Fri 28 May, 2010 07:10 pm
One that won't make me crash my car
Or make me feel three feet thick.
The rain is driving me out of my head this year. It isn't our usual lovely Oregon drizzle but it's pouring buckets day after day after week.
Usually this time of year I'm all about gardening and yardwork. This year I'm helplessly watching my yard and garden drown. Which, on top of everything else, is making me feel down in the dumps.... and the dumps are a swamp filled with snakes where everything dies and the blackness and futility are unending.
Not to mention the despair and stuff of finding myself singing old Huey Lewis songs.
But enough about me.
What are your hobbies?
Are they seasonal?
I used to groove to Huey Lewis when I was in high school. Great music

... bad times

As for hobbies? I really need to find one.
I happen to despise summer her, perhaps we can wheel and deal...
What summer??? I think we're an extension of Oregon but it's freezing here. It snowed in Calgary yesterday. I'm so sick of the cold.
It's only been sunny for three whole days. My garden is half dug and I'm not sure when I will get to plant anything.
I have a whole bunch of stuff I want to paint... waiting patiently...
On the upside, leaves more time for photography and the cloud formations rolling across the prairies are always awe inspiring and interesting to shoot.
So I guess I'll look on the bright side. Summer will get here sooner or later. I hope.
I want a new drug that won't make my mouth feel likes it full of cotton balls.
If memory serves, the only remedy for a drug induced cotton mouth is a nice Hawaiian Punch.
I don't think they make Hawaiian Punch anymore but the punch flavored Gatorade has the same flavor (but saltier).
I think we need a hobby exchange program!
Say like.... I usually garden this time of year and maybe the Tsar enjoys a embroidery and osso enjoys building model airplanes. Celli enjoys luithering and dys likes baseball card collecting.
So tsar takes the gardening, osso the cross stitch and I take the models. Celli and dys swap outright on their hobbies.
That way we all get to be flummoxed.
I abandoned my one and only successful attempt caretaker/gardening with my potted flowers left at my last job. Poor flowers.

They never recovered when they moved from the direct sunlight of the living room window ~ 30 stories above the streets of the Upper Eastside and moved to a Tribeca lobby where there is never any direct sunlight.
In light of my boredom I will share this story of my bad, bad, girl days and how they relate to Huey Lewis.
Once upon a time, about 35 years ago, when I was 15, I started working at a notorious nightclub (where is Joe Nation when you need him, or maybe Eva...) There were two other notorious night clubs in this city (Magician's Theater and Cain's Ballroom) and we were all incestuously involved with each other which meant that my 15 year old self was admitted into these dens of inequity.
My older sister, a single mom, a banker, loved Huey Lewis so when he came to the Cains I took her there to hear him. (I was maybe about 19 at the time -- still to young to officially gain entrance.) We sneaked in the back door, with a wink and a nod, to dodge the cops, and I introduced my big sister to the not-so-hip-to-be-square world.
Luckily she turned out to be a great girl despite my efforts.
You live in a lobby?
Way cool!
I never ever ever could grow anything until I moved to Oregon. Here you throw seeds at the ground and they grow. I'm serious. You don't have to know anything about plants to grow stuff here.
The plant moved into the lobby. I left the plant in the lobby I used to work silly.
Oh I see.
And here I was all off on this daydream about you living in a lobby of some ritzy, artsy hotel as some kind of preformance art piece.
Okay. I'm going to go soak and read in my new tub (now that I have a bathroom door) and pretend that I a preformance artist living in the lobby of a swank New York hotel.
tsarstepan wrote:
The plant moved into the lobby. I left the plant in the lobby I used to work silly.
You live(d) in Tribeca?
Gardening, I'm no expert, but I love that I create and nuture beauty.
Yoga, almost every day.
Stock market, fun and money!
I really want to start reading again. I just find myself pulled to this computer though.
Oh, BTW boomer, that is so weird, they Huey Lewis song.
I was just listening to it yesterday.
How odd. I'm almost certain there was a Cain's Ballroom in Tulsa, too.
Silly Roger. There is only one Cain's Ballroom, and it is in Tulsa. Boomer lived here some years ago.
It's not my kind of place, but I will forever be indebted to the place. I wouldn't be married to Hubby if it weren't for Cain's. He was living & working in Baton Rouge when he interviewed for a job in Tulsa. They took him to Cain's, and he was so impressed he decided to move here. He met me two years later and the rest, as they say, is history.
Quote:I want a new drug, one that won't make me sick
you need to smoke more gardening
I thought she was from Texas. How was I to know.
Denver used to have a Cory Hotel. I have a second cousin in Denver named Cory. I wonder. . . ?
In a socialist society the exploitation of man by the state is so great that men don't feel any need to exploit eachother....