The guy who did it the other night is a jazz guitarist - he's kind of famous as a busker around Oxford - his name is John Conal Hinkes and he's known as Moonlight on the streets. He's an incredible jazz guitarist. He did a version of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds that beats any other rendition I've ever heard of that song. Instrumental - no words.
(He's on youtube- but the production values of the video and sound are pretty bad - it's taped out on the street. I listened to it, but it doesn't at all do justice to his music when you hear it in real life).
On this song, the fields of atherny, I actually liked his vocals better than Paddy's and the music was sublime - he uses a cross between an acoustic and electric guitar. I can't remember what it's called, but the body is much thicker and it is amplified internally somehow - I didn't see that he plugged it into anything anywhere.
His wife is a Japanese woman named Kyoko. She has a cd singing with him - very sweet voice- my favorite was what she called a Japanese version of country and western. She said it was about drinking sake and feeling sad.