@Yogi DMT,
Tool is known for incorporating many different time signatures in their music and even in some areas transitions form on to another in the same song. Western audiences like to hear music in a 4/4 time signature. Almost every single popular song today is done in 4/4. Some may find this time signature more auditorily satisfying and pleasing. Tool has had influences from all over the world and some of the worldly beats they use don't register as well with western audiences. In fact, one of Danny's drumming mentors, taught him a much more eastern style of drumming. Technically he is a fantastic drummer and is truly an athlete to play songs like Ticks & Leeches that go for about 10 minutes. His work is very unique in the regard that he seamlessly transitions from one time signature to another within the same song with few other drummers can do so well. Like i said, Danny is an astounding drummer with skill that not many can match and all the other members of the band are technically amazing. Yes you may not be able to dance to them as easily (depends on what you consider dancing

), but you have to think of the purpose of their music. Is Tool meant to be played in a party? Probably not. I for one, actually like the sound of Tool, and it seems to be an acquired taste for most people. But music might not be about dancing for some people, and Tool has a greater meaning. Tool, and rather all music usually has two distinct parts, the music and the lyrics. While some may just say, go write a book if you want to convey messages, i feel Tool is trying to get what they have to say across through arguably great music. I didn't start off liking Tool, and actually hated them, just like every other ignorant and close-minded person. That's not to say some just don't like Tool, i understand that, but when someone doesn't even give them a good listen then their opinions warrant no value or meaning to me. So i continued listening to them by way of a friends persistence, and eventually they grew on me. I didn't hear one of their songs right away and go, wow! that sounds great. Anyone who takes Tool for what they are at face value is just demonstrating that they are nieve. After listening to them a great deal, I've come to really enjoy the music even if i can't really "dance" to it as well.