I am not certain that I understand the question you are asking here (Or is it my English fails me? - which does happen!).
When you say 'Better off divided', what exactly are you referring to? Their political and communist climate which isolated them from the developing west due to the cultural revolution?
If so, the 'phases' of the revolution played a big part in the doctrine that is still followed today. As for morales, it depends on which your are talking about.
The social conditioning that so many went through seems to be dying hard, but gestating a massive cultural problem for the future aswel as pushing many of the socially acceptable, socially unacceptable, politically acceptable and non-politically acceptable issues firmly underground.
The 'one child' ethos has caused nothing but misery, abortion and financial ruin to soo many families. Not to mention the heartbreaking stories of families who's only child died in the earthquake, the Chinese governments strict policies were laid bare for the world to scrutinize, much to their dislike. The government then publicly announced they may offer 'reverse sterilizations' to the masses who, for financial reasons, opted for sterilization in the first place.
Also, millions of Chinese men will not be able to find a Chinese lady to marry, due to these strict laws where males are preferred over females as they carry the family name and can find work easier. This has lead to a highly disturbing abortion rate on female fetuses, though it is against the law in China to tell a mother what she is carrying for this reason.
But they will still travel miles to a hospital with a ultra-scan and a doctor who is willing to say nothing...but 'nod' or 'shake' his head at his findings. This, possibly due to my work and my beliefs, I find a crime against nature and a crime forced on people due to jaded political ideals.
I know I can not speak for the Chinese people as I have never been to China (Though I would love to go) and it would be arrogant for me to say any more then what I know to be documented fact (Like the above), but even though they are a massive, proud and powerful nation, whose culture is beautifully rich in poetry, history and architecture........I find myself lost for words at the seriousness of the problems that the worlds other superpowers are turning a blind eye to.