2002 11:41 pm
The strange thing is I don't remember ever dreaming about her in the 25 years that I knew her.

You could be right or maybe it was her way of telling me she was ok. We did have a good time in the dream. We were both much younger and we were out on the town having a good time. I woke up with a big smile on my face.
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Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2002 05:48 am
Good stuff! Very Happy
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Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2002 08:39 am
Gezzy, that's great. You should feel so happy that she could give you that. Isn't life amazing?

You said you were trying to telephone her, maybe on a different thread, right? Did you know that Alexander Graham Bell, who was a pioneer in telephones, was trying to use it to contact the dead?

Gives the ether a new sort of meaning.

Have you had any more dreams about her since then?
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Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2002 12:02 pm
Hi Gezzy, I'm SO sorry for your
experience of the loss of such a
good friend. Lord knows, they are
hard to come by,& are treasure
richer than gold.
*That kind of dream would fall
under the category of what are
called "pre-cognitive dreams",
dreams in which we are given a
glimpse into the future.
*You may also wish to share this
particular dream in another
discussion thread going on. It is
under spirituality - and the topic
heading is "Have You Ever
Experienced The Numinous?"
I believe that they would
love to hear from you about
that dream. It is exactly the
kind of experience that is
the ongoing thread.
*I don't know if you have read
a book called "The Lovely Bones"
..... but in it, a young girl dies
and as she is leaving this world
she passes by a friend of hers,
who sees her as she goes.
Her friend, Ruth, also has a great
deal of psychic abilities

*Joanne, I would be interested
in your off the cuff,associations
to the word ROOF.
To me, it would signify only a covering
up, or covering over of something, or
protection from weather, rain, etc
Whereas marriage, I would think of
more like the structure - or the
structural elements of a house.
Why, if you remember, were you
crying ?
(hey, if this is too personal a
question - please just let me know)
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Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2002 12:13 pm
Interesting thread. (BTW, I couldn't find a thread about dreams started by babs, or did I dream it?).

I dream a lot (or rather, I remember a lot). Intermittently, I have kept a "Book of Dreams" since I was 16.

For years, my dreams were about the search of truth and love.
Then came a stage in which I had recurrent elevator nightmares (landing in the wrong floor or not landing at all).
Then came lots of dreams about water. Emotions flooding. And about my house or my room (my self).
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Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2002 12:17 pm
No, I haven't had any more dreams about her. Not that I remember anyway.

Thanks very much. I will go find that thread you're talking about.
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Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2002 12:26 pm
Sorry to hear about your friend.
My Regards
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Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2002 12:41 pm
I do dream, but I don't attach any importance to them. They seem to be a mish mash of all sounds experiences memories etc that you have been through, with no logic to it and no coherent theme. Sometimes I dream about a strange form of a trivial experience the previous day. I think its just the brain "relaxing" allowing its chemically stored memories to unwind and dissolve. Sometimes I wake up and think "what utter rubbish!" I'm quite disgusted that I could have found such nonsense so interesting when I was dreaming it. Other times I know its a dream as I'm dreaming it but still "go along with it" out of curiosity.

The only thing that interests me about dreams is the fact that such vivid images literally fade so quickly before your eyes as you wake up. It takes a real effort to hold on to them, the harder you try to remember, the quicker the memory is squeezed out...or so it seems.
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Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2002 01:08 pm
So very very true Steve
I mentioned earlier about how
the nebulous "they"have found
out that the moment you begin
to make large muscle movement
the dream is like POOF! Gone
in (less than) 60 seconds!
But, I have had some very
unusual dreams, some dreams
that, even though I did not make
a bit of sense out of them while
dreaming, when I awoke, I found
that I felt completely different
about another person, for example
a long held resentment, disappears?
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Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2002 01:30 pm
Exactly, Steve... to continue a dreaming state out of curiosity!

I like the ephemeral quality of dreams. Why should we get to hold onto eveything?
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Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2002 01:36 pm
I very rarely remember dreams except when my sleeping situation is unfamiliar -- i.e., the patiobitch isn't there, I'm in a new room, or I'm sick or intoxicated. The only dreams which seem to fit to the Freud's fears-and-desires theory are sex dreams and the very occasional job anxiety dreams (for the obvious reasons). The latter type generally go back to the summer I worked on a tourist railroad and to when I worked in the theater (and no acting anxiety dreams in that category, though I did that a lot; apparently failing as a technician is more frightening to me). (And perhaps frightening is not the right word; I'm always calm in the dreams, even when perched on the back of a runaway train.) Otherwise, like Steve, they're either totally incomprehensible or utterly mundane. I dreamed once that I was sitting on a deck on a lake. Just sitting there. I mean, that's nice and all, but why am I dreaming about that?

Anywho, my intuition is more in line with the researchers who think that dreaming is just a side-effect of data compression taking place in the brain during sleep. The mammal with the greatest brain-size-to-body-size ratio is the echidna, a pretty unintelligent animal, also distinguished by its nonmammalian traits (which it shares with the platypus) and by the fact the it has no REM phase in its sleep. There's somebody, whose name I'm too lazy to look up, who thinks the echidnas got the huge brain as a result of the lack of REM sleep, which she (I think it was a she) thinks is a period during which the brain effectively compresses information gathered during the day so that it takes up less disk space, if you will.

I'm rambling, so I'll stop now. Short answer: yes, I dream, though I don't generally remember them.
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Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2002 02:56 pm
I have several dreams a night, and remember them all. I'm very big on dream interpretation, symbols, lucid dreaming, etc...gotton to the point now where some of what I dream actually happens...never really have nightmares, but sometimes a few unsettling snippets. Most of it is all good. Most of the time the dreams are so vivid, I need a nap when I awake, does that make sense, lol?

Sweet dreams...
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Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2002 02:59 pm
Yes, I have amazing dreams! They are usually easy to understand, and are always entertaining.

Often, they are premonitions... you may be a sceptic, but if you could ask those around me, they would tell you that I have a "gift." But what could be the significance of my knowing that my sister would accidentally wear a black shoe with a blue shoe? (On the same morning that I had the dream...) i often dream of someone from my past and then run into them the following day... things like that...

Yes, I would be thrilled to read an example of your dream analysis... Dreams fascinate me to no end!

Whenever someone shares a dream with me, I listen closely... I feel that if someone is moved enough to repeat it, it has a message worth hearing!
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Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2002 03:13 pm
Re: Dreams
maximom wrote:
Often, they are premonitions... i often dream of someone from my past and then run into them the following day... things like that...
maximom wrote:

Hi maximom,

Exactly what mine are like Smile

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Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2002 03:33 pm
Lorna, Yes, I noticed your post too! And I noticed you were posting at the same time I was! Cool! Let me know if you have a dream about me tonight! Ha ha!!! Very Happy

More than once, my brother and I have had similar dreams on the same evening, for intance, Grandfather knocking on our doors... Perhaps I need to check out that Spiritual thread too!
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Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2002 06:22 pm
Piffka wrote:
Why should we get to hold onto eveything?

Well clearly we don't. But I have a question for you Piffka, is it correct that you have posted on average 50 posts per day since you joined a2k
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Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2002 07:14 pm
Patiodog, I think Freudian dreamwork has long
been displaced by Jung - especially as it deals with dreams
& dream work. Jung did much more work than Freud WRT dreams.
Freud was looking at everything as if based on sexuality (or
conflicts thereof) While sex does influence aspects of our lives,
I can't honor a belief that it is THE influence. Maybe it WAS
for Freud! He did open a vast arena for study, learning, I credit
him that,yet I believe his own sexual issues interfered with his
neutrality in experimentation & judgment.
*You mention remembering a dream, your memory of it seems a
fond one. Sitting on a deck, on the lake. Calm. Why do YOU think
you remember it? Water in dreams frequently speaks to us of our
very own inner spirituality;are we immersed in it?, drowning in it?,
keeping a distance from it? What does sitting on a dock next to a
body of water, if water were to represent your own spirituality,
SAY to you?? Or, what does a runaway train suggest to you?
Perhaps an area of life that is "out of control" at the time?
Taking B vitamins aids in memory of dreams - just as alcohol
use generally disrupts dreams. I think we tend to see them as
meaningless because they do not speak to us in english.They
speak to us in symbols
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