
Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2003 02:42 am
I looked through A2K for a category, forum, area, wherein "Friendship" was discussed, and wasn't successful in locating such.

I received a message just yesterday, sent to an e-mail address I rarely, if ever, check, and found a message there dated 10/17/03, about the death of Jane, "mamajuana" to those of us who were familiar with Jane from ABUZZ, and here, earlier.

She and I were online, e-mail friends. I've corresponded in e-mails at different intervals with others from public boards, but Jane and I became good friends through our correspondence, and a real bond existed between us because of that.

I am completely sad and downtrodden to learn that she passed away. And that all this time I've been unaware of that.

I wrote to her just two or so weeks ago, feeling intuitively that something wasn't right, and wondering why I hadn't heard from her, and how she was. All this time, I didn't know, and now I know even less, except that she has passed away, and that I miss my friend, and I am very, very sad to learn that she is gone.

I wish she had been able to stay around a bit longer. I wonder if anyone here could share with me any more information about her passing, when it took place, how. I realize that that won't change anything, but it would help me feel a bit more understanding about the sudden disapperance of this wonderful person who was my friend, dear Jane, sweet, smart and kind "mamajuana."

I rarely use this I.D. ("humsthebird") any more. But, feel free, since that's the sign-up here.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,056 • Replies: 4
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Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2003 03:02 am
Hiya HumsTheBird,

You'll find lots of info and comfort here in this thread we started awhile ago.


We're collecting memories and messages to forward to her family. You're welcome to add yours there too.
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Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2003 05:17 am
Oh, Thanks So Much:
Thanks so much, I visited and wrote my best effort at my sad sentiments. The thread is helpful and encouraging to read -- I felt both more sad while reading it and less sad, too, not sure from one comment to the next if it was a good thing to be reading what I read, or a bad thing, or, rather, a combination of both.

Losing our favored friends and loved ones is the biggest challenge of living. I wish Mamajuana could have stayed here with us a little while longer, I really do. I was not at all prepared for her passing.

Thank you, again, for the link to the Memorial. I hope that her family is included in the messages and can share in the fondest of the fondest, the sentiments of many of us who cared for Jane.

She surely deserved it. Her family should know.
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Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2003 08:46 am
Please let us see more of you here, Hums.

I still have BLOGNY in my favorites.
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Reply Fri 7 Nov, 2003 02:04 pm
Thank you, PDiddie. Nice to read that someone's still following Edit (Moderator): Do not post your links.

I've taken a few unannounced breaks from updating it, due to other demands, but am again adding new content.

I moderate a community in LJ and it's taking a great deal of my time. It's amazing how varied are human perceptions, about very basic issues, just amazing. Add in the political, and, well, it's very time intensive.

Among other things. But, thank you again for continuing to read Edit (Moderator): Do not post your links. I will make a greater effort to update it more often, now that I know someone's reading it!

P.S.: How nice to hear from you again and I hope all goes well for you and yours.
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