I love Christmas....squinney and I trim the tree, and when we're finished....she kisses me under the balls......
That should spruce things up.
Joe nation....I get it

.......it's an occasion I pine away for when it's over.....and like Christmas itself only happens once a year........hope squinney doesn't see this post...she hates it when I needle her about it.....
Last night I broke out the vhs A Christmas Carol (b&w, Alistair Sim). The season has begun for me.
"It's a Wonderful Life" is the one that does it for me......I got it on dvd last year and still have my vhs backup......anytime the family is out and we hear a bell ring, if it's in April....someone invariably says "Every time an bell rings an angel gets his wings", even my cubs......
I dunno. . . I like How the Grinch Stole Christmas :-)
But I watched A Charlie Brown Christmas last night. . . a nice November/December tradition :-)
Yup, some good Christmas films; it is indeed a wonderful life. I like A Christmas Story with young Ralphie & his Red Ryder rifle and Bill Murray's Scrooged?
Ooh. . . Scrooged is great. . . haven't seen that one in a LONG time. . .
Since the last time it was on TNT, I think. . . :-)
Thanks to y'all I got out the Christmas books -- corny Little Golden Books that the sozlet loves. "Frosty the Snowman", "'Twas the Night Before Christmas," etc. Very happy sozlet.
We decorate with Golden Books, soz :-) My mother bought the whole set for me when I was three or so and learning to read, and now she puts them on the mantle and lord knows where else. . . My family breaks out the decorations on the day after Thanksgiving. . . (sure beats trying to break into line at the sales). The Golden Books, the candles, and the garlands :-)
It's been about that long for me, too!
Aw, sounds like your family has lots of nice traditions, P'ash.
Tehe. . . you'll note I didn't mention the tree. . . we always seem to procrastinate doing that and wind up putting it up in about three hours on the 21st or so :-) Oh well. . . you gotta have SOME things :-)
Well if this Christmas song doesn't make you want to reach for a hanky and contemplate the real meaning of the occasion...well, I just don't know. <sniff>
Stan Rogers
This day, a year ago, he was rolling in the snow
With a younger brother in his father's yard.
Christmas break - a time for touching home
The heart of all he'd known, and leaving was so hard -
Three thousand miles away, now he's working Christmas Day
Making double time for "the minding of the store"...
Well, he'd always said he'd make it on his own
He's spending Christmas Eve alone.
First Christmas away from home.
She's standing by the train station, panhandling for change
Four more dollars buys a decent meal and a room.
Looks like the Sally Ann place after all,
In a crowded sleeping hall that echoes like a tomb
But it's warm and clean and free and there are worse places to be,
And at least it means no beating from her Dad
And if she cries because it's Christmas Day
She hopes that it won't show...
First Christmas away from home.
In the apartment stands a tree, and it looks so small and bare
Not like it was meant to be
The Golden Angel on the top, it's not that same old silver star
You wanted for your own
First Christmas away from home.
In the morning, they get prayers, then it's Crafts and tea downstairs
Then another meal back in his little room
Hoping maybe that "the boys" will think to phone before the day is gone
Well, it's best they do it soon.
When the "old girl" passed away, he fell more apart each day
Each had always kept the other pretty well
But the kids all said the nursing home was best
'Cause he couldn't live alone...
First Christmas away from home.
In the Common Room they've got the biggest tree
And it's huge and cold and lifeless,
Not like it ought to be
And the lit-up flashing Santa Claus on top
It's not that same old silver star you once made for your own
First Christmas away from home.
<sniff> that's SO my apartment christmas, uhm. . . twig. . .
Cav... that is so pitifully sad. sheeesh
We have a box of "Christmas Books" that are packed away with the ornaments and come out each year. They all have Christmassy themes of love & peace. Two that were particularly wonderful were Star Mother's Youngest Child and Cranberry Thanksgiving. This first is my favorite, the second has a really good recipe for cranberry bread.