@Pepijn Sweep,
Quote:I did not know the lend-lease program started so early in the War. I stand corrected
The lend-lease program was design by the Roosevelt administration to get around the congressional ban on selling war materials to the English and the French on credit before we became part of the war.
Once we did enter the war however such a program was no longer needed.
Quote:Empires collapsed by nationalism or communism; not by US soldiers.
The millions of extra and fresh soldiers we added to the fighting during WW1 was the main deciding factor that did end the stalemate and allow the allies to dictate peace terms. A large percent of historians would agree with that statement.
Quote:The US troops after the war were not welcomed by every citizen of Europe.
A far as whether the population of Europe care or did not care to have American troops on their soil after WW2 does not address the fact that without them being there all of Europe would had became puppets states of the USSR in short order at best.
Quote: Did you also train A-bomb attacks on Monday ?
No one day of the week for air raid drills nationwide however I do remember air raid drills and getting under our school tables or going into the school hallways during such drills.
I in fact as a teenager I can remember taking a protractor/compass and drawing range circles on a map to see what missiles could or could no reach my home from Cuba during the Cuban Missiles Crisis.