georgeob1 wrote:
You haven't offered a solution either. Wind and solar power are so much more expensive than conventional sources that their mandated use (on a time scale consistent with those offered by AGW zealots) would cause mass starvation and political havoc.
There have been no facts yet established thast suggest that natural gas extraction will "ruin our water supply". Quite the contrary, the facts suggest the impacts are minimal and easily prevented. You are chasing prejudices and illusions here.
I have no idea what you mean by the following;
Quote:Every electron has enough energy to fuel this planet,
The fact is the energies associated with changes in electron & ionic reactions, whether through chemical or incident radiation (as in solar cells) are well known and hardly sufficient in any individual case to "fuel this planet". However a somewhat related physical phenomenon, the energy within unstable nuclides of abundant elements, is millions of times greater than any reactions involving mere electrons.
That is the real source of manageable safe mass energy production for the planet without any adverse effects on our atmosphere.
I am just paraphrasing Einstein when he said:
There is enough energy locked up in a grain of sand to boil 10 000 000 kettles and the energy equivalent of the average adult is about 7 x 1018 (7 000 000 000 000 000 000) joules of potential energy, enough to explode with the force of thirty hydrogen bombs!
You must likewise not understand that statement either.
Why? Because we have become complacent using primitive energy forms. Dark energy is only a theory now yet it is the only hypothesis that explains certain physical phenomenon. Were we to actually do some research and development into that field it could also yield new forms of usable free clean energy. It was worth it to spend billions to produce a bomb to blow up our neighbor but not worth it to solve our energy crisis. Seems like the wrong priorities. And you seem to be part of this very problem George. And what of when we run out of oil gas, coal, clean air and water? Oh then this path would be viable had we not already squandered away any chance of using it in a clean environment. You take for granted this earth and that these vital resources are finite while other forms of energy are nearly infinite.
I would rather trust the words of Issac Asimov, he wrote something to this effect, "Oil should be the match that lights the lamp not the fuel in the lamp."
And as for Denmark... It is a start and Germany is also in the upper hemisphere and they have accomplished even significantly greater results. As these technologies become much more efficient, no thanks to you and your kind, our need to use dirty fuels will diminish.
I remember when CD makers said that a CD could only be spun at 24x speed and it was physically impossible to spin it any faster without wobble and unreliable reads and writes. As you well know CD's spin today reliably at 52x speed. Should innovators have listened to the naysayers as yourself and simply give up at 24 speed? The same holds true for various energy cells, batteries and solar panels. This is unless you own stock in dirty energy and will do anything in your power to squelch new technologies so you can continue to make a buck on our nearly guaranteed self destruction.
Not so long ago Easter islanders saw no need to replant trees. They cut, hacked and slashed down the forests and used the trees indiscriminately for their building and energy needs. One day they cut down the last tree. When Spanish and Dutch traders came to their shores the island was bare, not containing a single tree. It is pretty hard to build boats out of rocks...
Not so many years hence we are not overpopulating a tiny island in the pacific but about to overpopulate the entire globe. Now it is not trees but oil and other finite resources. These resource are the one shot deal we have to populate the universe. Instead we are burning and wasting them till every last bit is used up without a single concern of what will replace such resources. We paint this finite commodity on cereal boxes like there is no end in sight. Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past or can humanity learn plant seeds of research and development that will help us to reach into our bright energy future?
"Wind and energy are so much more expensive.." What will be the price of our ruined air, water and earth? We'll cross that bridge when we get there does not float boats... Can you afford to pay that price down the road? So let's just instead cut down every last tree, drill every last drop of oil... Is that the basic gist of your plan George? Well I personally take issue with your plan. Someone has got to.