@STEVE cv,
I think we really diverted from the topic, maybe someone should start a new topic and we can then discuss with examples how is it that we, the masses, were lied to and controlled by the few, the organised religion.
Until then, here I go:
This father did not do anything different that any of you had done ,or will do. How many of you told kids 3-5, that there is no father xmas? None!
Is there a father xmas? No (
if you beleive there is a father xmas, plz put me on your ignore list)
Why lie then? Because the benefit of this lie is much greater than the truth. Same thing did the father in my scenario.
Lets expand the father xmas scenario:
There is no father xmas, there were never a father xmas that came down the chemny and put present in socks for the good children.
On the other hand, saying that there is a father xmas, encourages the little monkies to behave ,sometimes. Telling them that if you do what we (parents/religious-agent) tell you, we will put a good word with father xmas.
- Hey guess what, there are some presents under the tree. I wonder who got presents to someone that has been a good kid
- Oh look, they even got the same present I wanted (sometimes)
This illusion keeps on going on until either you run out of money, the kid catches you buying or putting the present, or until they realise there is no father xmas thanks to their friend from the playground or an older kid.
Same with religion, it lives on our ignorance, insecurity and want(need) for there to be a big brother watching over us. Freud related that to the human need of a father figure, all mighty,strong and protective. The kind of father that will always forgive me and help me if I ask him and promise him to do as he said.
[HTML]wrong explanation OR some true malice intent[/HTML]
This is a good point, but you need to explain what you consider malicious intent.....................
To this day, almost all religions require donations. With excuses from helping the poor to spreading the true word. Helping the poor and needy sounds like a noble cause, so why not.
But what I am being told is that as a good adherent of my religion, and a good member of this congregation, it is my duty to donate, otherwise I will be questioned in the day of judgements why I did not help when I could have.
Sounds logical so far and very socially constructive.
But, I discover that these needy being helped are being blackmailed into joining and accepting my(organised religion)version of the truth in exchange for being helped!
So, in reality, although it is very noble,honourable and socially constructive to give donation to help the poor, this is not what is taking place.
I personally find it very malicious that I am contributing to buying the poor and needy into my group by exchanging help with their joining.
When this becomes normal, and another religious group follows suit, suddenly we have to lable them as evil doers because they are taking potential members away of my group.
Should the whole purpose not be to help those less priveledged?
Wrong explanation or malice, this case is pure malice, even if it leads to more ppl being "saved" by accepting "my" version of what or who god is. This is assuming there is a god.
The malice is clear, simply by liying and telling me there is a god, and be being fooled into beleiving this, than anything you get out of my beleif is malice. Your original intention was to make sure I beleive ,than you get the authority to control. You decide how I go to heaven. How is that? simply you tell me this book is the only answer, and i can not get it from amazon I have to buy it from you even if it is more expensive, why is that? coz some of the extra money goes to help the poor. Here we go again. More like a circle of deception than a circle of life!
Is a drunk-driver who kills someone responsable or not.According to the law, no. They are responsable of being drunk and driving but not of killing since there were not "intent" to kill. But at the end the result is the same.
You are using a similar analogy, maybe someone tried to explain religion using wrong information or wrong data, but they did not intend to lie, they just wanted you to beleive and be saved. So when later you discover they lied, you are expected to look at their motive (save you) and not their action(lie)!
And still they can not proof that there is anything later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is a bet ! you are betting on number 7, and when do you kn ow if you won is when your race ends and you die!!!!
Maybe who ever thought about creating a big figure "god" had good intentions. It might have been an idea to say there is a huge guy that lives on the clouds (where we can't see) and he does not like that you go and steel. it worked on some of the theives and they stopped. But some did not, than a more advanced idea, the big huge guy in the clouds is going to punish us (who we beleive in him) because we are not stopping the other theives!
This keeps on evolving until you get to what we have today. So who came up with the original idea of the guy in the cloud? A smart guy, cold even be one of the theives who wanted to cut down the competition and later on things went wrong. It could be that it was one of the victims.
Did I miss something?
Here is a good thought from a book called 'small gods'. There is a gods graveyard, where all the dead gods stay. Why are they in a graveyard if gods do not die? well they are dead since there is no one that beleives in them.