My late uncle. Wiggily was his name.
Your late uncle??
But you're a dog!
Some tricky genetics there.....
I remember Uncle Wiggley!
I remember Uncle Wiggily/Wiggley too, but I don't remember why I remember him--I know that face, but I have no idea what he did or who his friends and/or enemies were, or what he was involved in, or anything at all about him. Watdideedo?
He was part of a kids' board game:
Bun' Rab, from the late lamented comic strip Pogo
..NAME: Rabbit or Hare, when the mystic or divine aspect of an animal is the subject that animal's name is used, only it is capitalized, so there are rabbits and hares, and there is Rabbit and Hare, depending on the word used in the culture in question.
Some hare or rabbit gods & goddesses are
- Hittavainen the Finnish god of Hares,
- Kaltes the Siberian goddess of the moon who often took the form of a hare,
- Jade Rabbit, who pounds out medicine on the moon for the Chinese gods,
- Ometotchtli (Two Rabbits,) Aztec god of fertility, parties & drunkeness who led 400 other Rabbit gods known as the Centzon Totochtin,
- Kalulu, (Central African) Trickster god.
- Nanabozho (Great Rabbit,) Ojibwe deity who took part in the creation of the world.
- and we might also add Frith the god of the rabbits in the novel Watership Down.
(Note how many double sounds we have in the Hare & Rabbit god/desses above)
SYMBOLS: Depends on the culture, Some are such things as colored eggs, a number of different glyphs and icons, the "lucky" rabbit's foot, which if done right should only come from a rabbit caught and killed in a graveyard on the night of the Full Moon on a Friday (New Moon according to some, and some say it has to be raining!) and only the left hind foot is to be taken.
However one very prominent one that stretches from China, though the Middle East, to Europe is one known as the 3 hares or the 3 rabbits in China.
The images is so old that it's exact meaning is lost, and consists of a circular motif which features 3 hares or rabbits, either chasing each other, or running around in a circle. Each of the ears is shared by two animals so that only three ears are shown forming a triangle.
White common. its origin and meaning are uncertain, it is also unknown if this image spontaneously sprang up in the places where it appearers or moved from the East to the West or West to East.
However the earliest occurrences seems to have taken place in cave temples in China which have been dated to the sixth to seventh centuries. One of the latest ones is a coin from Iran dated around 1300.
In England the 3 racing hares are almost always found next to the Green Man, a symbol known for its links to paganism.
Whatever the case, whether they are rabbits, or hares, for critters running around in a circle they have been able to travel a very long way!
USUAL IMAGE: Depends on the culture, but pretty much in all of them focus on the long ears. Though the Aztec also give Rabbit fangs!
Quote:COURSING: Dogs chase a hare on the first day of the Waterloo Cup Hare Coursing event at Altcar, England, in February 2005. The event had been held since 1836 and was Britain's last major hare coursing event because of new anti-hunting laws. Coursing is where animals are chased by dogs who try to catch 'the prey' with their speed and sight, not scent.
Jon Super/AP
"The event had been held since 1836 and was Britain's last major hare coursing event because of new anti-hunting laws."
Good riddance to hideously cruel habits!