Drnaline wrote:Left out of school or left out of science class? Fairy tales, believe the one about the Big Bang? You only care about evolution in high school, what about middle school and after high? More impossible, Caused or uncaused/cause?
I do not believe in the Big Bang, it can not be proven, I was never taught that it was the truth. I guess I was lucky to have good teachers throught my life?
I believe in what I can see with my own two eyes and I make educated guesses about the rest. I see nothing that shows me that there is a God that rules over us.
I see poverty, I see hate, I see miserable people living out their lives with no hope because society will not give them a chance.
No matter how you throw the dice not everyone can be rich in America even if everyone gave 100%
Our economy is not setup that way. Our economy is setup to have poor people, middle income people, and the bill gates. You can not sit there and tell me everyone has the same oppurtunity to make something of themselves.
To take a happy family and tear it apart with pain of the tragic death of a loved one is not something a compassionate God does.
My Dad's cousin was just killed in a car wreck. She leaves behind her beautiful daughter and husband. She meant the world to them and now she is gone.
Sorry you can chalk it up to lack of faith in the invisible if you want but that's bullshit in my eyes.
In my opinion they are fairy tails. Some of it may can be proven vaguely. Some of it may of happened. Not the magical healings and the sending of the son to die on the cross. That's just crap in my book.
I like to think of myself as an observant person and from what I have observed this is what I have come up with regarding religion.
1) 90% of the time you are what you are raised. Were you raised a baptist and taken to church everyday from the time you knew what a church were? I bet you are a baptist still and I bet you have that same strong belief today only because your parents fed you that all your life. It is all you know!
2) You came into the Church because of friends. It's a comfort zone for most. It provides them with friends that will atleast smile to your face and be kind to you in person. They have to act like they care you know, cause that's what their parents and "God" wants.
Now I am not telling you why you are the way you are (Generally speaking not to a specific person) but I am merely stating my obvservation from the years of my life in the Church of Christ.
I was not raised to be tolerant of others believes. I was raised Church of Christ or be damned. I was riased with a grandmother that used Nigger to talk about Black people and who I have still heard use that term today.
Maybe I just had a bad experience with the Church but that is still beside the point that I do not believe in super natural beings deciding where I go when I die based on whether I sucked up to the big guy in the sky through my life.
I know the Church is corrupted by money and that does not reflect "God" but who does reflect "God"? A book? I am suppose to believe in a book?
While the advice may be good and if everyone lived by the "Golden Rule" this country would be such a nice place to live.. I just can not see putting faith into paper that has been translated countless times since the beginning.