i feel christmassy

Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 11:39 am
ehBeth wrote:
I will however, wear a Santa Hat, or antlers, or my reindeer nose, or my Christmas tree bulb necklace, or my flashing bulb earrings and pin at the slightest provocation starting around the 15th of the month.

I think this sentence more properly ends after "at the slightest provocation." Wink
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 11:40 am
Very Happy

<busted, i've been busted - though I don't think meeting the sozlet is the slightest provocation - that was big! >
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 12:03 pm
Well, I was beginning to get in the mood, despite the fact that it's still touching 80 degrees here in Deep-In-The-Hearta, and then Setanta ruined it for me...

(In a good and hilarious way, I hasten to add... :wink: )
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 12:28 pm
edit, ribbit, ribbit . . .
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Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 12:28 pm
I gotta million of 'em, too, PD . . .
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Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 12:32 pm
Tehe. . . Joe, that'd be 102.7 FM. . . all carols, all the time. . . and the oldies, too :-)

And that's not a west side starbucks thing. . . the ones over here on Astor started decorating the hedges last week. . .
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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 12:54 pm
Thank u, Princess, I'll be sure to scroll on by....

Have you ever succumbed to buying Starbuck's Christmas Blend,? I haven't. Is it Breakfast Blend with a teaspoon of cinnamon in it? I should hasten to add that the Starbucks at 23rd and 3rd is my real office, when my boss can't find me he actually calls over there to see if I'm sprawled in the corner with my cellphone off, so this shouldn't be considered criticism of my favorite brewery.

Anyone? Christmas Coffee? Is that a bit too much?

So many of my friends here are Jewish and I have to say I'm a little embarrassed by all the Xmasy stuff so soon and so much, but when I ask them about it I get the long shrug answer. (sigh)

0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 01:01 pm
Uhm, actually, it's got nutmeg too. . . not that. . . I've. . . tried it. . . you know. . . or anything. . .
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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 01:43 pm
Yeah, I caught a whiff of it as I went by, but I didn't inhale.//
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 01:51 pm
Hey, I got a couple too:

Fairy Tale of New York

It was Christmas Eve babe
In the drunk tank
An old man said to me,
Won't see another one
And then he sang a song
'The Rare Old Mountain Dew'
I turned my face away
And dreamed about you
Got on a lucky one
Came in eighteen to one
I've got a feeling
This year's for me and you
So happy Christmas
I love you baby
I can see a better time
When all our
Dreams come true

They've got cars
Big as bars
They've got rivers of gold
But the wind goes
Right through you
It's no place for the old
When you first
Took my hand
On a cold Christmas Eve
You promised me
Broadway was
Waiting for me

You were handsome
You were pretty
Queen of New York City
When the band finished playing
They howled out for more
Sinatra was swinging,
All the drunks
They were singing
We kissed on a corner
Then danced through the night

The boys of the NYPD choir
Were singing 'Galway Bay'
And the bells were ringing
Out for Christmas Day

You're a bum
You're a punk
You're an old
Slut on junk
Lying there almost
Dead on a drip
In that bed

You scum bag
You maggot
You're cheap and you're haggard
Happy Christmas your arse
I pray God
It's our last

{Repeat chorus}

I could have been someone
Well so could anyone
You took my dreams
From me when
I first found you
I kept them with me babe
I put them with my own
Can't make it all alone
I've built my dreams
Around you

{Repeat chorus}

And let's not forget this classic:

Holy ****, It's Christmas!
Red Peters with The New Christy Hamsters

SFX - Jingling bells, intro music bed, etc.

(off in the distance) "Ho, ho, ho....."

Hamster #1 - "Did you hear that?"

Hamster #2 - "Hey everybody, Santa's here!"

Hamster #3 - "Aw, there ain't no Santa Claus."

Hamster #2 - "There is, too!"

SFX - knock on door

Hamsters - "He's here!!!"

SFX - door bursts open

Red - "Ho, ho, ho... Merry Christmas boys!"

Hamster #1 - "Aw, ****, it's Red Peters..."

Hamsters - "Awww..." (grumbling in unison)

Red - "Come on you swinging hamsters, get over here. We're gonna sing us a happy Christmas song."

Hamster #1 - "Oh no, not another corny, stupid song."

Hamster #2 - "Yeah, no way Red."

Hamsters - "Yeah, yeah..."

Red - "Get over here and sing or I'll ring your little necks!"

Hamsters - "OK!, OK!...jeesh!"

Grab your nuts hamsters, gather round with me
forget about out all that teasin'
we're breakin' out the holly and aluminum tree
cuz it's that jolly season
I know you been naughty, but have you been nice
that's only Santa's business
he's makin' his list and he's checkin' it twice
Holy ****, It's Christmas! (HAMSTERS)

Santa comes just once a year
just like you Red, that's what we hear
he's got a soft spot for reindeer
especially Rudolph's derriere

knock it off fellas it's a holiday
go on give santa a big kiss
you can play hide the hamster on a one horse sleigh
Holy ****, It's Christmas! (HAMSTERS)


Red - "Hey, what happened to my lyric sheet? Anyone seen my lyric sheet?"

Hamster #1 - "Heck, we don't need no lyric sheets, Red.
We know our parts by heart. Right fellas?" (giggles)

Hamster #2 - "Yeah, sure, I know my part, Godfried." (giggles)

Hamster #3 - "Yah, me too!" (giggles)

Red- "Well that's great guys, I love Christmas songs."

(Godfried) - Santa tried reaching up the neighbors blouse
after drinking all the eggnog

(Bruce) - camped out in the bathroom for an hour or two
squashing off a yule log

(Raliegh) - he wandered in his undies all over the house
but we minded our own business

(Hamsters) - til we caught him stuffing hamsters up a gift wrap tube

(All) - Holy ****, It's Christmas!

(Red) Santa comes just once a year
up the chimney he'll disappear

(hamsters) keep on the look out for Mr. Gear
hamster deliveries in the rear

Red - (grabbing the lyric sheet, speaking...) "Gimme those lyrics!!!"

roastnuts chestin' on an open fire
santas tongue stuck to the doorknob
his balls got fondled by a carolin' choir
while the parson gave him a hand... what?
the sleigh came down and took him away
that whole damn crowd was dismissed
it was time to be jolly, a time to be gay
Holy ****, It's Christmas! (HAMSTERS)
Holy ****, It's Christmas! "
Holy ****, It's Christmas! "
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 02:26 pm
My my. . . well, this is all very nice and anti-social. . .

Cav, they're looking for your expertise over on Butryfly's meatloaf thread. . .
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 02:32 pm
Okay okay....I shall find the meatloaf thread. Also, in the interests of being non-anti-social (is that a word?) princessash, you do indeed have a lovely smile. Wink In all honesty, who decorates the tree around here every year...me! Yes, me the Jew! I love it because it was denied to me all my life! Tee hee...
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Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 04:34 pm
Joe, I have been gifted with Starbuck's Christmas Blend. In fact it's still in the freezer. I'm thinking about putting it in rotation with that fruitcake that's circulating around the world.
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Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 06:52 pm
Ya know what's odd? Menoras get my ina xmas mood. I guess I alsways associated chanaka with xmas growing up. I love menoras. Would it be odd if I, an irish-italian american, started collecting menoras?
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Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 07:07 pm
Would you fill them with red and green candles? ;-)
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Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 07:18 pm
nnnoooo, I don't really do red and green. I'm more of a silver and white type of person. And, when I see silver and white, I think BLUE. And those colors are easy to find in chanaka decor! Maybe I was jewish in a past life.
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Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 07:24 pm
Oh, that sounds pretty. . . I saw my "ideal" Christmas decor in Better Homes and Gardens one year. . . was a total blue velvet/white pine look, and it was really gorgeous. . .
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Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 08:46 pm
Santa Claus and his Old Lady

Cheech: (Playing piano) Mamamasita, donde esta Santa Cleese...the vecto wit da
bony knees...he comin' down da street wit no choos on his feet...and he's
going to...No, no, that ain't it...Mamamasita, donde esta Santa
Claus...da guy wit da hair on his jaws...he's...Nah. Hey, man, come
over here, man. I need some help, man.
Chong: Yeah, man, I can dig that. Like, what are ya doin', man?
Cheech: Aw, I'm trying to write a song about Santa Claus, man, but it's not
comin' out...
Chong: About WHO, man?
Cheech: About Santa Claus, man. You know, Santa Claus, man?
Chong: Oh, yeah, man. I played with those dudes, man.
Cheech: WHAT?
Chong: Yeah, last year at the Fillmore, man. Me and the base player sat in, man.
Cheech: Oh, hey, man, you think Santa Claus is a group, huh? No, it's not a
group, man.
Chong: Wha? They break up, man?
Cheech: No, man. It's one guy, man. Y'know, he had a...a red suit, man, on with
black padded leather choos...you know the guy, man.
Chong: Oh, yeah...he's with Motown, ain't he? Yeah, I played with that dude,
too, man. He's a good singer, man.
Cheech: No, no, hold on, man. He's not with Motown, man.
Chong: Well, then he's with Buddha, man.
Cheech: Aw, man, you don't know who Santa Claus is, man!
Chong: Yeah, well, I'm not from here, man. Like, I'm from Pittsburgh, man. I
don't know to many local dudes.
Cheech: Oh...I see. Well, hey, man, sit back and relax and I'll tell you da
story about Santa Claus, man. Listen...
Once upon a time, about, hmmm, five years ago, there was this groovy dude
and has name was Santa Claus, y'know? And he used to live over in the
projects with his old lady, and they had a pretty good thing together
because his old lady was really fine, and she could cook and all that
stuff like that, y'know. Like, she made da best brownies in town, man!
Oh, I could remember 'em now, man. I could eat ONE of 'em, man...
Chong: Wow, did you know these people, man?
Cheech: Oh, yeah, man. They used to live next door to me, y'know...until they
got kicked out, man.
Chong: Wha? They got kicked out of the projects, man?
Cheech: Yeah, you what happened, man? They used ta live with all these midgets,
y'know, and da midgets used ta make a lot noise, y'know, like pounding and
hammering and pounding all night, man...
Chong: Typical freaks, huh?
Cheech: Oh, yeah, man, they were REALLY freaks, man. As a matter of fact, they
all moved up north together, y'know.
Chong: Oh, they had to go get their head together, man?
Cheech: Yeah, get their head together. And they started a commune, y'know. It
was called the...uh...Santa Claus and his Old Lady Commune...it was a
real famous one up there, man. And they used to sit around and groove
all the time, y'know.
Chong: Oh, yeah?
Cheech: Yeah, a really good time there, man.
Chong: That sounds heavy, man.
Cheech: Yeah, they eat da brownies, man, and they drink da tea, man...and what
they did most of da time, though, was make a lotta goodies, y'know? And
they had everything they needed...they only needed to come into town
maybe once year or something like that...
Chong: To pick up the welfare check and the food stamps, right.
Cheech: Yeah, man. No, no, what they did, man, is that, once a year, when they
made all the goodies, y'know, they used ta put 'em in a big chopping bag
and, then, they used ta take da chopping bag and give 'em to all the
boys and girls all da way around da world, man!
Chong: Hey, well, that's hip, man! That sounds real nice, man.
Cheech: Oh, yeah, they were really nice people man. And so much class, man...
they had so much class, y'know. Like, give or take da way they used ta
deliver da toys, y'know. It's, like, Santa Claus used ta have this
really charp chort, man, y'know? It was lower to da ground, had twice-
pipes, candy-apple red and button top. Ooh, clean!
Chong: Hey, that sounds like a hip snowmobile, man.
Cheech: No, no, it wasn't a snowmobile...it was a sled, y'know. One of those big
sleds, y'know? And he used ta have it pulled by some reindeers, y'know,
like, reindeers?
Chong: Some WHAT, man?
Cheech: Some reindeers, y'know. He used ta hook them onto da sled, and then he
used ta stand up inside da sled and hold on to da reins, and then call
out their names, like, On, Donner! On, Blitzen! On, Chewy! On, Tavo!
C'mon, Becto! And then, the reindeers used ta take off into da sky and
fly across da sky, man!
Chong: Wow, man! That's far out, man!
Cheech: Yeah! And then, when they flied across da sky, they used ta come down to
place like, oh, Chicago, L.A., Nueva York and Pacoima and all those places,
y'know, and then land on top of people's roofs, and then 'ol Santa Claus
would make himself real small, y'know, like, a real small guy, and he'd come
down da chimney and then he would give you all da stuff that he made, man.
And...dig this, man...he did it all in one night, man!
Chong: Hey, just a minute, man. Now, how'd he do that, man?
Cheech: Oh, well, man, he took da freeway. How else, man?
Chong: No, man. No, man, how'd he do all that other stuff, man? Like, how'd he
make himself small, man. And, how'd he, like, how'd he get the reindeer
off the ground, man?
Cheech: Oh, well, man, he had some magic dust, man.
Chong: Some magic dust?
Cheech: Yeah, magic dust, y'know? He used ta give a little bit to da reindeer, a
little bit to Santa Claus, a little bit more for Santa Claus, a little
bit more...
Chong: And this would get the reindeer off, man?
Cheech: Aw, got 'em off, man?!? Are you kidding, man? They flew all da way
around da world, man!
Chong: Hey, that's far out, man! Hey, I come I never met this dude, man?
Cheech: Oh, man, he doesn't do that bit anymore, man. It got too dangerous, man.
Chong: Yeah, I can dig that, man, 'cause that's a dangerous bit, man!
Cheech: Yeah, lemme tell ya, it sure was, man. Like just two years ago, man, he
got stopped at the border, y'know, and they took him into another room
and took off his clothes, man, and searched him and searched his bag of
goodies, man...and then, when he was leaving, man, he was flying through
the air and somebody took a chot and his reindeer, y'know.
Chong: Aw, that's a drag, man.
Cheech: Yeah, it really was, man. And then, man, he went down south, man, and
they tried to cut of his hair and his beard, man. And all the time, he
was getting stopped and pulled over and asked for his ID, man...just
everywhere he went, he ran into too much recession, man.
Chong: No, man, you mean he ran into too much REPRESSION, man.
Cheech: Aw, repression...recession...it's all da same thing, man.
Chong: Yeah, man. But, it's a drag, man, 'cause we could sure use a dude like
that right now.
Cheech: Oh, he still comes around, man.
Chong: Oh, yeah?
Cheech: Yeah, but he comes in disguises now...
Chong: Aw, he went underground, man.
Cheech: Yeah, underground, man.
Chong: I can dig it.
Cheech: Yeah. But you ought to see his disguise...nobody would ever know it was
him, man.
Chong: Oh, yeah?
Cheech: Yeah. He's gotta job in front of da department store, ringing this bell
and playing this tambourine next to this black pot, y'know?
Cheech: YEAH! You know who I'm talking about, man!
Chong: Yeah, man! I played with that cat last year, man!
Cheech: WHA?!?!?
Chong: Yeah, we played in front of a store, man! We made a lot of bread, man!
Cheech: Aw, hey, wait a minute, man! Santa Claus is not a musician, man!
Chong: I'm hip, man! That cat didn't know ANY tunes, man!
Cheech: Oh, hey, wait a minute, man...no, he's not hip to that at all, man.
Chong: No, but I played with THIS dude, man.
Cheech: Are you sure, man?
Chong: Positive!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2003 10:21 pm
hahaha! I'm finding that Ch&Ch are much funnier when I read them. I miss most of what they're saying when I watch the movies. But, I guess it only works if you know the movies to begin with. Funny, thanks Mikey.

P'Ash - that sounds pretty.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Nov, 2003 01:35 pm
At the street fair on University Place today all the stores which last week sold t-shirts are selling scarves and christmas sweaters! (And I have 102.7 on now. . . "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas)
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