RexRed wrote:
It is only logical that the amount (in the gigawatts) of solar energy collected by solar panels are directing these gigawatts of energy from hitting the earth.
The more panels we build world wide the more the earth is shielded from the sun's harmful rays...
All of the sun's emitted rays? Did I say that? No. But maybe over time enough rays to allow our earth to cool. I think of these solar panels as another layer of atmosphere. If air can shield our earth from the sun so can solar panels...
Please explain your "logic" here.
The solar rays or energy incident on solar cells is partly reflected off back into the atmosphere ( where it is absorbed as heat) and partly absorbed and converted into electrical energy in the form of moving charged particles (electrons). Those charged particles enter the electrical power networks where they are used to drive machinery (everything from large electrical motors to heaters, fans, toasters, lightbulbs, and computers. All of these devices transmit the energy thus received back into the environment as heat.
You may have noticed that the computer you are using to post your fantastic web cites here gets a little warm to the touch when it is operated for a while. Why is that? The fact is the electrical energy powering your computer is not destroyed by it. Instead it is transformet into heat as it is used to power the chips, illuminate the screen and make those funny little noises. This is the first law of Thermodynamics, the so called conservation of energy. It is a very powerful but fundamental idea in the development of modern science, one that is behind nearly all of our technoogical advancements.
I find it very odd that, after our earlier dialogue, you persist in this fundamental error, and that, given your ignorance in this and possibly other fundamental areas, you persist in telling us all what is really good for us.
There's nothing inherently wrong with ignorance or the lack of knowledge or understanding. Indeed the first step in aquiring knowledge, understanding or even wisdom, is the acknowledgment that one lacks them. However, when one persists in repeating nonsense, even after warning or correction, and does so without thought or reconsideration of the issues at hand, then he has crossed the line from benign ignorance to willful stupidity.
If you want to be a stupid, narccisistic fool all your life, posting here your vaporous musings and nonsensical propaganda posted on the web by other similar types thst's OK with me. Indeed it's your right. However, I would recommend that you try something different and expend some of that energy and time educating yourself to the real complexities of the physical and human world.