Bacterial cultures that eat up oil need to work from the lowest concentrations out to the higher. Severl strainf of boutique bugs dont have the ability to handle high concentrations of benzen so by seeding the spill areas they can watch to see whether the bugs "evolve a little". Still not the most efficient way to do a cleanup of this size.
I cannot, for the lifde o0f me, understqand why they would use dispersants AND oil booms. Its like putting a humidifier and a dehumidifier in the same room and let em fight it out.
I heard on a DC station (Diane Rheims Show ) coming on 70 this AM, there were several recognized scientists associated with spill cleanup reserch and applied engineering companies. They all agreed that dispersants and booms is a "lose /lose" situtaion.
Im watching carefully as one of the subs that was actually doing the drilling, was a company I had some past association with.
I once met "Sir Whatsizface", the past CEO of BP when I was doing some work overseas. HE was a pompous douche bag who thought that his English technology was superior. It wasnt, it was dated and valueless crap . All the good ENglish geologists moved to Canada or the US.