I believe your problem is underspecified. My approach to solving this is to divide the games into a two by two by two matrix. One axis is win or lose, the second is offense, good or bad, the third is defense, good or bad. For each box, I assign a letter:
A - Win, Good O, Good D
B - Win, Bad O, Good D
C- Win, Good O, Bad D
D - Win, Bad O, Bad D
E-H, repeat the above except for it's a loss.
You are given eight clues
Total wins, 75 = A+B+C+D
Total losses, 87 = E+F+G+H
Total times with both offense and defense good: 47 = A+E
And with both bad: 42 = D + H
Total good O only: 37 = C+G
Total good D only: 36 = B+F
Fraction of good D only won 4/9 = B / (B+F)
And finally, C = 12.
You can quickly get that B=16, F=20, C=12 and G=25, but the remaining four equations in four variables end up not uniquely solving the problem. Unless I missed another equation in there, there is not a unique solution for H and E which is what you need to answer the question.