Sun 9 May, 2010 09:29 am
please look at this text..
Prior to the mid-19th century, women’s involvement in social justice issues was largely limited to movements promoting abolition and temperance, and societies intended to benefit the poor.
I dont understand fully because I dont get the following meaning ...they are not clear .
>>>promoting abolition .... abolition of what ?
>> temperance ....what does temperance mean in this text ?any example
The quote is from an American perspective. "Abolition" was abolition of slavery, i.e. making slavery illegal. The bondage of Africans and African-Americans was our great shame. Slavery and its aftermath, legally-enforced segregation has been our national shame for three centuries. "Temperance" meant refraining from drinking alcohol and making it illegal, either because it was thought to be sinful and against god's laws or because of its pernicious effect on people. It culminated in an amendment to our Consitituion which made liquor illegal through the 1920s and 30s. People kept drinking, and gangsters emerged to make and sell the supply illegally. The amendment was finally repealed.
Here´s a trivia I just learned about in Lima, Peru. Many of the traffic cops are women here, because they are more ¨honest¨in their dealings with the general public. Social justice seems more common with women in leadership positions.