You know I just thought of something. I am having the problem when i try to install yahoo instant messanger. Here is what I do;
-Open IE (starts with yahoo)
-then i click on messanger
-then i click on the "Get it now" option
-the page changes to display "The Yahoo! Messenger installation is now downloading and will start automatically.
Please wait....
-The status bar shows "Launching Installation"
- A welcome screen appears stating this program will install YM, press next
-I press next
-A screen (Titled..."Problem Communicating")pops up it reads as follows;
An error occured while trying to connect to the server (error 25) This could occur if you do not have an active connection to the internet or your proxy server settings are not valid. Yahoo may be able to install by downloading the alternate Yahoo Instant Messanger from To do this click Yes, to exit click no.
I have tried to click yes and use it that way and it will download. Hoever, once I try to log on it displays the status as loging on as lttperfangel..takes a few seconds, and then it says unable to connect. If you are using cable try again. So I press the try again and nothing. Once it gave me the suggestion to change the firewall, proxy settings by changing my preferences, so I tried that. Still nothing.
I am not sure if it is the yahoo account. I dont claim to know much about computer or the internet but if it was the account I shouldnt be able to gain access using a computer other then my own. But then again, I can use my computer to use the online BETA version from Yahoo's site. Does the BETA version and the downloaded version not use the same communication path (sorry but with my limited knowledge I am not sure of the correct term) by path I mean how can I go to the Yahoo page and there is a communication there right? Yet when I try to download/install it cant communicate.
I can really see computer classes in the future for me =)
Thanks in advance,