Sun 11 Apr, 2010 07:44 pm
today i was hanging out with some friends and i wore my green contacts. After some time, my contact on my right eye started i guess "poking" my eye, and it starts to hurt a bit.
after i went home, i took them right off, put on my regular glasses that i got just 2 weeks ago and something weird happened........... the vision on my right eye is blurry, especially looking at the computer screen. everything is clear when i close my right eye but when i open it, everything is kinda blurry. i can still see but i dont get whats happening to me
do i need to go to the doctor?
excuse my poor english
thx in advanceeee, pleaseee i am kinda scared i am going to go blinddddd
I assume your glasses are clean. If it's not completely better by the morning go to an eye doctor. You might have scratched your cornea with a damaged contact or something might have stuck to the contact and scratched your eye. It could cause a infection, so best to get it looked at by a professional.
Why are you fooling with your eyes this way? Your eyes are crucial to you.
Yup - something either got in the eye, the eye was dry, or the lense is not fitting right. It will blue the eye when they come out. If it does not go away soon, get to the Dr.
Do you have more than one set of lenses? do you wear the same ones, or change? I find that not all soft lenses fit me the same way. I perfer certain brands, mainly due to fit.
I have worn contacts for 45 years.
I was having blurry, dry eyes for a while when I wore my contacts and when I went in to see the dr, I had an infection. I'd get in asap. You only get one set of eyes.