Sat 15 Nov, 2003 02:24 pm
Ooh. . . such things happen in Cary? :-)
Oh yes, we have all the cool things you new yorkers have in abundance.....crime, sexual deviance, crack, attitude, oh yes, we have it all.....we're just smaller...
hehe. . . my family lives in Durham, BPB. . . must admit we snub our noses at you Cary folk. . . I'm sure you know the old joke. . . what's it stand for? Containment Area for Relocated Yankees. . .
and durham is sort of like the part of the bronx you won't even go to in broad daylight.........I live in North Raleigh by the lake where the really snooty folk are..........
Yes having me in this basically white collar button down republican neighborhood is God's curse on all of them for every thing they ever did's nice to feel as though I have a purpose in God's great plan :wink:
LOL. . . my dad's a prof, teaches at both Duke and State, but when we were coming in, North Durham had all that brand-spanking-new constuction. . . we live along the Eno, actually, and if that new loop project for 85 or 40 or whatever it is actually goes through, we may be relocating to Raleigh anyway :-)
When I saw the title of the thread here, I thought it was about those special massages....
<gigglesnort> what a great way to ruin what was a very nice thread!
<snicker> Don't make me go back and look at some of BPB's less delicate moments.
all jokes aside, n. durham is a nice area. I used to do a lot of event work for Hope valley and that swim and tennis club I can't remember the name of that's right there.
Croasdaile? We used to belong there. . . moved to the one that starts with a W. . . I dunno :-) Willowhaven?
And I know, cav, I know. . . :-)
Woodcroft....I went and loked at an old invoice.....I also did a ton of work for Duke and NC State.....Chapel Hill as well, and NCCU