The sheer number of handhelds without solar arrays that is a daunting and shameful fact too.
Shaking my head as what the hell is to gain by placing fairly expense solar cells on small draw devices.
Most such devices will still end up almost always being recharge by an outlet number one and rarely if ever by those solar cells.
Even if you recharge them always by the solar cells the pay back period is likely to be longer then the lifetime of the devices in question as outlet power is meter and sold in kilowatt hours units and total energy needed to recharge a cell phone or MP3 is measures in 1oos of mill-watts units.
Let see assuming a whole damn 2 watts of power needed to charge a MP3 player given the average cost of electric at 12 cents a kilowatt hour that would run .024 cent per charge!!!!!!!!!!
Assuming in the lifetime of the MP3 player you charge it 2000 times that means the total cost in electric off the grid would be 48 cents.
So off hand I have no idea of the price of a small solar cell array on an MP3 player but it is damn sure going to be greater the 48 cents.
The whole subject is driven by silliness not connected to the real world in any way or in any manner.
0 Replies
Sat 7 May, 2011 08:02 am
Sorry RexRed I know we are talking about your religious beliefs and not logic or commonsense when it come to the matter of solar energy.
0 Replies
Sat 7 May, 2011 08:09 am
Third note if you wish to save some real energy having smart chargers that when not charging MP3 or cell phones and are let plug in does not draw any power would be a real saving that might even pay back the added cost of having such smart chargers.
You seem so certain that the sun has little useful energy for consumer and yet science has not even begun to understand let alone tap the energy that our sun provides.
Didn't Einstein say something about the enormous amount of energy merely in his fingernail? We can slingshot a spacecraft to mars with anti gravity yet the sun cannot power my handheld mp3 player.
We can slingshot a spacecraft to mars with anti gravity
The slingshot effect used sometimes by space probes has nothing to do with anti gravity!!!
See any good text book on celestial mechanic for the mathematic of using a planet gravity well to change vectors and add speed by sharing/taping the planet orbit momentum. All this following simple Newtonian laws. Side note as far as the energy of the probe in relationship to the planet used in the slingshot it is unchanged. After you had read a good basic college level physics book I will go into the mathematic with you.
yet science has not even begun to understand let alone tap the energy that our sun provides.
Not sure what this nonsense mean other then once more you have no understanding of basic science.
yet the sun cannot power my handheld mp3 player.
Who stated you can not power a MP3 player by sunlight however it does not made a great deal of sense to do so for the reasons I had already given.
We can slingshot a spacecraft to mars with anti gravity
The slingshot effect used sometimes by space probes has nothing to do with anti gravity!!!
See any good text book on celestial mechanic for the mathematic of using a planet gravity well to change vectors and add speed by sharing/taping the planet orbit momentum. All this following simple Newtonian laws. Side note as far as the energy of the probe in relationship to the planet used in the slingshot it is unchanged. After you had read a good basic college level physics book I will go into the mathematic with you.
yet science has not even begun to understand let alone tap the energy that our sun provides.
Not sure what this nonsense mean other then once more you have no understanding of basic science.
yet the sun cannot power my handheld mp3 player.
Who stated you can not power a MP3 player by sunlight however it does not made a great deal of sense to do so for the reasons I had already given.
Perhaps there is reason why this information is NOT in your err, physics books...
“I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device," Tesla said... instantly causing a few billionaires to choke on their morning coffee.
Afraid it might mean the end for a multi-billion dollar industry, Big Energy instantly withdrew all their funding… causing the invention never to be fully implemented.
Years after, when Tesla died alone and broke, the Alien Property Custodian confiscated all the sensitive files – even though he was a US citizen. And for almost a century, these files were condemned to gather dust on a government shelf.
This is going to upset many… but it’s well worth it. After years of suppression, a leaked file from the Tesla folder has made it into a few “underground” science labs.
Imagine the Sun as an immense ball of electricity… positively charged with a massive potential of over 200 BILLION volts.
About a hundred million miles away in the solar system, the Earth is charged with negative electricity – acting like a huge “sponge” that creates a virtual expressway for almost 4.5 megawatt hours of electrical energy!
Now get this: before Tesla, it was impossible to use even a small fraction of this almost infinite source. That’s because most of this energy “bounces” off the Earth’s ionosphere… and is lost forever into space. But with his device - and a few simple 21st century adjustments – you too can grab a slice of this unlimited resource.
You may not have heard of him... but Nikola Tesla was a true Einstein of electricity! Unfortunately, he succeeded in making some powerful enemies while he was alive... so they literally "erased" him from history after he died. That's why you won't find him mentioned in school textbooks... and you won't hear anyone say his name on TV.
Comment: How many other technologies secretly used today have been "erased from textbooks"... Kind of makes your constant banter of "go read a text book" moot...
Now why can't this circuit be miniaturized and hooked to a cell phones preexisting antenna? Along with a couple of cheap (non silicon) plastic/silver solar patches? Besides that Silicon itself "is the most common metalloid..."
That may upset a few corporations if we had free electricity.
Tesla was the following a genus, a showman and a nut case all roll up in one interesting person.
Strange is it not that you can not be trouble to get a basic education in science when you claims to care so must about subjects that need that knowledge to be able to have any intelligent discussion about.
Boeing, the world's largest aircraft manufacturer says it is working on anti-gravity propulsion, which could revolutionize conventional aviation.
If the science underpinning the program can be made into reality, it will be the biggest thing to hit the aviation industry since the Wright Brothers.
"GRASP," or Gravity Research for Advanced Space Propulsion, was only recently reported in Jane's Defence Weekly, but the U.S. military may have had the technology for years.
The National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), based in Nevada, say that mysterious U.S. military craft using this kind of technology have been skirting the skies since the 1980s.
Tesla was the following a genus, a showman and a nut case all roll up in one interesting person.
Strange is it not that you can not be trouble to get a basic education in science when you claims to care so must about subjects that need that knowledge to be able to have any intelligent discussion about.
Just like seagulls, some are scouts and some are part of the flock. Just because I may be a scout does not mean I am not a seagull.
My main discipline is music (that is what I will always be) which certainty is not devoid of math or wave particle physics.
Modulators, carriers, algorithms, various waveforms, filters, hertz, LFO waves, audio effects, media formats, quantize and samples are music related things I have been working with for 30 years.
You wanna talk music? That is when you will maybe find yourself swimming.
I knew his grandson (or some type of relative) James personally. James and his boyfriend gave me about 400 vinyl albums that to this day I faithfully care for along with the other 1800 or so vinyl records I own. James cried when he parted with his albums and a few years later I gave him back the choice ones he wanted. I am sure he has replaced them all by now. I will not pretend to know everything about electricity but I know quite a bit. James looked just like his grandfather's (or some sort of relative) picture on wiki when I knew him over 20 years ago.
Wiki says he has no descendants but James claimed to be one.
0 Replies
Sun 8 May, 2011 05:27 am
Assuming in the lifetime of the MP3 player you charge it 2000 times that means the total cost in electric off the grid would be 48 cents.
Multiply that by (lets say) 300 million. Thats a whole lot of coal we could save.
Lets add all the cell phones and laptop computers and readers and anything else that needs batteries recharged.
See how small amounts add up to something thats actually significant?
Bill, stop thinking selfishly and ask yourself how you could make a difference.
Boeing, the world's largest aircraft manufacturer says it is working on anti-gravity propulsion, which could revolutionize conventional aviation.
Boeing did not say any such thing some nut on the internet said it.
However I hear that their flying carpet program is coming along great.
0 Replies
Sun 8 May, 2011 06:25 am
And you think that the manufacturing and the shipping of all those solar cells is energy free??!!!!???
0 Replies
Sun 8 May, 2011 06:36 am
Modulators, carriers, algorithms, various waveforms, filters, hertz, LFO waves, audio effects, media formats, quantize and samples are music related things I have been working with for 30 years.
So you know how to break up a complex wave into a Fourier series?
Howabout the designing of second orders Butterworth bandpass filters?
Tell us all without googling it what a Nyquist rate happen to be.
Modulators, carriers, algorithms, various waveforms, filters, hertz, LFO waves, audio effects, media formats, quantize and samples are music related things I have been working with for 30 years.
So you know how to break up a complex wave into a Fourier series?
Howabout the designing of second orders Butterworth bandpass filters?
Tell us all without googling it what a Nyquist rate happen to be.
Can you tell the subtle difference between a low note on a violin and a high note on a viola? Can you carry a tune? What is your vocal octave range? How many instruments have you fully mastered? How many sound samples do you have memorized? How long can you tolerate listening to the same song over and over? How about proficiency using a slide on a guitar or a violin bow? Can you write song lyrics? How about stepping out in from of large crowds alone? Ever owned an 8 track reel to reel or a computer sequencer app?
Ever slaved synths to a commodore64 computer? Ever dealt with band members and their egos? How nimble are your fingers on a synth keyboard? Two left thumbs? Ever mixed down an entire song?
Can you make heads or tales of this?
Without Googling it that is
Can you visualize what a pure sine wave sounds like when modulated by another pure sine wave?
Can you tell the subtle difference between a low note on a violin and a high note on a viola? Can you carry a tune? What is your vocal octave range? How many instruments have you fully mastered? How many sound samples do you have memorized? How long can you tolerate listening to the same song over and over?
None of the above has anything to do with the understanding of the basic laws of nature as it relate to sound.
Here you are four hundreds years after Newton with the world of information and knowledge at your finger tips and yet you know far far less then Newton did concerning the workings of nature.
You talk of energy but I am sure you could not even give the scientific definition of the term.
All your postings are the fantasies of a scientific illiterate on this thread and as a result are both totally worthless and totally meaningless.
Can you tell the subtle difference between a low note on a violin and a high note on a viola? Can you carry a tune? What is your vocal octave range? How many instruments have you fully mastered? How many sound samples do you have memorized? How long can you tolerate listening to the same song over and over?
None of the above has anything to do with the understanding of the basic laws of nature as it relate to sound.
Here you are four hundreds years after Newton with the world of information and knowledge at your finger tips and yet you know far far less then Newton did concerning the workings of nature.
You talk of energy but I am sure you could not even give the scientific definition of the term.
All your postings are the fantasies of a scientific illiterate on this thread and as a result are both totally worthless and totally meaningless.
Did Newton play a violin? Oh and "zipper noise" is digital aliasing btw.
I see, only what you know is "important" or scientifically vital. (cynical)
It is not that I my knowledge does not drop of in various areas but that does not make me any less learned. That also does not make me unfit to speculate as if my speculation is somehow inferior or uninformed.
I take it by your lack of an answer that you would be swimming in music programming in general.
I do use a microphone quite well even thought I may only know a cursory idea of how electrons are converted from an electrical current to acoustic energy on the other site of the PA speaker.