------------------------------------- Questionnaire-------------------------------------
Welcome everyone to another member interview on philosophyforum.com! Member's interviews provide the opportunity for members to get to know other members a little bit better by answering a small number of questions and saying a little something about themselves.
Today's interview is mister kitten!, who has been a member on the forum since 25th June 2009.
So what about you? Most of the forum knows you through the profile at the top of every post you make. Tell us about your profile.
Q1: So tell us a little about your name, why you chose it, what it means, etc.
Quote: Around my house there are a lot of cats who sleep a lot. I feel like people are becoming cats in that lazy sense. mister kitten sounded professional.
Q2: Tell us a little about your avatar. Does it mean anything special to you?
Quote: No avatar, and I can't get one of my cats to dress up in a suit.
Q3: Explain to us the significance of your user title (if you have one) and/or signature. Where does it come from? What can this small tidbit of info tell us about you?
Quote: re del cielo is italian for 'king of the sky'. I declared myself the title last year laying down in the grass next to a very good friend. I did that because I didn't want any mean people claiming it. I guess now that my secret is out I'll have to fight anyone who challenges me for the sky :shifty:, I'm a magnanimous king, I assure you.
Q4: What made you join the forum?
Quote: Most high school kids don't like to talk about philosophy. I was spying on the forums for a while and decided to join.
Q5: Can you tell us anything more about your stats, like the volume of posts, your thanks/thanked ratio, and your rep power?
Quote: I tried to have a heavier side on the 'thanks' portion. I don't remember what it is now. I usually give 'thanks' for a post that made me laugh or a real meaningful one.
Tell us a little bit more about you in general.
Q6: If you could describe yourself in one short sentence, what would it be and why?
Quote:I'm a human (not a person) sometimes, and I'm a cat (not a dog) the other times.
Q7: Do you have any other interests other than philosophy (i.e. hobbies, work, etc.)?
Quote: Drawing and writing are my main interests other than philosophy. I like them because at my age I could produce some great work without a college degree. but that's a longshot. I also practice Kokondo Karate and more recently begun sparring with my friend who does a differeng form.
Q8: Do those interests coincide with your affinity for philosophy?
Quote: I don't write a sentence if it contradicts my philosophy. Having trouble combining art and philosophy, but maybe I'm thinking too much about it.
Q9: Can you tell us anything more about yourself?
Quote:I collect Sobe bottle caps, and I'm insane because I wake up in the morning thinking change will come. I'm also a sophomore in high school.
Tell us about philosophy forum and you.
Q10: What are your favorite areas of the forum? If you have more than one, give us your top five.
Quote:Existentialism>Logic<Aesthetics>Creative Writing>Social philosophy...haha
Q11: Do you blog? What are some of the topics you discuss?
Quote:My first blawg was to pass some time one hot afternoon. After many edits it became "Tense"! (the title for the story). Still working on Joseph's story. The other blawg is mainly a link to the deviantart place which holds some poems of mine.
Q12: If you could describe philosophyforum.com in one word, what would that word be?
Quote:wonderful. If I describe it in two words it would be-marry me.
Q13: How would you describe your posts and the style/structure you use?
Quote:I like to keep them short, because if I went on and on I'd end up losing focus or going off topic.
Q14: What would you do to make philosophy forum a better/more interesting place?
Quote:View while naked.

Tell us a little about your perspective of philosophy in general.
Q15: What first got you interested in philosophy?
Quote: I was always skeptical of most things as a younger child. At first I wanted to bring the skepticism out of the clouds, but now it's more about trying to understand in my own and other's perspectives.
Q16: Explain how philosophy is important to you.
Quote:Self-created travel guide through life to death. Guides my writing, too.
Q17: What keeps you interested in philosophy?
Quote:Neat questions and ideas that never show up in the average work day (school is my job).
Q18: If you could define you own particular philosophy in one short sentence, what would it be?
Quote:It could be worse; we could be jellyfish.
Q19: What do you think the benefits of philosophy are?
Quote:A wide range of thoughts to think about and respond to.
Q20: What do you think the drawbacks to philosophy are?
Quote:Not taking it in moderation.
Q21: What is your favorite subject in philosophy (i.e. ethics, logic, etc.)?
Quote: Aesthetics because you are beautiful. It could be existentialism, but I don't know much about it right now.
Q22: What is your least favorite subject in philosophy?
Quote: Logic, but I'm trying.
Q23: Who is your favorite philosopher and why?
Quote: It's a tie between Marcus Aurelius and Albert Camus. Existentialism and Stoicism both have great values.
Q24: Who is your least favorite philosopher and why?
Quote: Ayn Rand. Telling my reasons would go against the forum rules.
Lightning Round!!! Answer either or!
Q25: Global warming or Global fooling?
Q26: Conservative or liberal?
Q27: Formal or informal?
Quote:I want to wear a suit at least once in the formal sense. I don't like shoes and socks in the informal sense.
Q28: Smart or ignorant?
Q29: Mac or PC?
Q30: Awesome or Phenomenal?