Wed 30 Jul, 2008 05:58 am
Why music is no good.
Music is no good. All of it is no good, classical, pop, etc and it will always be inhumane if there is hell.
No person who performs music has said that he doesn't believe in hell, in eternal damnation.
Hell, eternal damnation would be to be always isolated from having God's power, for eternity. Hell, eternal damnation would be to be is a place called hell after death knowing that God exists, that God has shared his power with others and that God will never share his power with you. Hell, eternal damnation would be to know that God exists and created you as an existing human being but never wanted to be a friend of yours having created you as an existing human being.
Pop stars have economic power and influence and could easily start a campaign for the abolition of psychiatry. If psychiatry was abolished as there is no need for it, then all people would know this, and all people could have God's power. Then it could be clarified that there is no such thing as hell, that there are no people isolated from having God's power, from attaining heaven.
Why wouldn't people who perform start a campaign for the abolition of psychiatry. They know that it would be easy for God to share his power with all people, they know that God created the universe, billions of galaxies. They know it would be easy for God to share his power with all people.
They only have to talk about ballet, cool, to prove that there is no need for psychiatry, that God knows how to control human physiology, mind and body, that God can pacify the mind, that if God shared this knowledge with all people there would be no need for psychiatry.
If they don't want all people to attain heaven, knowing that it would be easy for God to share his power with all people, why don't they desire to believe in a good God. If they believe in hell why don't they desire to believe in a good God who clarifies that there is no such thing as hell, as eternal damnation. After all, we were all once little children cast into this world not of our own free will. A person in hell for et eternity would obviously desire never to have been cast into this world God has no right to say there is hell, eternal damnation.
It's obvious that God exists, that God's power exists, that there is no need for psychiatry. You only have to talk about ballet, cool to prove there is no need for psychiatry.
I think people should ignore all music, all types of mystic. It is inhumane and the people who perform it haven't said that they don't believe in hell.
As the producers of music, performers, record companies and music publishers, haven't said that they don't believe in hell and haven't sought absolute clarification from God that there should be no such thing as hell, as eternal damnation, then it is to be thought that they do believe in hell, eternal damnation. Therefore, they should state explicitly on their products that they do believe in hell, eternal damnation.
Producers of music, performers, recored companies and music publishers should state explicitly on their products that they believe in hell.
Pop stars know God as a person and a friend and can talk to him as a person and a friend and know that he the one and only God inspires them. There is no inspiration from independent angels and they know that. Angels exist but there are no independent angels, individual angels. All angels are God himself, manifestations of theone God. As pop stars know God as a person and a friend then God would tell them if there was inspiration from independent angels. They have never said that there is because they know God as a person and a friend and know that only God inspires them.
As they know God as a person and a friend, and as God says there is hell, and as they have never said that they don't believe in hell, then the producers of music should state explicitly on their products that they believe in hell.
I propose a bill to be legalised that the producers of music, performers, record companies and music publishers should state explicitly on their products that they believe in hell.
@Adrian ada,
Adrian_ada wrote:
No person who performs music has said that he doesn't believe in hell, in eternal damnation.
I play music and I don't believe in either hell or especially eternal damnation. :poke-eye:
It's good to read that a person says that he doesn't believe in hell, eternal damnation. But it is known that God exists, and God says there is hell, eternal damnation. Therefore, if you say you don't believe in hell, eternal damnation, would you like to seek absolute clarifiaction from God that there should be no such thing as hell, eternal damnation.
The producers of music, performers, record companies, music publishers know that God inspires music, know God as a person and a friend, and therfore know that God inspires them. God has said there is hell, eternal damnation, and they know God, and they haven't sought absolute clairifaction from God that there should be no such thing as hell, eternal damnation.
Therefore, as they don't seek absolute clarifiaction from God that there should be no such thing as hell, eternal damnation, then they haven't said that they don't believe in hell. Therefore, as they haven't said that they don't believe in hell, and as they know God exists and know God as a person and a friend, and know that God says there is hell, then they should be asked to explicitly state on their products that they believe in hell.
@Adrian ada,
Adrian_ada wrote:would you like to seek absolute clarifiaction from God that there is no such thing as hell, eternal damnation.
How can he seek clarification from God? It is known that God doesn't exist.
@de Silentio,
You must hate black/death metal yourself then.
But I must contest, Satan inspires a lot of music, good music too! Not just God. But I'm sure you mean 'God inspires music' in a more vague and meaningless way, but if you do- do you think God inspires music which inspires the burning of churches?
On a more serious note what do you make of these
occurrences between '92-'96? Black metal is very passionate and doesn't just 'not believe in hell'; black metal recognizes and condemns God through messy, 200bpm, thrashing-smashing metal. Some of my favorite drummers come from black metal and related areas.
@de budding,
What does music have to do with hell?
No need for psychiatry?
@Adrian ada,
Adrian_ada wrote:It's good to read that a person says that he doesn't believe in hell, eternal damnation. But it is known that God exists, and God says there is hell, eternal damnation. Therefore, if you say you don't believe in hell, eternal damnation, would you like to seek absolute clarifiaction from God that there should be no such thing as hell, eternal damnation.
Is it known that God exists? Which God? Yes, I would like to see absolute clarification from God of either heaven or hell. Eternal damnation and the proof that God exists based on what I've read here and in some of the other posts you've made is based on the scriptures which have in fact been written by a man, a man claiming to be inspired by a God or deity in which has NEVER been proven to exist.
Are we sure that God is not within man? We've created the idea of God separate from mankind... yet in another breath, scriptures tell us that God is not separate from man.. again written by man proclaiming to be inspired or channeling God. Now we have man creating deities for other man to follow. The key being that we're the ones creating it all.
Adrian_ada wrote:Therefore, as they don't seek absolute clarifiaction from God that there should be no such thing as hell, eternal damnation, then they haven't said that they don't believe in hell. Therefore, as they haven't said that they don't believe in hell, and as they know God exists and know God as a person and a friend, and know that God says there is hell, then they should be asked to explicitly state on their products that they believe in hell.
Excuse me, when has God said there was a hell? Don't come back with scripture written, interpreted and re-written by man. God IS. I AM.
So to have musicians label their products if they believe in hell... come on, that's preposterous. What difference would it make anyway?
The original title of this thread is 'Why Music is No Good', which also doesn't make any sense to me at all because in the balancing of nature and God, there is good in all things depending on how they are perceived by the individual.
de Silentio wrote:How can he seek clarification from God? It is known that God doesn't exist.
God exists as we believe him or it to exist which are often times doctrine of man. Man exists, Nature exists and we exist... absolute proof of the existence of God will be found in what we KNOW exists. God exists only to the extent of the blind faith of one man believing what another man has experienced or written in word. Faith doesn't prove the existence of God rather the ignorance and giving up of man to discover the truth of his very being.
Quote:God exists only to the extent of the blind faith of one man believing what another man has experienced or written in word.
Or to the extent that the believer has experienced
@Didymos Thomas,
Didymos Thomas wrote:Or to the extent that the believer has experienced

Agreed fully. However, we must take into consideration that what the mind can conceive, believe and give a voice to, the mind can also create. So a believer of anything can literally create the circumstances leading up to a said experience. It could be as real to the believer as it could be unreal to an unbeliever.
The point is, our belief systems create and attract the circumstances which provide our experience, (can also be considered coincidence) which in turn is based solely on our perception. Leading right back to what man has created in a God separate from man.
Quote:However, we must take into consideration that what the mind can conceive, believe and give a voice to, the mind can also create. So a believer of anything can literally create the circumstances leading up to a said experience. It could be as real to the believer as it could be unreal to an unbeliever.
Absolutely. I'd go so far as to say that a person
must create (sort of a clumsy word, but it'll do for our purposes) the circumstances. This is why most mystic traditions have stressed the need for serious study under an adept teacher.
Quote:It could be as real to the believer as it could be unreal to an unbeliever.
Can't say it any better. Spirituality is a very personal endeavor and experience. I cannot demand, or even expect, another to embrace 'my God' or my path.
"At the top of the mountain, we are all snow leopards."
@Didymos Thomas,
I would say that there is a pretty healthy majority of musicians who do not believe in hell. I certainly do not. What of the hindu and chinese and african musicians? God is no substitute for a good psychologist(12 step works well, I guess, but there are many other uses for a psychologist) and many people do not, in fact, believe in god. Most of the assumptions in your argument are false.
That being said, you will have fun if you start a thread in the religious philosophy section, look for boagie:devilish:.
@Adrian ada,
So how do you feel about religious music? How about Bach's cantatas? How about Gregorian chants? How about Christian rock? How about prayers?
@Didymos Thomas,
Didymos Thomas wrote:What does music have to do with hell?
No need for psychiatry?
Seriously, i am totally lost. Why should music be ignored? I dont understand at all. Music isnt hell and hell isnt music, unless of course its really bad music, then it might be hell. But I really dont see how musicians not saying they dont believe in hell is a reason for music being bad.
@Didymos Thomas,
Music like rap absolutly sucks. I don't even know how anyone can like it. It encourages violence.
Quote:Music like rap absolutly sucks. I don't even know how anyone can like it. It encourages violence.
Not all rap encourages violence. Even rap that speaks of violence doesn't necessarily promote violence.
A great deal of popular rap has become pornography rather than music. But that's just the world of pop music.
Look around a bit. If you do, you will find many great rap artists. Currently, The Roots are an amazing group. One of the best groups around in any genre.
If you want to hear good rap, I suggest, in addition to The Roots, the Jurassic 5, A Tribe Called Quest, and TuPac.
@Adrian ada,
To the original poster:
I heard one big rant about your personal fascination with the concept of hell and nothing whatsoever to do with music.
astrotheological wrote:Music like rap absolutly sucks. I don't even know how anyone can like it. It encourages violence.
This is a horrible stereotype. Typically many people that hold this view (I am not suggesting that this reasoning is your case for holding this view) are fans of rock music. The funny thing that they fail to realize is that you could make the argument that rock music encourages violence. Slam dancing in a mosh pit can be very violent or often finds itself a major feature during a hard rock concert. Not to mention, supposedly hard rock has inspired many youth to resort to violence acts against others (e.g. Judas Priest, Slayer, Marilyn Manson).
Rap evolved out of rock. To wind up with rap, we had to have funk and reggae. To have funk we had to have jazz and rock 'n roll. To have reggae we had to have jazz and rock 'n roll.
@Adrian ada,
I happen to realy enjoy certain hip hop and rap artists.
Jedi Mindtricks
Skratch Bastid
The Roots
Blu and Exile (especially Blu and Exile. Great Lyrics)
Music is not a bad thing as it can inspire. The listener chooses how to be influenced by certain music. So if there is a flaw with music, in your opinion, then perhaps you need to analyze how you choose to relate music in your life.