You are correct that it is a dumb, and self-contradictory, question. Your distorted syntax also reveals your basic lack of understanding.
What do you mean by " .. resistance to warming or cooling"?,and how could that be in any way equivalent to " does water heat faster than it can be cooled? ".
Heat is a word (a noun) that refers to energy in the form of the molecular motion that occurs in materials, gas, liquid, or solid. In Neutonian terms, temperature is simply a measure of the average kinetic energy (mV>2/2g) of the molecules. Heat is a measure of the total such energy involved. It is tranfrered from one object to another with which it is in direct by the direct collision of these molecules (conduction). At the atomic/quantum level energy is also radiated in the form of photons or waves in an amount proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature of the material (radiation). That energy also excites molecular motion, That's how your toaster works. Incident radiation at lower frequencies (radio waves) also involve photons that slowly add energy to the molecules of an object. That's how your microwave oven works.
The time required to raise or lower the temperature of any fluid, including water, is proportional to the mass of the fluid sample in question and the rate at which energy is being transferred into or from it. The relationship between the energy so transferred and the resulting change in the temperature of the fluid involved is proportional to the density of the fluid in its present state and the molecular weight of the material of which it is composed. The direction of the heat transfer (into the fluid or out of it) has no effect at all.
Your inclination to speculate and pass judgments exceeds your basic understanding by a wide margin. That is the essential characteristic of a fool. You should work on that. Try expanding your knowledge and understanding, while, at the same time better respecting the limits of your knowledge and the reach of your usually poorly formed opinions. You will learn and gain wisdom that way. Just spounting off as you do merely preserves your foolish ignorance.